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Geek Culture / Clarification of the Past

The Zombie Killer
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Posted: 16th Jan 2015 10:41 Edited at: 16th Jan 2015 10:42
This post will reveal something that I've been considering posting about for a long while now (at least 3 years), and have only just decided to post. My reasons for holding back on posting are things like getting banned, ridiculed, etc.

I am making this post to clarify something from the past, and to let those who are curious (likely very few) the truth, and maybe even some people who do not know about/do not remember this may find it interesting too.

Without further ado, here it goes:

On Sunday, October 17th, 2010, a new member joined the TGC forums. This member was "The New Noob" (a very well chosen name, as would be found out soon after his entrance into the forum community). He was also me. Of course, a much younger, and incredibly stupid me.

This member committed many forum crimes, and even something illegal, although not realizing said wrongdoings at the time. A few of these things are:

* Repackaging content mainly created by others
* Posting age
* Piracy on TGC's forums (although I truly did believe this was legal at the time)
* Repeatedly spamming a useless site

These days are days that I am extremely ashamed of. I would like to thank the mods who banned me under that name back then, as it made me rethink things, and realise my wrongdoings.

On Sunday, March 27th 2011, another account was made on the forums. This member was "The Zombie Killer", also me (duh!). To cover for this, I came up with the incredibly stupid idea of calling myself The New Noob's brother

Since then, in attempt to regain my self respect, and in turn, attempt to give myself a better image within the community. Many of the things I have done in this community were to try and make up for the trouble I had caused it prior. In addition to the various things linked in the previous sentence, I also made Lee aware of a loophole in FPS Creator's serial key blacklist.

So there you have it. The New Noob was indeed me, and I am hugely ashamed of that fact. Heh, this thread looked much longer in my head as I wrote it.
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Posted: 16th Jan 2015 12:39
Van B
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Posted: 16th Jan 2015 13:09
Thing is, people have short memories on the internet - we don't see peoples faces, which is what our brains are used to using to identify people, even people we've never met in person.

So, although it's good to look back and cringe sometimes, there's no real gain from it, other than getting things off your chest. As far as the users and even the moderators are concerned, that stuff is the past, it's what people do now that's important. Hell, we've banned and let people back who we think have a better attitude and netiquette.
I read a quote the other day from Mohamed Ali - ''If you still view the world the same at 50 years old, as you did at 20 years old, then you've wasted 30 years of your life.''

I am the one who knocks...
Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 16th Jan 2015 14:38
Ah, this reminds me of my fun story with duplicate accounts. I don't have much time to write about it right now, but maybe later I would expand this post a bit. The mods could probably go right now and look at the notes under my account.

I, too, was immature back when I first joined these forums a mighty four and a half years ago. I didn't always realize it, but sometimes I did. Since, I have grown up a bit, and I hope I have become a more valuable member these days. Granted, I don't do programming stuff anymore, since I am just not too interested. But I stay active on the GC board!

Might I say, congratulations on becoming a valued member, not only after what you did, but just in general. It shows that you really do intend to clean up the mess you made, which is commendable. And hey, I myself made it to Forum Vice President!

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Posted: 16th Jan 2015 19:38
Not checked the links, but good on you!

Welcome to a new chapter

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 18th Jan 2015 23:16
We've all done stupid things, said stupid stuff, even threads that make ourselves look like idiots. We learn, we develop and better ourselves as people. If one did not learn from past mistakes, then to my mind that would be an issue, but to have a problem for having ever done anything stupid? I'd have to assume myself perfect to begin with.

But, nice on coming clean at least, now we can ban...I mean, pat you on the shoulder for being honest.

Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 18th Jan 2015 23:49 Edited at: 18th Jan 2015 23:49
Quote: "now we can ban...I mean, pat you on the shoulder for being honest."
Hahaha Maybe slap him on the shoulder?

The Zombie Killer
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Posted: 19th Jan 2015 03:32
Quote: "I read a quote the other day from Mohamed Ali - ''If you still view the world the same at 50 years old, as you did at 20 years old, then you've wasted 30 years of your life.''"

Words to live by

Quote: "Ah, this reminds me of my fun story with duplicate accounts. I don't have much time to write about it right now, but maybe later I would expand this post a bit."

I'm interested

Quote: "Hahaha Maybe slap him on the shoulder? "

I swear, puns on the internet just get worse and worse
Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 19th Jan 2015 04:30 Edited at: 19th Jan 2015 04:38
Quote: "I'm interested"
Sweet, I now have an excuse to write out my story.

So this was probably back when I first got into the Posting Competition and such; I was actually getting quite into it. There were times I left my computer on the whole weekend while I was away, running an auto post program (the rules don't say not to! ), just to get a high point post. As if running that program wasn't cheating enough, I decided that I would need a second account, so that I could create lots of posts without double posting, so that I could get more points. I also figured that endless fun could spawn from a second account.

So, I needed a name for this second account! I figured I would try to be funny with the name, and make the name very similar to the name of an existing account. I liked Happy Cheesecake's name. So what did I call the new account? Happy Strawberry Cake!

About halfway through the post approval period that all new accounts go through, the Happy Strawberry Cake account was banned. When trying to log into the account, the ban screen stated that the reason for locking was "Duplicate accounts not allowed". Normally, I would have interpreted this the way it was intended (it's not permissible for one use to have two accounts). However, because of the name of this new Happy Strawberry Cake account, I thought it meant that no two accounts of similar names were allowed. This assumption was reasonable, since the new account's name was so similar to the name of an already existing account, and I had no clue that the mods were able to tell that I was the owner of the new account.

I let a little time pass by before trying it again. Then I created another new account, this time making sure that it had a name very unique from any existing member. Almost immediately, that account too was banned, and if my memory serves, my Dark Basic Dude 79 account (yes, that used to be my name) was slapped for a time period. This surprised me! Again, I had no idea that the mods knew I was the one behind the new account (my knowledge of website administration was lacking). The mods told me that they used my IP address, and a 'few other methods' to determine that it was me (perhaps, maybe, the fact that I would log out of my regular account and immediately log into the new account? ).

This created a little friction between the mods and I. I tried to contend my point of not being clear on the meaning of "Duplicate accounts not allowed". While my argument was indeed true, they understandably did not accept it. If I can recall, I argued with the mods until I feared that further arguing would get my regular account banned. I think that's the end of that story, for the most part.

That was one slap, but I also got slapped one other time. I believe I was talking about a certain programming language, the name of which is Brain <bad word>. I starred out the vowel in that word, but I left the consonants as they were. While I did not post the actual word itself, it was very obvious what word it was. A few hours after posting, I noticed that a mod had edited out the word, like so and with these words: [mod edit]dangerously close to getting slapped[/mod edit]. While the mod's action is now understandable to me, at the time I found it quite unreasonable. An argument ensued, and I ended up getting slapped.

Hmmm, come to think of it, that slap may have actually come from creating too many incredibly obnoxious posts with way too many emoticons and such... Either way, the two events occurred near each other, and neither helped the mods' opinions of me.

I also got banned once for a few days, and to this day, I have not been told why. When I received my slap, it had been (only! ) five or so days since my last argument with a mod had occurred, and I hadn't done anything wrong since then, other than a potentially misread joke post. It is possible that a mod who hadn't been online in a few days logged on and saw that argument, and decided to ban me for it. It's hard to say, really! I don't care too much as of right now, and I currently hold no grudges against any moderators. It's all a few years in the past.

Since then, I have really shaped up my act here. Let's just say some maturing has happened (I was only a 4 year old tot when all that happened; I am now 7, turning 8 next year), and I have learned that arguing and taking things personally, especially on a volatile medium such as an internet forum, never leads to good.

Emoticon count for this post: 9

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Posted: 19th Jan 2015 13:17 Edited at: 19th Jan 2015 13:18
Quote: "I also got banned once for a few days, and to this day, I have not been told why"

Perhaps this will help jog your memory ...
Quote: "Talking of setting an anti-mod group up. Banned for 2 days. This guy thinks that he is above moderation"

I'm not breaking mod-confidentiality, because I wrote it

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Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 19th Jan 2015 23:07 Edited at: 19th Jan 2015 23:12
Quote: "Talking of setting an anti-mod group up. Banned for 2 days. This guy thinks that he is above moderation"
Quote: "I hadn't done anything wrong since then, other than a potentially misread joke post"

Ah! So indeed, it was that joke post of mine that got me banned. I do recall writing that post, and it was definitely intended in a joking manner. Even back then, in all my immaturity, never would I have been naive enough to think that I could set up a successful anti-mod group.

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 20th Jan 2015 20:19
It's okay, I got slapped for joking around about getting a thread locked and in my jokingness referred to the moderators as an offensive term for homosexual people. It was dumb, I realised it when I queried why I was slapped and knew why it was dumb and was face palming myself "why did I do that?"

And now I'm one of them. So as I say, many of us have done stupid stuff. As some who know me will realize, I have an offensive sense of humour, but I keep that away from the forums. I have an offensive sense of humour, but don't like to offend, it's a weird thing to be.

But as long as you learn and get on with it, people will just forget about anything, at least, I know I have a terrible memory.

easter bunny
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Posted: 20th Jan 2015 22:32 Edited at: 20th Jan 2015 22:32
Quote: "I have an offensive sense of humour"

You'd fit right in in Australia

Edit: This post is Australian humour, Australians will find it funny, not offensive

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Posted: 21st Jan 2015 01:28 Edited at: 21st Jan 2015 01:31
Interesting post. It's okay, we all did silly things when we were younger.

I'm pretty sure if I could look back on my posting history I would cringe pretty hard

Cheers on being so noble about this

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Posted: 21st Jan 2015 01:34
Quote: "You'd fit right in in Australia

Edit: This post is Australian humour, Australians will find it funny, not offensive"

It's not offensive, it's BANTER!
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Posted: 21st Jan 2015 01:37
Quote: "You'd fit right in in Australia

Edit: This post is Australian humour, Australians will find it funny, not offensive"

+1 lol

... now I'm shaking my head at the fact that I just realised I was about to hit Post Message with "+1 lol" as the only words in it. Is this all my vocabulary has been reduced to?

Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 21st Jan 2015 02:03
Quote: "now I'm shaking my head"
Stop that, you'll give yourself a concussion. Then your vocabulary really will be limited to +1 LOL.

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Posted: 21st Jan 2015 22:54
Quote: "Stop that, you'll give yourself a concussion. Then your vocabulary really will be limited to +1 LOL."

+1 lol

Oh no it's too late!

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Posted: 21st Jan 2015 23:07
Quote: "Talking of setting an anti-mod group up. Banned for 2 days."

Using a mod badge as your avatar apparently is also grounds for temporary banishment....

"I like offending people, because I think people who get offended should be offended." - Linus Torvalds
Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 21st Jan 2015 23:49
Quote: "Using a mod badge as your avatar apparently is also grounds for temporary banishment...."
Who did that?

The Zombie Killer
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2015 12:46
Quote: "Who did that?"

That was me :p
I still remember doing that for the laughs, not expecting to get banned
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2015 13:15
Quote: "That was me :p
I still remember doing that for the laughs, not expecting to get banned"


Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2015 14:20
Isn't banning a person for sporting a mod badge avatar going a little too far? Or perhaps they were just fed up with you at that point?

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Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2015 20:26
I guess it could be comparable to posing as a police officer hmmm, I'd be tempted by a Cartman avatar and have "Respect mah authoriteh" as my signature - when I modded another forum I made the Terminator my avatar and I am Death here, so both rather appropriate. I know *some* might say, "isn't it obvious, you have a mod badge NEXT to your avatar, this is just an avatar" but there are those without avatars and one could come to the conclusion that you're a mod without an avatar.

Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2015 23:16
Quote: "and one could come to the conclusion that you're a mod without an avatar."
Well pft, people should know that the website was programmed better than that.

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Happy Cheesecake
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Posted: 24th Jan 2015 04:09 Edited at: 24th Jan 2015 04:15
Quote: "Happy Strawberry Cake"

Ah, the memories!

I remember my second topic on the forum, around 6 years ago. I don't know what I was thinking when I posted it. I think I was looking to get a few laughs out of a joke topic, but after posting it I was filled with immediate regret as I realized it was in bad taste.

Ah man, it's worse than I remember.

Quote: "running an auto post program"

I knew it! Well, I had my suspicions of budokaiman specifically, but I recognized some shenanigans for sure. Better hope the almighty Aaron Miller doesn't find out, or there will be points to pay!
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Posted: 25th Jan 2015 00:16
Quote: "Darn. You broke your streak of [1] intelligent thread(s). Better luck next time."
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Posted: 26th Jan 2015 10:19
Quote: "It's okay, I got slapped for joking around about getting a thread locked and in my jokingness referred to the moderators as an offensive term for homosexual people.[...]

And now I'm one of them. [...]"

You're a homosexual now?

...sorry I have nothing of value to post here. I'm barely even here anymore.

But on topic, I signed up on a (german) forum for the first time nearly 10 years ago, when I was 12. My first posts there were certainly cringeworthy.
I don't think I ever got banned anywhere. Although that doesn't mean I didn't do stupid things from time to time.
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 26th Jan 2015 11:52
Quote: "You're a homosexual now?"

A mod. That said, the former is often rumoured and I don't make that much of an effort to dispel it.

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