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Geek Culture / TGC beta forums - closed until further notice

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Posted: 16th Jun 2014 15:38 Edited at: 17th Jun 2014 11:59
[edit]Got sidetracked and forgot I came here to suggest something[/edit]

I have another suggestion: how about [ico] tags to specify an image is an icon? Then have it automatically scaled to match the font size so we can use external images as emoticons without it messing with the horizontal alignment of text.

I use the same method to login (when I remember. I have too many TGC bookmarks). Anyway, Wasp, don't worry, you're not offending anyone. The Next mentioned vacation so that's probably why he hasn't replied. You may want to remove "beta" from your link, too.

Copy-paste this: I vote for nonZero
into this thread to vote for me. If you don't then shame on you!
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Posted: 17th Jun 2014 11:11
Quote: "You almost got an instant admission into nASA."

That instantly made me *haha-what!*

Quote: "When i saw this forum first i thought it looked old and had been practically abandoned."

Nooooo......this makes me sad I LOVE the old forums, so much nicer to use than the newer forums (not necessarily meaning the beta forums, just other forums). Any time I come to any forum I immediately look at the post dates to see whether or not it's still in use.

Quote: "It's not very busy anyway."

Depends which board you look at. I would have said it's actually still quite busy. But again, it depends on the board.

@nonZero && @Dark Java Dude 64:

(wait- I just accidentally put in a C++ "AND".....I wonder what happens when you && you two together...)

Your banner is cool....but the link is broken, at least on the live forums.

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Posted: 17th Jun 2014 11:54
Thanks for the vote and pointing that out. I must've mangled the link pasting from my phone. I'll try again now...

Copy-paste this: I vote for nonZero
into this thread to vote for me. If you don't then shame on you!
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Posted: 17th Jun 2014 12:25
Quote: "Thanks for the vote and pointing that out. I must've mangled the link pasting from my phone. I'll try again now..."

No problem. Much better

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Posted: 17th Jun 2014 21:11 Edited at: 17th Jun 2014 21:26
I just had a problem logging in again. I logged in, i went to the forum and i wasn't logged in. It isn't cookies.
I had to relogin because my company's laptop has a stupid power saving app where it shuts down when the battery is run out but it doesn't save my browser properly. Anyway when i relogged in then that happened.

@Nonzero: I realized.

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Posted: 21st Jun 2014 11:19
The Next...

Getting sick and tired of some users bashing some products...

I often find that if a product has a free usable version... Some free users feel privileged to negatively talk drivel and make the forum an unpleasant place to be...

Any chance you can add a non user controlled indicator for INVESTED users?

I know there can be an argument over, well we should this or that for trial users but honestly, some of them have no interests and do not keep track of fixes...

I am starting to understand why that arrogant pampas guy over at leadeerks divided paid users and regular visitors... Although he did not class purchasers from elsewhere paying users...

Anyway just saying...

I am not expecting anything done about this, just thought it would help when someone is being bashful unnecessarily... And unconstitutionally...

Just makes me so...

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Posted: 22nd Jun 2014 12:10

When I first read your message, I thought what does any of this have to do with the Beta forums.

Then I read your post again, and noticed - oh, it's a request for another badge ("indicator") for users who have purchased / supported (or otherwise "invested in") some TGC product.

Well, let's talk about that.

Quote: "Getting sick and tired of some users bashing some products...

I often find that if a product has a free usable version... Some free users feel privileged to negatively talk drivel and make the forum an unpleasant place to be..."

Are you saying that you think only the users of Free / Trial versions of a product may have something unpleasant to say about a product?

I am very critical of most TGC products, but that doesn't mean I hate the products - and I most certainly have a paid license to quite a large selection of TGC programs. (The context of this discussion requires me to make that clear, because I do not always speak positively about these programs.)

You are making the assumption that only users who haven't paid for a product will say something negative about it, and you're angry about it. Perhaps you're taking it a bit too personally.

Quote: "Any chance you can add a non user controlled indicator for INVESTED users?

I know there can be an argument over, well we should this or that for trial users but honestly, some of them have no interests and do not keep track of fixes..."

What would the desired effect of the "indicator" be?

Quote: "I am starting to understand why that arrogant pampas guy over at leadeerks divided paid users and regular visitors... Although he did not class purchasers from elsewhere paying users...

Anyway just saying...

I am not expecting anything done about this, just thought it would help when someone is being bashful unnecessarily... And unconstitutionally..."

You're basically asking for a class system, that divides users into "good users" (paid) and "bad users" (free/trial)?

The forums are already moderated, so when someone says something obviously hateful and is plainly just acting as a troll - those messages will get deleted and the user account may get banned or suspended.

I don't see how the "indicator" that you requested would improve upon the forum moderation.

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Posted: 22nd Jun 2014 17:10
No I am not suggesting only freebie users complain, just the idea of the indicator is whether I/We waste our time on the debate... Hehe


You can ignore it entirely, just needed to vent 😆

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Posted: 23rd Jun 2014 14:20
I got logged out gain!!! The site is really broken i think. Anyway, i just am reporting, not complaining since i am one of those free users.

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Posted: 23rd Jun 2014 16:19
Wasp, ahahaha good one...

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Posted: 25th Jun 2014 20:05 Edited at: 25th Jun 2014 20:07
Seems to be a fault on the normal forum (perhaps even in the beta version) where is you post a CODE snippet that has double slashed comments, the text get's clipped at that point.

original code

this was the same code as above, just with REM swapped to // and it should be cut off

EDIT: That's odd it doesn't seem to want to do it now.

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Posted: 25th Jun 2014 23:28
I have a suggestion. When someone gets banned and they try to log on to the forums, instead of showing the usual stuff about why you were banned etc. redirect them to

This is primarily so I get to see a moderator utter the phrase: "Have fun in disneyland" when someone gets banned.

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Posted: 25th Jun 2014 23:46
Quote: "I have a suggestion. When someone gets banned and they try to log on to the forums, instead of showing the usual stuff about why you were banned etc. redirect them to"

If you get a perma-ban we do already redirect you to

As for the login issues these will be fixed I have some FPSCR forum changes to do but then I am back on the TGC forums and will be bringing the new code highlighting over very soon also.

On the topic of indicating which users have purchased what product so we can see who is just moaning when using a free version of a product. This is something I have got in the works already... however that being said it will be mod viewable only (at least to begin with) and it will undergo a community discussion on how this style of system will work before any action is taken.

Ignore any stupid typos I make I just landed from a long flight and am very jet lagged, not to mention having just finished clearing my inbox of 1000 emails I got while I was away.

Windows 7 Pro, Intel i7 3.8 GHz, 16GB DDR3, NVIDIA GTX 780 4GB Superclocked

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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 01:39 Edited at: 26th Jun 2014 12:10
Welcome back! Hope the holiday went well!
Quote: "If you get a perma-ban we do already redirect you to"

Won't that encourage some users to get banned? I mean I find it tempting. I think you should have a sub-domain: which will be a single board forum that only people who get banned and mods can access. It would be this wonderful cesspool of angry people whose pyramid-scheme thread that was "a legit MLM company" can rant about the unfairness of the AUP they agreed to. I figure it'll be something to entertain the mods.
dumdusr: And I asked for the codez and they told me read a book. Book is stoopid, why wud I ask if I wanted to read a book?
MLM-Dude-97: I hear you nro. Srsly, wtf man? I just wanted to HELP those idiots become instant millionaires. I was doing it for THEM. I don't need them, I have plenty ppl signed under me already and the dude who signed me up says I only need like 1923.05 people more under me and I'll be making 50,000 USD a month passive income. Losers!
spam-bot: Too true me friend, I agree. That's an issue I had once. Now I feel better about it and this is thanks to having a clearer mind. Thank goodness I learned about THIS MIRACLE DRUG that saved my life and marraige, cured my diseases and made my teenage daughter stop verbally abusing me.
GuyWithNothingToContributeWhoHasToPost: tGC SUX ASS! sCREW THEM! yEAH!!
AvgBro: Yeah, can see their point but why didn't they ban the other guy?
SelfCentredDip: They banned me because I had the balls to say what everyone was thinking. Losers.
Liar: Please if there's a mod reading I'm sorry but my brother logged in and was posting for me on my account. I did not post that stuff. Please unban me, it won't happen again.
ScientistWannabe: Maths and physics are wrong and I van prove it with a drawing and a DBPro app I made. Would they accept it, no! So they, convenient.
FluffyBunnyz: You're all idiots.
... ...
Like I said, would be fun

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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 02:35 Edited at: 26th Jun 2014 02:39
xD Sweet damn man, you're hilarious.

Quote: ""
That is seriously on the list of the ten best things someone has ever suggested for these forums. You being president, I think you need to push for that.

Oh, and, president and vice president should get access there too.

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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 18:35
I stopped aging around the beginning of the 21st century due to mutations caused by having spent nearly 30 years in close proximity of the electromagnetic fields produced by large CRT monitors that I had surrounded myself with -- but unfortunately I also lost my sense of humor around the same time, and I think nothing will restore it.

Therefore, I will voice my concern, that I would much prefer it if everyone kept the conversation as much on topic as possible.

AgentSam - as grumpy as always
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Posted: 26th Jun 2014 20:05
Quote: "Therefore, I will voice my concern, that I would much prefer it if everyone kept the conversation as much on topic as possible."

Part of me was serious and is gonna exist some day.

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Posted: 27th Jun 2014 00:49
As your VP, I shall strive to aid you in this endeavor.

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Posted: 27th Jun 2014 16:32
Quote: "As your VP, I shall strive to aid you in this endeavor."

Not to sound bitter or anything, but is this necessary in every thread?
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Posted: 27th Jun 2014 17:43
Quote: "Not to sound bitter or anything, but is this necessary in every thread?"

Agreed, we should start a petition to get him banned for trolling.
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Posted: 27th Jun 2014 23:52
Quote: "Not to sound bitter or anything, but is this necessary in every thread? "

Agreed. I shall beat him thoroughly until the little whelp develops manners... That said, it's only been in The Posting Comp and two other threads outside of the election-related ones so maybe I'll just give him a good old spanking and send him to the corner.

Quote: "Agreed, we should start a petition to get him banned for trolling."

Not bad. Judges are fairly satisfied.



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Posted: 28th Jun 2014 00:57 Edited at: 28th Jun 2014 05:51
Whoa guys. Trolling? I wasn't even aware that my actions could be seen that way, let alone was it my intention to troll. I simply stated that I agreed with nonZero... That's not okay?

Quote: "Not to sound bitter or anything, but is this necessary in every thread?"
It is not necessary, but I didn't realize it was a problem to others. Now that I do, I'll be more than happy to stop.

Sorry guys. :/

To tell you all the truth, I am very embarrassed. If you guys ever see me taking my vice presidency role and doing silly things with it like I already have, let me know. I would be glad to fix it.

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Posted: 28th Jun 2014 01:04
Guys please keep this on topic take the off-topic over to the off topic board

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Posted: 28th Jun 2014 21:35
Quote: "Whoa guys. Trolling? I wasn't even aware that my actions could be seen that way, let alone was it my intention to troll. I simply stated that I agreed with nonZero... That's not okay?"

Was joking. I guess now someone else knows I feel when I try to make a point and someone calls me a troll.

Anyway, back on topic...

Any ETA on the beta software replacing the regular software?
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Posted: 28th Jun 2014 21:36
No ETA I have other priorities within TGC for now. The FPSCR forums will be getting a new mobile skin soon so after that I think a mobile skin will appear here.

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Posted: 29th Jun 2014 05:02
Not sure if it is here that I have to report, but with AGK2 beta3, in most of the machines I have tested, a simple program with a sprite moving is unable to start.
It display a sequence of error dialogs regarding missing openGL extensions. Machines tested range from XP to windows 8.1. On some of them even an Xaudio error is shown and the program crashes before start.
Tier 1, windows.
Same results with some of the samples, box2d, sprites, and so on.

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Posted: 29th Jun 2014 11:35 Edited at: 29th Jun 2014 13:09
re: Is this the right place to post?
Hmmm, let me see:
Beta Forum Thread
AGK problem
Common sense: No. But, to answer your question, it probably has to do with OpenGL not being de facto for Windows (thus not shipping with windows); DirectX is. I believe AppGameKit uses DX for compiling to Windows by default (I may be wrong) so, unless the settings were change, it should work. Start a thread on the AppGameKit board.

@The Next: This is what happens when you make threads global, lol. Btw, I'm busy consolidating lots of fragments, I'll hopefully be able to reduce lots of clutter. Oh, and sorry about the off-topic thing earlier, I did contribute to it.

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Posted: 30th Jun 2014 20:45
@The Next (again): I have an idea which may solve a lot of problems I've seen with images and people using XXL third-party icons/smilies. I was thinking of introducing an icon tag, eg: [ico]link to image[/ico]. Now the attributes of this tag would cause images to be resized to 16px height (or whatever size matches the font size set by the css). As for images, the [img ] tag could maybe automatically scale images to =<1024px wide. Just a thought. I posted it in another thread some time back and I meant to post it here ages back. Anyway, there it is. Just thought it'd help keep things oderly.

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Posted: 1st Jul 2014 00:03

What he means is when we add icons like these perhaps a [smiley][/smiley] tag which as mentioned, automatically sets the scale down of the image should be easy enough using something like...

<img src="" style="height:16px;width:16px">

Maybe allow custom scales too?

[smiley size=32][/smiley]

That could even translate well for images blocks to! instead of having to scale an image and attach to post etc. just allow scaling like this!

[img size=640][/img]

Just set the width with the variable and then set the height to auto...

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Posted: 1st Jul 2014 01:40 Edited at: 1st Jul 2014 02:04
Quote: "What he means is when we add icons like these [smiley][/smiley] "


A while back -- after I started seeing more and more of these icons on this forum -- I found their large size to be annoying.

So, I created a new local proxy rule specific to these forums to filter out all image links to - thereby getting rid of all of these smileys and increasing my page load times in the process.

(This also keeps my forum browsing activity hidden from, although I'm sure MrValentine has the best of intentions and isn't collecting any such information as part of providing the service.)


I understand, that some forum members may enjoy linking to external emoticons, so it's easy to see why the aforementioned tag request should be given serious consideration.


Not everyone will enjoy the possible flood of new externally linked emoticons that the requested tag would facilitate.

Just imagine how easily conversations will be sidetracked by newbies who awe and wonder (here, used ironically) at all those beautiful new externally linked emoticons and requests for the icon site addresses.

Personally, it would be my hope that everyone would stick to the predefined TGC forum emoticons, and not link externally. The default set of emoticons is quite sufficient and stylistically consistent - and more importantly, will reduce requests for external icon sites. (Also, the TGC forums are established and very persistent, external third party icon sites are not - the external links will die when the sites are no longer operational.)

SUGGESTION (just in case)

Quote: "something like...
<img src="" style="height:16px;width:16px">"

IMHO, the style definition for the new icon tag should not be implemented inline, as suggested, but given an appropriately named new class, so that it's easy to override the visibility settings of external emoticons in user stylesheets (without resorting to the use of local proxy rules).



@The Next: If it has been mentioned, I have missed it, so I will ask: are you planning to change/update emoticons in the new forums?
Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 1st Jul 2014 02:01
I have a request for the forums, and I have no idea how easy this would be to implement.

So right now, any time you load a thread page, the posts load from the one at the top of the page, and in order until the bottom and last post (on that page) has been loaded. Because the forums do not load the individual posts very quickly, this means that after clicking into a thread page with many posts on it (up to 50, or however many are set on your user profile) posts are loading one by one for the next 10 seconds or so, and the whole time, the entire page is resizing each time another post loads. And only when the page is finished loading, will the most recent post(s) be visible.

So what I am wondering is this: would it be possible to make the page load from the bottom post, upward? And preferably, it would function such that the page would not constantly resize as all of the posts are being loaded. That way, when one clicks into a thread page, they could immediately scroll straight to the bottom post(s), which they most likely came for, and begin reading right away.

Again I have no idea how easy or hard that would be to implement, and I hope what I said makes sense. As it stands, both the Beta and live forums are very slow to load, despite my sufficiently quick internet connection (10Mbps).

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Posted: 1st Jul 2014 02:08
Quote: "(This also keeps my forum browsing activity hidden from, although I'm sure MrValentine has the best of intentions and isn't collecting any such information as part of providing the service.)"

I also deduce what you had for breakfast with the data but yeah ForumIcon is just for fun, extra added expressionism as some people cannot catch humour on the web... [<-- As some cannot understand this icon]

I also made sure the icons were small in size, I still need to remove the lower text in the smaller sizes... takes about half an hour, just completed Thief, might be able to get of CS : Go to do it soon...

Quote: "Not everyone will enjoy the possible flood of new externally linked emoticons that the requested tag would facilitate. "

Please look at the broader idea, this is not just for Icons, We get enough Ponies to banter on about...

Quote: "IMHO, the style definition for the new icon tag should not be implemented inline, as suggested"

You need some coffee, I placed it as an inline example, notice there are no class declarations or such... the style sheet is entirely up to the administrator/designer...

Anyway I think that is more than enough said about a small issue... but yeah, do include the means for low data restricted users on slow connections so that they can use the forum easier...

The Next, where did you limbo at?

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Posted: 1st Jul 2014 02:57
Quote: "... as some people cannot catch humour on the web"

The lack of humor is hugely undervalued.

Quote: "Please look at the broader idea, this is not just for Icons"

I was simply keeping my post easily digestable, like my breakfast.

But since you brought it up, I haven't been happy with the suggestions that I've been hearing about image scaling so far, because the suggestions have mostly been limited to fixed width scaling as a solution.

While I would prefer that the image sizing be proportional (relative) to the width of the message - which is different on pretty much every device depending on various device properties or user preferences, including window size.

In summary: Scalability is good. Fixed width scaling is bad. It is indeed this exact issue which should be looked at in a broader context, and not seen only within the resolution constraints of ones own device.

Quote: "You need some coffee"

Why? What is the intended effect this would have on me?

Quote: "Anyway I think that is more than enough said about a small issue..."

Tweaking issues, large and small - always fun.

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Posted: 1st Jul 2014 03:06
Quote: "Tweaking issues, large and small - always fun."

This could be a new sig for someone on the posting comp thread

hmm, scale with max scale? could work, limiting the image to post width but being controllable to be big enough for intended purpose, very doable! I agree with this totally!

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Posted: 1st Jul 2014 17:54
@AgentSam: I suggested the [ico] tags because there seems little to no way to stop the influx of third-party icons. I am not promoting them. I am all for local-only images. If you read the this post you'll note we share most of the same opinions. So, this was just a thought to at least plug a leak.
Regarding image sizing, I agree that ideally images would be scalable and responsive. I just threw that comment in without thinking because there's quite a problem with large images stretching posts. Anyway if they can be responsive at no greater cost than fixed-width then you've my vote there.

@MrValentine: I would not advise giving users a size option for any image. People LIKE DRAWING ATTENTION TO THEMSELVES and will indubitably set outrageous sizes for images, even for no other purpose than trolling. As for icons, they don't need a user-defined size because, as I stated in my first post, icons must conform to the font height either set as the TGC default or custom CSS that about 0.01% of our users use. Also, the tag [ico] or even [icon] would remain preferred over "smiley" since it is agnostic (icon, smiley, emoticon, next-generation-custom-phrase) and, therefore, contextually more accurate: a small image used to represent something is an icon. Ico was an abbreviation inline with img, url, etc.

Everyone, I feel that this leak is about to worsen and the trickle will become a torrent, I fear. Therefore, I will just have to plug it, reinforce it and weld it to the best of my abilities. I have created icon threads, one for comments, one for submissions.

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Posted: 1st Jul 2014 21:11
nonZero wrote: "I would not advise giving users a size option for any image. People LIKE DRAWING ATTENTION TO THEMSELVES and will indubitably set outrageous sizes for images, even for no other purpose than trolling. As for icons, they don't need a user-defined size because, as I stated in my first post, icons must conform to the font height either set as the TGC default or custom CSS that about 0.01% of our users use."

^ this ( (+1) * infinity)

I couldn't agree more. If we let people choose the size of the icons, imagine the horror this forum would become. Even in today's world of 4K monitors, images can and will stretch the pages to the furthest corners of our graphics cards' capabilities, and irritate several users.

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Posted: 1st Jul 2014 21:28
That is why the max-width setting is important! [or post context width]

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Posted: 2nd Jul 2014 09:56 Edited at: 2nd Jul 2014 10:08
Why not there be an option in the user's profile that allows externally linked emotes to be disabled for their own viewing?? Similar to this option which already exists...

So we could have one option for the regular smileys, and another, new, added option to disable the externally linked emotes that manifest themselves through the requested tag. And to solve scaling matters, why not have yet another added option that either allows icons to be either [scaled, a tag specified size, a default size, or whatever], or to simply always be forced to a specific size? And perhaps, that size to force to (if the user has set that option) could also be specified by the user in their profile.

Customizeability is the key to keeping everyone happy, folks!! Well, that's the theory, anyway...

Quote: "are you planning to change/update emoticons in the new forums?"

I don't recall for sure, but (quite a while ago) I think he may have mentioned that he would not go to the trouble of doing so. If I recall, he may have mentioned that he would consider replacing the icons if someone else made some really good replacements (normal size ), but he said that would be unlikely. At least, that's what I think I remember him saying, but it was a while ago, so I may be wrong.

Flash is falling out of... Flashion.


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Posted: 2nd Jul 2014 10:15
Gets my vote...

Really need relative scaling... Can hardly see the icons on my mobile screen... High res, I upscale all text, but the icons remain tiny...

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Posted: 6th Jul 2014 03:33
Quote: "Not everyone will enjoy the possible flood of new externally linked emoticons that the requested tag would facilitate."

Agree agree agree!

At the VERY least, they must be forced to the same size as the current smileys and NOT have a size tag!

Quote: "[img size=640]"

Ooooh, now THIS would be a spectacular enhancement to the forums! I assume you meant to have the closing [/img] on there, right?

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Posted: 6th Jul 2014 03:38
Quote: "I assume you meant to have the closing on there, right?"

Yup, getting tired recently...

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Posted: 6th Jul 2014 10:53 Edited at: 6th Jul 2014 10:55
Quote: "I assume you meant to have the closing on there, right?"

Hmm. I did actually put the closing image tag in that sentence, but the forum appears to have removed it for me. Thank you, forum.

P.S. Like my custom smiley? I've wanted a smiley that looked like that for a very long time, and I just got around to modifying one of the standard ones

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Posted: 6th Jul 2014 11:00 Edited at: 6th Jul 2014 11:02
Quote: "At the VERY least, they must be forced to the same size as the current smileys and NOT have a size tag!"
Or perhaps, we could have a user profile specific option to enable forced resizing, or to allow the size tag to determine the size.

If one had the option set to allow the size tag to determine size, then the size tag would indeed determine the size of the icon. However, if the user toggled that option over to the forced size option, all icons, regardless of their size tag, would be forced to a specific size, just for that user.

Of course, if tags are ever allowed to determine the size of a displayed icon, whether that behavior has been selected by an option or not, they should be limited to a maximum size, and that would keep icons from going crazy. For example, a 600x600 icon is proooobably a little excessive in all cases.

And then, if the user has set the option to force all icons to the same size, they could perhaps set a specific size to use. Maybe a default could be like 20x20, but the user could set that to whatever they wanted, and all icons would be forced to that size, just for that user.

This idea of mine ought to keep a majority of people happy.

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Posted: 6th Jul 2014 12:30
Looks like a lot of you have mentioned putting a size tag inside the img tags, the problem with that is that the browser scales the image after it has been downloaded so the image is still downloaded at full size. I don't know if that really is an issue but it might be worth knowing.

Also, it looks like the code tag language selection box messes with the layout of the message box. When it's open, it gets some space between the emoticon and size buttons but it's offset to the right which causes the text area to become smaller.

Im running firefox 29(? the latest version) on ubuntu gnome. I have had some issues in the past where FF doesn't get the propper fonts from ubuntu which makes them a tiny bit bigger and can cause these things so that might be the issue

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Posted: 6th Jul 2014 14:16 Edited at: 6th Jul 2014 14:18
@The Next:
Two things:
1. Could you change the file-upload and file-request code to treat SVG files as images (I'm guessing it's not complicated but I may be wrong, I hope I'm not).
2. Strange security issue: The other day I posted, it timed out and showed the error and when I clicked the refresh/re-try button I got a blank screen with "Nice try". I presume it's a security thing.

Quote: "P.S. Like my custom smiley?"

If you have an icon (or more) you've made and want to add it to the forum, please upload it here, in this thread that I started to try and internalise all forum icons so there aren't external links everywhere (the thread ain't going so well).

I still maintain that:
- Icons should auto-scaled to text size.
- New icons should be SVG (for the the above reason).
- There should be no user-defined image sizes because users cannot be trusted. I've moved over to the responsive camp now in that images should be "responsive" (auto-scaled based on browser-width).
- External icons must be uploaded to local (the TGC server) to be used. There shouldn't be a copyright issue because linking to images under copyright without linking to the licence and relevant info is grey at best so, naturally, you shouldn't link to them.

I'm trying my best here to be helpful on this forum and reasonable in my suggestions. So far, it seems to be going to like a lead baboon [sic] but I'm e'er optimistic, nonetheless. If I could have some sane and rational support, it'd be appreciated. We're the mid-gen and the old-gen users. It's our responsibility to try and keep GC (this board) from deteriorating. All, or at least most, of us are guilty of contributing to the decay in various ways. I'm not suggesting we all flip off the "fun" switch, but let's take some responsibility for ourselves by toning things down a tad, ie some minor self-moderation, and some initiative in trying to bring decent content and discussions to this place.

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Posted: 6th Jul 2014 18:15 Edited at: 6th Jul 2014 18:18
Quote: "There should be no user-defined image sizes because users cannot be trusted."
My idea would fix that problem for those users who didn't trust others.

However, in the long scheme of things, let's toss the size parameter altogether for the icon tags. We should still maintain a user specific option to completely disable externally linked icons from appearing (or loading).

Also, just in general, everything nonZero mentioned under the @All clause seems excellent. I myself still think that an option to disable 'new' icons (even those uploaded to the TGC server) should have an option to be disabled, for those old users who don't feel like having an influx of new icons flood over their forum experience.

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Posted: 7th Jul 2014 03:30
Quote: "If you have an icon (or more) you've made and want to add it to the forum, please upload it here, in this thread that I started to try and internalise all forum icons so there aren't external links everywhere (the thread ain't going so well)."

Oh, awesome, didn't know there was a thread for that! Totally agree that we should try to stem the flow of external smiley-linking; too many forums have missing images all over the place. The only reason I even thought about using a non-standard icon was that I made it identical in style to the rest of the standard ones. I don't know why MrValentine feels the need to use those awful, huge, out-of-style ones. No offence intended, I just personally find them to be a bit obnoxious.

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Posted: 7th Jul 2014 11:14
Quote: "huge, out-of-style ones."

Aww [Cries]

They are temporary babes often called placeholders but very happy to being kryptonite anytime I was getting sick and tired of ponies all over the forum and finally we are seeing action

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Posted: 7th Jul 2014 13:21
Quote: "They are temporary babes often called placeholders but very happy to being kryptonite anytime "

I have no idea what that sentence means but I like it because it's full of normal smileys!

Quote: "I was getting sick and tired of ponies all over the forum"

Ponies? What ponies? I haven't seen any ponies

Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 7th Jul 2014 20:13
Quote: "Ponies? What ponies? I haven't seen any ponies "

Flash is falling out of... Flashion.

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