I test the new alpha 4 and it seems to work great. I like the fact that when you walk into the wall you now stop. The
only Problem I still see is on stairs. If you stop on the stairs you slip down one and sometimes the camera shakes up and down faster than before, but still the wobble.
I am wondering if maybe the collision on the stairs is to small to stand on. Almost like standing only on the edges of each step. I am assuming that each step is using box collision and that could be the problem. I really don't remember how each model for the stairs work in fpsc. Just throwing suggestions.
@ scene
Not really what I was looking for. More like damping and duration. From what I have seen by setting the lifetime of the particle to say one it should last 1sec, but it last for way longer than that. If the lifetime is not say 100 the particle runs for maybe a minute or two and quits. If we had a duration for emitting and a damping control that would make the particles look better. The damping would be like gravity or float factor.
Try these setting and you will see what I am talking about. If you want fog you want it to last throughout the level.
Using the blue smoke or puff
Random Start X = 150
Random Start Z = 0
Random Start Y = 150
Random Motion X = 150
Random Motion Z = 0
Random Motion Y = 150
Lifetime Increment = 1
It should last only so long and quit emitting.