Da first DEMO!
At last you all say. This demo is quite short, it´s the beginning of level 1 and it gives a good example how the forest and the dungeons will look like. Probably the game will run slow on old computers thanks to the grass effect. In the real game I may put an option to turn this effect off.
Please post the FPS and your system specs, and if you find any bugs, post them too and if you can, add a screenshot.
The devil, the voodoo-cyclops and the fairy are not in the demo...
I hope you enjoy it!
In-game Controls:
Arrowkeys, Steer Soulhunter or lock camera while fighting. Also used to scroll up and down in the menus.
Ctrl, Swing the mighty sword.
Shift, Absorb monstersouls(you have to stand pretty close to them).
Space, Jump.
Numpad up & down, Move camera up and down(This function is not 100% complete yet).
Esc, Pauses the game and bring up the save menu.
Main menu:
Use the arrowkeys(up and down) to scroll between the three choices in the main menu. Press enter or space(can´t remember) to accept.
Play, Choose a save slot to start a new game.
Load, Choose a slot with a saved game in it to load.
Quit, Ends the game.