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Program Announcements / Dumbo & Cool - demo

Drew Cameron
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 12:09 Edited at: 3rd Dec 2005 22:09
Is complete.

New demo (19mb, WINZIP):
Official website:
Ordering page:

The full game costs $9.99, and transfers are secure. The credit cards below, wire transfers, phone, fax, mail, check and money order are all accepted.

Here is the screenshots page:

Full game features:

6 Story levels: happy, ice, battlefield, train, factory 1 and 2
10 Time attacks agains the clock
8 minutes of voice acted film
All polished up and stable with new sprite fonts etc..

Have fun, if anybody has any questions or indeed orders it let me know!


This is a demo of Dumbo & Cool. It does feature the game's introduction film, and is the final demo, complete in every way. It contains 2 main levels from the game and 2 time attack levels.

The game can be played by a single player who can control either Dumbo or Cool individually and switch between them at the touch of a button or by two players who take control of a character each simultaneously in the split screen mode. Both Dumbo and Cool have unique abilities that make them suited to tackling different puzzles and both must be used for success.

The aim is to collect all the coins and (if any) cages in each level.



Single player
ARROW KEYS - Move character
RETURN - Toggle ability
CTRL - Toggle ability

MOUSE CLICK LEFT - First person view

Two player
W,A,S,D - Move Dumbo
LEFT CTRL - Toggle Dumbo ability
ARROW KEYS - Move Cool
SPACEBAR - Jump Cool
RIGHT CTRL - Toggle Cool ability

Final World
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 12:43
Hey, just played the DaC demo, went to New game, and got this

PathToEXE=F:\Documents and Settings\Andrew\Desktop\DaCdemo\CrashOn_08_16_05.txt

But the title looks really cool!

"Mason, why are you wearing Spandex?"
"You told me to wear something I don't use anymore."
"OK. Wait! You used to wear that!? AND it still fits!?"
Final World
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 12:50
K, it's cos I accidently went to Continue... :S I'm so dumb! But with that aside, it's brill! It looks alot better than the first demo, and I like all the new features you put in, like when you complete a level, they jump up and down. and the Stoge's saying "Man I hate this job!"

Awsome dude! Keep it up!

"Mason, why are you wearing Spandex?"
"You told me to wear something I don't use anymore."
"OK. Wait! You used to wear that!? AND it still fits!?"
David R
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 14:18 Edited at: 16th Aug 2005 16:32
Looking good

Donwloading now...

Thak god your site has a decent transfer rate!
I'm gonna try as hard as I can to get this game to mess up (in a bug testing manner). So that includes diliberately walking into obstacles etc. trying to destroy stuff. Its gonna be a fun day today

EDIT: Ok I've played. Very polished overal, but a couple of minor things;

Learning curve. It was Ok, but the little platforms which you activate (on the first level) are way too small. It was also very easy to get stuck in-between them if you fall

Menu was generally great, but I think the 'created by Drew Cameron' should be an alpha mapped PNG, since when object passed behind it, it looked like a giant gey block (because it wasn't transparent)

Level 1 - I'm not sure whether you were aiming for multiple solutions, but I didn't actually need to activate the button it order to get both Dumbo and Cool across. I made Dumbo jump in the water, and swim across to one of the smaller islands. Here she was able to get up onto dry land. And for cool, I just turned on his skates and made him jump across. Of course, this may be deliberate.....

The Studes. Am I supposed to be able to kill them? I'm pretty sure its a no, but the help doesn't really say whether they are 'killable' or not.

One last thing - I reached the last island on Level 1 (the one with the Stude) and was unsure where to go. Of course, I didn't realise that the aim was to acquire all the coins (I assume thats the aim at least) - could you please make this more obvious at the start of the game.

Puzzle mode. Just an observation, but I found the puzzle levels with Cool a whole lot easier than those with Dumbo. Maybe its just me...

Loading screen; Looked a bit blank. I know it loads very quickly, but maybe you could put a picture of the level that is loading behind it? (slightly blurred and faded)

Otherwise, a very solid, well polished game. Well done

Level ending times; None. There was a single coin I just couldn't reach waht-so-ever.

Specs: 2.4Ghz AMD athlon XP, 256mb of memory, Nvidia Gefore 5600Fx(128mb)

Performance: Very smooth consistant FPS (although you can't actually see the FPS).

ALSO: When I left the menu running for a while (when I went to the toilet ) I noticed a slight slow-down of animation, and the computer was respoding quite slowly to the up+down keys on the menu. Nothing else on my PC was running in the background

Drew Cameron
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 16:18 Edited at: 16th Aug 2005 18:05
Okay, so I've tested it on, with success:

Evo N800v laptop, Pentium 4 1.5GHz, 256mb RAM, ATI something...
Compaq PC, Pentium 4, 1.5Ghz, 512mb RAM, Nvidia GeForce...
Compaq PC, Pentium 4, 2Ghz, 512mb RAM, ATI Radeon something...
Peter's laptop (???)
2.4Ghz AMD athlon XP, 256mb of memory, Nvidia Gefore 5600Fx
AMD Athlon 1300MHz, 512 MB Ram, NVidea GeForce 5600 FX graphics chip, Windows 2000 Service Pack 3.
Athlon 2000 1.7ghz, Radeon 9600pro,1gig of ram.

Good, thanks for the comments!

More please - the detailed feedback above is extremely helpful!

Katie Holmes says, check the Program Announcements board for the new Dumbo & Cool demo.
David R
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 16:34
I'm just gonna test it on my borthers PC;

He has an absolutely sh*t graphics card (Nvidia Gefirce 2 MX400) so it might be a good test to see it still works properly (his GPU hardly supports 3d alpha mapping )

I'll report the result soon

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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 16:34
Played the demo. Ran fine on a Athlon 2000 1.7ghz, Radeon 9600pro,1gig of ram. I bug we noticed was when you press forward and left he doesn`t turn but he does when you pressed right. Maybe you could add pad support as our hands were squidged.

Gimme teh votez!!!!
Final World
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 17:30
Oh yeah, my comp spec is AMD Athlon 1300MHz, 512 MB Ram, NVidea GeForce 5600 FX graphics chip, Windows 2000 Service Pack 3.

"Mason, why are you wearing Spandex?"
"You told me to wear something I don't use anymore."
"OK. Wait! You used to wear that!? AND it still fits!?"
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 19:25
OK, cool thing,

The grafix are OK, think i've said that times ago ...

The Gameplay is cool, soon ....

400 Mhz P2 MMX; 128 MB Ram; Radeon 8500 Pro (dont laugh)

Everything works fine even on that machine; only a few slowdowns ... havent tested it on my Dev-Laptop yet.

But the Change between Dumbo and Cool is a little bit slow ....
When i jumped up to the first trigger (with cool), he was standing ugly ....
finally, as i want to go in the econd level, the game crashes ....

BTW: The Voices are great .. really professional ...

Next Games: Project Domino / A Racing Game / A FPS

Darkbasic MADPSP
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 19:28
sorry drew it's not my thing

Love games go to
Drew Cameron
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 19:46 Edited at: 16th Aug 2005 19:46
Final World,

I'll look into that Crash error line, thankyou.

David R

I was there was a tip point somewhere that mentioned the objective to collect all the coins, but I'll make it more prominent. I'll fix the image in the menu, you were meant to do what you did in Level 1 and where was the coin you couldn't get to? Could you take a screen with PrntScreen for me and I'll tell you how you get to it. I don't know about a loading image but perhaps the text "Now loading..." on top, as well.


Right cool. I know about the turning bug, that's just a problem with some keyboards. I think I can fix it by using KeyState instead, so I'll look into it. I was planning on adding joypad support anyway, so stay tuned.


If the game is every slowing down, go into the options screen and have a fiddle with the graphics settings to tone it all down.

When the game crashed loading level 2, it should've created a "Crash On.txt" file within the game directory. Could you find that for me and post its contents?

Alot of these crash errors are entirely random. I'm not sure how I can hope to fix them, because there is nothing troublesome on the lines quoted. The crashes happen on different lines on different computers

Still, if I get all the "Crash On" error reports, I'll look into them and see if there is a pattern.

More, in depth technical feedback please.
Has anybody got to Level 2 yet?

Katie Holmes says, check the Program Announcements board for the new Dumbo & Cool demo.
David R
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 20:47 Edited at: 16th Aug 2005 20:51
Quote: "u, you were meant to do what you did in Level 1 and where was the coin you couldn't get to?"

Can't a pic right now, but will do a.s.ap

Quote: "Still, if I get all the "Crash On" error reports, I'll look into them and see if there is a pattern."

I recieved a crash_on report too; however for a totally different reason.

Heres the report;

It happened when I pressed escape from the main game. I then pressed continue game from the menu, and continued playing. I did this again (just to change to change some more settings) and the game totally crashed out on me.

Save point reset; Please please get rid of the 'save point reset' thing It is incredibly annoying!

Menu bug; Go onto options. Scroll down to 'graphical', and select it. Now press 'back'. You'll notice that the block has returned to 'gameplay options' instead of staying on the option you just returned from. Not a major problem, but most games+apps retain this info, and it'd be a shame for yours to miss out

Little tiny thing I got so infuriated by me being lousy at this game that I tried to be a hax0r I copied all the data files from 'data2' and plonked them into 'data1', replacing all the level stuff. This way, I was able to play level 2 without actually completing level 1

Although I was pleased with myself, it did spoil the fun of he game, so maybe (some how) you could protect from players doing this?

(like keep a record of completed levels. If the game tries to load level 2, and level 1 hasn't been completed, it could stop you from loading it up or something)

Anyway, good stuff

I've just got myself a pizza, and I'm gonna be playing this alot this evening (trying to 'break it' as I stated above).

EDIT: It may be because I was being a Hax0r, but on Level 2, the rails for the train were pertruding out from walls. Is this deliberate?

Drew Cameron
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 20:58 Edited at: 16th Aug 2005 21:00
Those fuucking Crash On problems...
I have no idea why they happen and I see no way of fixing them. I suspect I'll have to simply reorganize my code in a most mind numbingly boring fashion...

Has anybody got to level 2 yet?

David, I really appreciate you trying to break my game Give it a tough time so I can flesh out loads more problems.

All great points, sometimes already known, and all worthy of me checking out! Thanks!

Katie Holmes says, check the Program Announcements board for the new Dumbo & Cool demo.
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 21:36
I am downloading now, once I have played, expect my full HONEST opinion!

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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 21:52
Beat level 1 and loaded level 2 without a crash, but I stopped playing then. My level 1 time was 5:40, but I read all that tutorial text.

The only slow down I saw was when I rescued one of the guys, but I have Guild Wars minimized in the background, so that wouldn't normally happen.

Good work so far.
Louiz ofRohr
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 21:59 Edited at: 16th Aug 2005 22:03
Yep.. I finished the level 2 and the demo puzzles..

Your game's really good, Drew.. It is really good to
see that there people like you around here..
(people who know what they want to do and.. DO )
Gongratulations for you game..
Really good job

but I think you could improve your menu system..
Other things are ok.. I liked the voices and
the new graphics and objects..
First demo I playied I did never know who
was dumbo (female) and who was cool (male)

I think that the guys mentioned all the bugs..
Your game is really professional now..

The worst foe lies within the self..
David R
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 22:08 Edited at: 16th Aug 2005 22:11
@Drew; The crash problem I mentioned earlier happend again
I did exactly the same as previously, (as I was trying each and every setting in the menu to check they function+function in combination)

Pressing continue crashed the game

Looks as thought line 703 is a bit buggy (acording to the crash report at least)

EDIT:: I was randomly pressing keys on my keyboard, in a bid to find more bugs Pressing the letter 'R' seems to restart the game automatically - and it crashses too - with 'Object does not exist at line 2361' (Do niot take the line number literally though. It was something like that. Try pressing R yourself to see)

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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 22:10
WellI have finished the demo, over all very good game, definetly good for commercial, however a few things I want to mention.

1. The corners of the Matrices were grey, had no texture on em?
2. I hate to say it but the water is terrible, most of the time you could not see it at all. Only visible at certain camera angles.
3. Perhaps on Lvl 2 make the Ice a but more different to the normal terrain. That stuff killed me when I first played

But other than that GREAT
Well Done Indeed!

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David R
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 22:24 Edited at: 17th Aug 2005 20:14
Couple more blips+bugs

Puzzle mode bug - If you press enter to activate cool's skates just as you die [when falling into water] (same with dumbo for her snorkel) the return scancode is kept in the entry buffer. When you press try again, cool will automatically start with his skates on (since the return scancode was kept in the windows entry buffer, and executed once the main loop is started again). Its nothing major, but may make it easier to cheat on some levels (I recommend the use of 'clear entry buffer' for this)

Observation on puzzle mode; The reset game bug mentioned in the post above (with the letter 'R') does not crash puzzle mode games. I assume normal games try to re-create an object that already exists (something like the sky for example, or some extra prop like water), however puzzle mode games don't. I suggest you remove the action associated with the letter 'r' . It was annoying when I found it, that's for sure

EDIT: As you said earlier, return of the f*cking crash bugs. This time its worse thoguth
I was playing around with options, pressed continue game. Played for a bit, then quitted to menu. Then I pressed Puzzle mode, selected a puzzle...... kaboom. silent crash

Xolatron old
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 22:52
Quote: "I'm not sure how I can hope to fix them, because there is nothing troublesome on the lines quoted."

It is important to note that the compiler is often behind one line. When it says line 703, it might (and often does) really mean line 702. I forget this all the time and sit staring at the same correct line for hours while the error is sitting right above it . Hope this helps


Drew Cameron
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 23:12 Edited at: 16th Aug 2005 23:14
All of these Crash On reports are crushing me. I guess the best thing for me to do would be to open up a new DB project and start copying and pasting stuff from the game into the new project and make it all neater.

Thanks David R, did you ever get to Level 2 without cheating?
Alot of these problems you're describing ("R"estart level bug) don't happen on my machine, which is why I don't know about them.

Thanks everyone else!

More feedback and problems

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Drew Cameron
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 23:16 Edited at: 16th Aug 2005 23:17
David R, could you drop us an email to - I've got a proposal for you.

I was thinking of reorganising some code tommorrow night and sending you the new version to see if it gives you any grief. The problem is, I do not get any Crash On errors under any circumstances on either of my test machines, so I need your help.

Again, f*cking Crash errors...
I suppose it's good I found about them though!

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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 23:20
haha! i played your demo, it rocked! and ive never seen the puzzle mode before (though i think its more like arcade mode or something, its not exactly puzzles), cant wait till the games release

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Drew Cameron
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 23:21
Good to hear, Zotoaster.
Did you get to the end of Level 2?

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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 23:29
yeah.. eventually , very long and challenging, but fun

heres something that i thought would be col, and you wouldnt have to re-program your whole game to make.. make the skilift hollow so you can go into it

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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 23:29
yay! Downloading now.

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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 23:31
Level 2 was cool

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David R
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 23:37 Edited at: 16th Aug 2005 23:37
Ok drew, I've sent you an email. I'm just writing up a post here though, since Hotmail keeps saying I have sent any emails yet

Wasn't sure what to put in the email either, but I have answered your question regaurding level 2

Don't expect any instant replies after this though, since my PC is really starting to annoy me, so I'll be coming off soon.

Hope to hear from you Sorry about all these bl##dy crash report things

EDIT: Lol, I pressed post just as I recieved your email

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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 23:53
Forgot to mention. We got to level 2. It was quite easy in cooperative mode. Though that`s probably due to the quick save button. How nice it is to play a platformer with quick save. My bro thought the game was a bit too easy but I thought that was just because they were the first 2 levels. That or 2 heads are much better than one.

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Posted: 17th Aug 2005 02:57
Whee beat level 2. No crashes
And big improvements, I recall in the earlier demo that waterfall slowed the game down when I approached it, but it no longer has that effect and I do enjoy jumping on Dumbo/Cools head.

Level 1: about 4:02 with 2 attempts I think
Level 2: 6.20 with 4 or 5 attempts (kept falling in water )

Eh, comp specs... Pentium 4 CPU 2.53GHZ, 256MB RAM. NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 420 I believe =S

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Posted: 17th Aug 2005 04:46
Finished both levels and the puzzles now. The game never crashed on me, so can't help you there.

I had two problems though. The "Are you still playing?" message came way to soon. And Dumbo's puzzles were a lot harder than Cool's. I think you should add 2 seconds to Dumbo's first puzzle to make it as easy as Cool's.
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Posted: 17th Aug 2005 05:25
this is an excellent, and VERY well presented game! congrats!!!

I didn't run into any trouble playing, but I only played most of level 1, and a few puzzle challenges.

still, you should be proud, this is a quality game.

Go Go Gadget DBPRO!

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Posted: 17th Aug 2005 05:43
very nice looking game, kinda has an N64 game feel to it.

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Posted: 17th Aug 2005 11:56
This is a really good game . I finshed it with my brother (story & puzzle). I really like it

Just a little thing you should change : in the first level, Dumbo can swim until the other island (so Cool don't have to go on the button)
Drew Cameron
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Posted: 17th Aug 2005 19:13
Thanks guy, especially Walaber - I'm a big fan of your stuff and I miss you around here since you've been moving on to C++.

Katie Holmes says, check the Program Announcements board for the new Dumbo & Cool demo.
Steve Fash
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Posted: 17th Aug 2005 19:34
About bloody time too !
Katie will be pleased, LOL
Downloading now-will leave feedback as soon as the kids (and me!) have had a good blast !

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Posted: 17th Aug 2005 22:23
Downloading.... looking forward to this.

Drew Cameron
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Posted: 17th Aug 2005 22:31
Let us know what you think,
please give it some time and try and finish the whole demo! ( 2 levels and all 4 puzzles )

I'd like to know if it all works fine for you PowerSoft.
And by the way, Happy Birthday

Katie Holmes says, check the Program Announcements board for the new Dumbo & Cool demo.
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Posted: 18th Aug 2005 10:57
lol... Its September 14th

My spec is...
Mobile Intel Celeron 2.0ghz
240mb RAM
Intel 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Controller

o Speed of character movement seemed a bit slow.
o Cant reverse when with Cool and on skates.
o EXE says DarkBASIC Pro Project underneath the icon... supposed to be like this
o VERY WELL presented game, SFX excellent, Learning curve brilliant. WELL DONE.

TDP Enterprises
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Posted: 18th Aug 2005 17:30
cool, this is one of the few programs out there that have a proffesional looka dn feel to it.

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Posted: 18th Aug 2005 20:54 Edited at: 18th Aug 2005 20:55
Ok, have tested everything ....

The secnd level is ok, everything done, the puzzels are great, but why calling them puzzles ? In my opinion this is a classic TIME-ATTACK !

the First CrashOn i get (days ago) after switching to the first level was:


today ive got the same one, after playing several puzzles .....

Hope that helps ...

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Drew Cameron
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Posted: 18th Aug 2005 21:28
Okay, thanks Bestotr, I'll look into it for you, and thanks for the bug report.

Katie Holmes says, check the Program Announcements board for the new Dumbo & Cool demo.
Megaton Cat
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Posted: 18th Aug 2005 22:29

Screenshots looking awsome as always Drew.

I'm disapointed I won't be able to hear any of the new voice acting because my sound card is broken though.

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Drew Cameron
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Posted: 19th Aug 2005 22:05 Edited at: 19th Aug 2005 23:13
Did it work for you?

Ooooh... the suspense when people post 'Downloading...' and then never say the download ever finished or not. What happened next?

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Drew Cameron
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Posted: 20th Aug 2005 19:39
I can now confirm that the random crashes are caused by the loading bar being updated.

Sorted! I don't need your help anymore David R, but the free copy offer is still open if you'd like.

Updated demo with an introduction film coming later in the week.

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Posted: 21st Aug 2005 03:17
uh oh, someone got ......."released"

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Posted: 21st Aug 2005 16:31
uh Oh, Drews just revelaed he's giving away free copies of the game!

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Posted: 21st Aug 2005 19:12 Edited at: 21st Aug 2005 19:23
Drew, I beat level one but got a but to show you, I took a pic. This happened in the first level when I had dumbo walk off the cliff straight to where the floating blocks are.

Also, I'd like it if you sped up the rate at which the Y value for the camera is turned.


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Drew Cameron
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Posted: 21st Aug 2005 20:25 Edited at: 21st Aug 2005 21:22
To speed up the Y value, go into the games options screen from the main menu and change 'turn speed' to fast.

See, I already thought of that. I rule.

Thanks for the problem screenshot, I know what you are talking about and will look into it.

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Kangaroo2 BETA2
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2005 00:06 Edited at: 22nd Aug 2005 00:06
Drew, I've been following d&C for a while now, and also lovin young Katies antics, she is quite the cult figure in our house now, my wife loved her camping trip

[EDIT] Just downloaded the game... MAN that is awesome! The screenshots do not do it justice the graphical style & animation is beautiful and the humour is spot on! It plays like a cross between Mario 64 and Croc, and I think the balance is just right. I can see big things for this game, literally awesome dude I'm impressed

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