Hi Fellow Game Makers,
Find a link to the beta of V108, which should provide some performance gains, depending on your level design and content. Just download and install, making sure you make the necessary backups of your important files.
Here is a log of the changes for this version:
V1.0.8 - 11/03/08
* Fixed G2.TGA and G.TGA so they read D2.TGA and D.TGA
V1.0.8 BETA6 - 08/03/08
* Added Q&A about disappearing geometry when using deadend segments
* Adjusted HEADSHOT FPI action so 1 means default height of 42, other value specifies own height for head detection
* Added new HEADSHOTDAMAGE FPI action to specify own head shot damage value
V1.0.8 BETA5 - 29/02/08
* Made substantial change to universe meshgroup management to solve edge mesh disappearances by allowing more shared mesh detection and limit interior detection
V1.0.8 BETA3 - 11/02/08
* Removed a double call to 'sound, music and animation monitoring' causing a small increase in overall framerate
V1.0.8 BETA2 - 10/02/08
* Reverted back to DirectX (OCTOBER 2006) D3DX_31.DLL for sustained compatibility with current FPSC users systems
V1.0.8 BETA1 - 09/02/08
* Using slightly modified DLLs from previous X10 Map Editor development for MAPEDITOR and GAME (non-impacting)
* Added code to SETUP DLL so passing an internal width of 799 will allow mapeditor to use desktop resolution instead
* Amended mapeditor code to use new rendering larger backbuffer and calculate for widescreen aspect ratios
* Toned down volume of metal walking material sound, less klangy
* Changed SYNC RATE to 34, and reduced detection ranges of characters to 500-600 (as recommended by modder s4real)
* Added code to skip areabox traversal if areabox empty of core meshes and visited before that cycle (10fps>20fps)
* Increased epsilon to allow meshes in segment construction wider that node for use as blockers (corridor visibility)
* Corrected all corridor segment values to ensure special mesh sizes are visible under new adjustments
* New segment type 11 added to all FAKE segments so that CSG holes punched through no longer causes a portal
* When a bullet hits a character in the head, 65500 damage is instantly dealt to that character (head shot)
* Head shot is not active by default. use the new APPEARWITHHEADSHOT.FPI in the INIT field of a characters script
* Added new HEADSHOT action for the FPI script which accepts zero for immune to headshots, and one to allow them
* Painting full room segments now automatically adds an outside ceiling to seal the segment if the area above is free
* Above addition ensures a quick painting of the level produces a sealed interior, thus producing a faster game
* Added FLAG in FPSC-050.txt for field 406. When set to 1, it will disable the above auto ceiling feature
As you can see, I weakened and added the head shot feature everyone wanted to see and an auto ceiling feature which is something I wanted to add for some time. Post here your feedback and comments on the beta.
This update is only intended to be a performance patch, to answer the first two items of the list we created in our timeline for changes. There are some more features to go into FPSC X9 before the X10 migration work begins, but I really wanted to make sure your levels are a little faster and that no new bugs have been introduced before making V108 public.
NOTE: Although the system should automatically update your BIN files, to make sure all the entity/segment changes take effect, delete all the .BIN files in your FPS CreatorFiles folder to ensure the FPE and FPS files can recreate new .BIN files to reflect the changes with this update.
"Small, smart, and running around the legs of dinosaurs to find enough food to survive, bedroom programmers aren't extinct after all