This is one of the World Future Society org essays regarding terrorism and september 11th. They are all pretty intelligent commentaries on this issue - I suggest the patriots on all sides read this most of all - because it might help them realise that ALL SIDES are doing a LOT of harm and that ALL sides need to COMPROMISE the way they conduct business/politics considerably. And that invasion of countries eg: The Cowboy War = vengeance forever. (see World System Futures: After the Terror) WILL ONLY COMPOUND THE PROBLEM FURTHER. Every aggressive action we undertake brings us closer to THE FIRST NUCLEAR TERRORIST ATTACK - when MILLIONS of innocents will die. And WE WILL BE as much to blame as the terrorists. And this will be because people want to lash out like school kids rather than understand like grown adults:
Quote: ""So why do some commentators object so vociferously to any discussion of terrorism's root causes? I suspect it's because they don't like where this discussion may lead. They seem quite willing to accept some kinds of explanations of the latest barbarity — for instance, that the terrorists were depraved, mad, or the product of a particularly wicked sub-culture of radical Islam. Such explanations aren't very threatening because they locate the cause in the nature of the perpetrators or their group. What really infuriates these commentators is any attempt to look at factors further afield — especially those that might lie in the structure and functioning of the planet's economy, politics, and society. Why? Because such factors could implicate us in the West." By Thomas Homer-Dixon"
EDIT: People who refuse to believe America has had a part to play in it's own misfortune and has indirectly "encouraged" hostilities against it has not been reading the truth (more likely reading propaganda posing as a news story from a BUSINESS-FRIENDLY NEWSPAPER.)
Cyberbowl (70% done)
Something a bit bigger(understatement of the year) st art/concept/design doc stage