Looking good
Donwloading now...
Thak god your site has a decent transfer rate!
I'm gonna try as hard as I can to get this game to mess up (in a bug testing manner). So that includes diliberately walking into obstacles etc. trying to destroy stuff. Its gonna be a fun day today
EDIT: Ok I've played. Very polished overal, but a couple of minor things;
Learning curve. It was Ok, but the little platforms which you activate (on the first level) are way too small. It was also very easy to get stuck in-between them if you fall
Menu was generally great, but I think the 'created by Drew Cameron' should be an alpha mapped PNG, since when object passed behind it, it looked like a giant gey block (because it wasn't transparent)
Level 1 - I'm not sure whether you were aiming for multiple solutions, but I didn't actually need to activate the button it order to get both Dumbo and Cool across. I made Dumbo jump in the water, and swim across to one of the smaller islands. Here she was able to get up onto dry land. And for cool, I just turned on his skates and made him jump across. Of course, this may be deliberate.....
The Studes. Am I supposed to be able to kill them? I'm pretty sure its a no, but the help doesn't really say whether they are 'killable' or not.
One last thing - I reached the last island on Level 1 (the one with the Stude) and was unsure where to go. Of course, I didn't realise that the aim was to acquire all the coins (I assume thats the aim at least) - could you please make this more obvious at the start of the game.
Puzzle mode. Just an observation, but I found the puzzle levels with Cool a whole lot easier than those with Dumbo. Maybe its just me...
Loading screen; Looked a bit blank. I know it loads very quickly, but maybe you could put a picture of the level that is loading behind it? (slightly blurred and faded)
Otherwise, a very solid, well polished game. Well done
Level ending times; None. There was a single coin I just couldn't reach waht-so-ever.
Specs: 2.4Ghz AMD athlon XP, 256mb of memory, Nvidia Gefore 5600Fx(128mb)
Performance: Very smooth consistant FPS (although you can't actually see the FPS).
ALSO: When I left the menu running for a while (when I went to the toilet
) I noticed a slight slow-down of animation, and the computer was respoding quite slowly to the up+down keys on the menu.
Nothing else on my PC was running in the background