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Posted: 20th May 2008 18:21 Edited at: 3rd May 2009 19:45
MP Demo Thread:

SP First Level Demo

I've got a few new screenies, and a newly polished story to start off the thread...roll story....

The year is 2051, and Planet Earth has been at war with itself for over 23 years, over the now extinct oil reserves in the East.....

The war began in 2028, when in the midst of an oil price crisis, President John Carson, of the United States of America invaded the Middle Eastern countries to ensure that the final dregs of oil left there would be claimed by the USA for his people...

The Easterners fought back in vain, soon the whole Middle East had risen up against America, America, overwhelmed by the huge forces that had been set against it, asked for help from Europe, Japan, and the rest of the Western world....The countries agreed to aid him, so long as they also gained from the vast oil reserves of the East, thus the United Western Aliiance was born...

Soon, the oil reserves ran dry, drained of all their precious "Black Gold", and the war ended with the West withdrawing from the East, having finished it's business there, the East was wracked with Poverty and Starvation in the midst of having their economy and livelihood torn from them, that is, until they found a new substance, Alanium, at first considered to be nothing more than a crystalline marvel, but when Plasma Energy was fired upon it, it would create outbursts of pure electrical energy at 100% efficiency, it was so energetic and volatile, that it was 8.5 times more reactive than Uranium, soon the East had near-limitless fuel to rebuild it's economy, until the West plunged into the East, greedy for the amazing fuel source.....

But the Easterners had been expecting this, the Middle East had allied with Russia, Asia and China, to create the Eastern Defence Federation, they were prepared, and launched a huge arsenal of Alanium missiles at the invading dropships coming over the Atlantic, blowing them out of the sky. Outrage erupted amongst the United Nations, and the Geneva convention was called to order to decide the fate of the East. The Eastern coast of South America had been razed to the ground by the radiation cascade, and the countries of the EDF left the United Nations' ranks. Ultimately, the UN liquidated in 2032, after many of the Western countries abandoned it's ranks. Without a governing moral body, the two sides were able to take whatever measures necessary to accomplish victory. World War 3, had truly begun.

You are Carl Mortenson, a citizen of the UWA, and a newly-recruited security guard at the Izolis facility, the most important and pretgious in a chain of research facilities off the coast of Mexico, the EDF launches a huge attack on the facility, and in the process critically damages it's main reactor, the facility is flooded with a Radiation Cascade from the Alanium fuel ued to power the reactor, and all systems fail, you must escape before the EDF destroys the facility...

Level Plan:

Higher Employment: 95%

Training: 95%

Aftermath: 90%

"The Worst Has Yet to Come": 0%

"External Intrusions Detected": 0%

Hidden Consequences: 0%

Tempest: 0%

On a Tangent: 0%

Operation Nova: 0%

Urgent Withdrawal: 0%

Screenie attached of part of the 1st level:

"Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Give a man a fishing rod, and he'll break it up into firewood...or swap it for a fish."
-Frankie Boyle, on Mock the Week


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Butt monkey
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Posted: 20th May 2008 18:22 Edited at: 20th May 2008 18:23
I don't see any screens CG but story is good.

Did I give you all the music you wanted or would you like some more?

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Posted: 20th May 2008 18:26 Edited at: 27th May 2008 13:22
Lol, forgot to add the screenie. X(

The music is all great, I just need 2 more pieces for now.....

I can't really decsribe music and I'm wouldn't want to cramp your artistic style so I'll just give you keywords, I need one that follows a sort of "Dark Prosperity" and a fast-paced sort of "Blood Rush" piece, like tribal music to get the heart going....

Oh, and BTW, new screenie:

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Posted: 20th May 2008 18:27 Edited at: 27th May 2008 13:22
..and another:

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Posted: 20th May 2008 18:27 Edited at: 27th May 2008 13:22
*sigh...and another:

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Posted: 20th May 2008 18:28
Last one for now, so revel in my level design:

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Posted: 21st May 2008 11:43
Anyone got any C+C?

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Posted: 21st May 2008 13:04
Lighting is superb, as is the placement of light sources. Good work.

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Posted: 21st May 2008 15:52
looking good Coffee grunt,

Looking really good.


Me = noob

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Posted: 21st May 2008 16:52

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Posted: 21st May 2008 18:00
Quote: "Anyone got any C+C?"

No but I have C++ and c#.
*HAHA* lame joke.

Looks brill as awalys, keep it up.

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Posted: 22nd May 2008 17:55
Thanks for all the positive comments, I plan to get something of a demo up ASAP.....

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Posted: 22nd May 2008 21:55
I hate how this is so much better than my games lol

one level = game's done!
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Posted: 22nd May 2008 22:04
The lighting is excellent but the scenery/textures look a tad too sterile for my taste, but that is mainly because i tend to grunge everything up sometimes to much myself. keep up the good work.

ps: i would prefer less symetry in the architecture which makes for better orientation for the player.

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Posted: 23rd May 2008 21:13 is too sterile, I can see that, I'll have a look-see through my sci-fi segment collection and see if I can find something better suiting....

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Posted: 23rd May 2008 22:32
Quote: "President John Carson of the United States of America"

I would change the name...all I can think of is Johnny Carson from the Tonight Show.

Butt monkey
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Posted: 23rd May 2008 22:33
Your "Bloodrush" track is about 50% of the way there

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Posted: 23rd May 2008 23:33 Edited at: 23rd May 2008 23:38

Lol, never heard of it, I'll have a look on Youtube.....

@Butt Monkey

Great! Looking forward to sampling it...


I plan to have an environmental demo out sometime within the next 3 days, it'll be a very basic template of level 3, (see level list on 1st post)......

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Posted: 24th May 2008 00:38
Well, Jay Leno is now the host, Johnny Carson died...

Most Americans will probably think of that show when they read that, anyway.

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Posted: 24th May 2008 01:30
heres my honest c&c, i like your level design, your lighting is good, but the only crit i can think of is be more random with your light placements, it will add more uniqueness to your game, i mean all your lights seem to be perfectly alligned on different parts of the room, you may want to lower some lights, raise some lights and keep some the same height, thats my opinion anyways.

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Posted: 24th May 2008 02:03
Terra Firma. I immediately think of Mass Effect when I read that.

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Posted: 27th May 2008 13:18 Edited at: 27th May 2008 19:00

Thanks for the C+C, I've taken it into account and put a broken ligh here and there to mix it up a little, oh, and I've revamped the first room, see the previous screenies to see the new stuff....


Never played Mass Effect, but I heard it's got alot of Latin in it, (yup, Terra Firma is Latin, but I'm not telling you what it's Latin for, that would be a bit of a spoiler)....

New screens, firstly my *Deep Breath* Mk3 Helix Self-Animated Protection Suit in it's protective energy compound....

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Posted: 27th May 2008 13:21
..and a shot of my HUD I've made, in another part of level 2, it's still a bit WIP, but I'm proud of it, oh, and don't worry that Plystire's Mod watermak won't be there when he releases V1.07 of his mod, so don't worrry about not being able to see the Healthpacks variable, but that means I'll have to delay the demo 'til he releases V1.07 of his mod.....

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Shadow Blade
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Posted: 27th May 2008 17:58
hi CG I'm HyPeRHaMsTeR of IGDN, I didn't know you wanted a full screen hud, I made a little diddy thing that goes in the corner.
I'll do a full screen one for you if you want.

-Shadow Blade/HyPeRHaMsTeR

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Posted: 27th May 2008 18:10
No thanks, I've just made that oone..I'm gonna use it to teach myself 2D HUD art, thanks for the offer though....

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Posted: 27th May 2008 18:22
So you don't need me anymore?

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Posted: 27th May 2008 18:56
I'm really sorry mate, but I ended up getting bored after waiting for your E-mails, (you were sending them to Coffeegrunt[at], right?), that I just decided to 'ave a go at it.....

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Posted: 27th May 2008 20:35
I'm not bothered, I sent it to your email I'm sure, the one you used to send me the details. Oh well you win some you lose some. I'll be watching your project. Good luck.

-Shadow Blade

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Posted: 30th May 2008 20:48
Thank you....

Does anyone else have C+C?

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Posted: 30th May 2008 22:13
yes, i love it, now time for my C#.

Just tell me if you get any errors with my C#.

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Posted: 30th May 2008 22:23
Yeh, there's a request for a ladder to get back up, there already is one, it's just out of shot....

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Posted: 30th May 2008 22:43
Cool, also did my C# work? I aint installed my IDK yet.

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Posted: 30th May 2008 22:48
Coffee grunt if you need music i can assist.

free, awsome scifi music if you want.

it may be a while b4 i reply

but if you want, for this game i would make some tracks for ya...


Me = noob

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Posted: 30th May 2008 22:53
Thanks, I've got But Monkey making music for me, so it's not essential, but if you've got the free time, and are willing, then who am I to say no...?

The more, the merrier, but i'm afraid all I can give you is a place in the credits......

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Posted: 31st May 2008 12:57
I've finished a custom signature/Banner for this, what do you think? the text is a bit blurry I know, but I think it's ok.......

I hope to get level 2 done soon, the I'll add custom scripting goodness, work on custom menu and Console interface HUDs, but I'm short on voice actors, anyone know where I could get some?

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Posted: 31st May 2008 13:05
Ah, that's very nice CG. Very HL2 ^ ^

I have one crit about the hud. I'm not keen on the transparent fill covering the top and bottom of the screen. I think it would look lots better if the hud was just a single, thick green line following the shape of the circle, without any fill colour. Same for the boxes of stats. If the pictures we're just simple outlines aswell I personally think it would look much more hi-tech. There's just something not right with the actual full colour 3D pictures in the transparent aqua HUD.

Sorry if I have confused you xd Was quite hard to explain.

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Posted: 31st May 2008 13:11 Edited at: 1st Jun 2008 16:12
I ssee what you mean, I removed the boxes from the HUD following advice from a guy at, I'll see what I can do....I have a very unsteady hand and I don't trust myself to draw the line properly....

Sig test, (removed the bad fire effect),and new screenies, this one's a shot of a waterway you must cross in level 2, (it has water currents too, yay!), by stepping on the floating boxes, etc:


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Posted: 1st Jun 2008 16:13
...and this is a screen of a pool of radioactive substances you must dash through, it's specially scripted to do 5 damage/second, and you'll have a healthpack with you to help you along.....


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Posted: 1st Jun 2008 16:43
Nice jamie.

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Posted: 1st Jun 2008 17:31 Edited at: 1st Jun 2008 17:34
Looks good, but maybe have the light color be the same as the waste's color? I'll see and find if there can be any color for that...

EDIT: I found a suitable color, here are the RGB coordinates:
Red: 146
Green: 151
Blue: 45

It's like a semi-dark, dull olive green-ish color.

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Posted: 1st Jun 2008 17:46
The light color is the same as the waste-ish, I didn't want to grunge out the light too much, but if you look it is a bit green, I'll make it darker anyway...

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Posted: 2nd Jun 2008 08:57
Does anyone else have C+C for the new screenies.....?

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Posted: 4th Jun 2008 16:21
Very Ugly HUD ist not cool its stupid

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Posted: 5th Jun 2008 08:47
Quote: "Maxiqueen"

very stupid name, its not cool, its stupid.

@Maxiqueen stop dragging him down, he aint a pro and this is his first game after all.

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Posted: 5th Jun 2008 13:48
Maxiqueen, that just annoyed me so much. Anyway, he's changed it, and I would REALLY like to see you do better.

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Posted: 5th Jun 2008 20:58

I asked for Constructive Criticism, not blatant insults, please, if you think there's something wrong with the HUD, give me a way to make it better, or don't post, your choice.....

To my credit, that was my first ever HUD, took me 25 minutes to make, and as I stated:
Quote: "it's still a bit WIP,"

If you'd actually looked, you'd have seen that I edited the download with that screenshot to show the updated version, with a better health symbol, none of those box thinies around the icons, and I'm working on a newer, better version as I speak/type.....

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Posted: 5th Jun 2008 22:22
coffee grunt, did tatters just says this is your first game? This is amazing for that (I thought it was amazing without that fact)

one level = game's done!
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Posted: 5th Jun 2008 22:36
Well, I guess you could say that.....

I have demoed a game for a compo before, but the compo got cancelled so I abandoned the idea until I ressurected it as this one.....

The link to the old game's somewhere, it was called Hazardous Waste, but there's no pictures, only a demo link......

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Posted: 5th Jun 2008 22:46
yes this is a nice first, and drugs kill is my first too.

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Posted: 7th Jun 2008 00:53
Thanks, Drugs Kill is looking great by the way....

I hope to have a demo up soon, but no promises......

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