The Lord of the Rings books are pretty sweat, and the movies arnt bad, but they do seem to go on for ever and ever. Movies made off long books always suffer from being too long, or cutting out too much stuff.
So anyway, today was my last day of school. Our school system ends with taking a week of finals, each one an hour and half. I had one today, math. So I walked down to the highschool, turned in my text book, sat myself down, was given a test, and INSTANTLY got a head ache. Ugh. Sat there for 10 minutes just starring at the test. However, I pulled myself together and just pushed through the first 10 problems by punching the original question in, and check it against all the possible answers given (It was all multiple choice, AND you were allowed a calculator)
So now that schools over, I leave to go repair houses on a mission trip. Its goin b 1 ill week dawg, yo!