Sooo, Heres what a 'BuildScript' (written in LUA) could look like for loading, instancing and positioning a barrel to form a stack of barrels:
LoadEntity("Explosive Barrel","exampledirexplosbarr.dbo",cursor_x,cursor_y,cursor_z,0,0,0,100,100,100)
InstanceEntity("Explosive Barrel",cursor_x+0.5,cursor_y,cursor_z,0,43,0,100,100,100)
InstanceEntity("Explosive Barrel",cursor_x+0.25,cursor_y,cursor_z+0.25,0,289,0,100,100,100)
InstanceEntity("Explosive Barrel",cursor_x+0.25,cursor_y+1,cursor_z,0,74,0,100,100,100)
So those to functions would take the following perameters:
LoadEntity("Entity Name","Filename",x position,y position,z position,x angle,y angle,z angle, x scale,y scale,z scale)
InstanceEntity("Entity Name",x position,y position,z position,x angle,y angle,z angle, x scale,y scale,z scale)
Obviously there would be a lot more you can do that just load, instance an position a few objects. That was just an example of how a BuildScript might be written. You would be able to do other things like apply physics to objects depending on certain settings in WORLD, access properties of selected objects and so on.
Then theres the more advanced things that could be done with a 'BuildScript', such as creating objects and textures through the use of memblocks, or manipulating a group of objects (using memblocks or the vertex manipulation commands) that have been selected using the cursor.
This is only the start of how the scripting system could turn out, so not even I can tell at this point, how much it will do when it is finished (because I do things the 'add stuff as I go along' way
Anyway, thats the basics. Im still waiting for my Unity LUA purchase to be approved (and I am aware of Barnski's LUA plugin, but it doesnt have some of things I need), so until then I cant really do much else apart from continue planning how the scripts will function in WORLD. I'll update when I have something decent to show.