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Work in Progress / Pirates of Port Royale: New Thread

Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 13th Feb 2007 03:06 Edited at: 10th Mar 2009 02:48
Pirates of Port Royale


Well it’s been over a year since the last WIP thread was posted on for this project. The thread disappeared, but the project is still alive. The old thread was let to die because I realized that that the project wasn’t ready for a WIP (although it may have had the illusion that it was). It was merely a graphical façade, with very little technical workings behind the scenes. Although you may not notice a big difference graphically, I can assure you that the whole project is much improved underneath, from code organization and effectiveness, to the engines working.

PoPR has undergone a series of makeovers/redos due to my lack of ability when the project was started. I used it as a learning tool, and although it taught me a lot, I shouldn’t have. The world editor has undergone at least 3 redos, game engines have been added and rewritten. This time I feel confident where I can do almost anything that is thrown at me. Hopefully this time I’m ready and I can keep the progress consistent.


Pirates of Port Royale is a realistic RPG taking place in the 17th century in the Caribbean. It is the age of exploration, and the age of the New World. Law is nearly non-existent, danger is constant, and life uncertain. The choices are numerous and yours to make in the English port city of Port Royale as you decide your career path, your friends, your enemies, and your life.

PoPR will be realistic, yet fun. You can choose from a variety of professions, from blacksmith to pirate. Unlike many games, you won’t have to choose your path at the beginning of the game, and be stuck with it for the rest of the game, but, like in real life, you can change your profession and affect your characteristics in game. So you chose to be a Doctor and now want to be a Soldier? No problem, just take a walk down to the Barracks and sign up. The same idea is present with all professions, because the realistic nature of the game allows for things to be done logically like they would in life. All professions may not be for everyone of course, but a wide selection will provide something for every player, from the pirate who just wants to kill everyone in sight, to the player aspiring to be the town’s doctor, gathering and creating medicines, and saving the townspeople. While trying to stay realistic, the quests/professions will be engaging and diverse.

As with most all other aspects, the combat will be realistic as well, and remain fun (as confirmed by The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion’s combat system’s success). It won’t take 50 hits to the head to take someone (including you) down, in fact it probably won’t take more than one. First-person is for sure the main camera, with a possible third-person camera to be added, but like Oblivion, the game will revolve around using first-person.

The entire PoPR environment will be interactive, from entering every building you see, to gathering plants, to picking up most objects you see. All NPC’s will also have their own personality, background, and past, and be fully interactive. “Intelligent” dynamic AI will allow for a more immersive and realistic experience during the game. For example, if you’re a well-known blacksmith, you will probably be more often approached by customers than if you decide to randomly set up your own shop one day with no skills.

A user-friendly world editor will be used to create and edit the world, and will be included with the game, allowing for an easily modable game by players who enjoy modding games. Of course a fully functioning (and hopefully growing) world (starting with Port Royale and expanding into inhabitable islands) will be included in the game.

A multitude of other features will be included (and have) in this ambitious but hopefully successful project, of which I’m very willing to discuss here or on the PoPR forums, because they are too numerous to go into depth with each one here.

An optional story is being created by Cian Rice that the player will be able to follow should they choose to. You can completely ignore the story if you want and continue your daily life if you want, however. If the player doesn’t want something to happen from the story, then it won’t (Port Royale won’t suddenly blow up after x number of days ).

We hope you like the idea, it’s been in the works (and still is) for the past 3 years, constantly being modified to make it a better and more fun experience for all players.


Please sign up and feel free to join/start discussions at our forums to show your support for the project, it’s quick and just requires an approval by me (due to a sudden wave of bots):


Pirates of Port Royale's Website
New Age Games Website


High Quality (RECOMMENDED)


Video 1 shows a demonstration of most of the core engines through a small quest.

Video 2 shows gathering resources, equipping weapons, trees, and a few other new features.

Video 3 shows the new UI.

Video 4 shows interior/exteriors, sitting, and the beginning of cannons.

Video 6 shows the beginning of ships.

Video 7 shows how to make a world in the world editor and then exports it to the engine.


A shot showing the new UI and the inventory system.

This shows an equipped pickaxe and mining. You can also cut trees, and more resources will be available in the future.

Model of a cannon made by Tony.

World Editor
Here’s a shot of a small test world you see in the second and third video with the newly implemented trees and rocks.

High quality video of the start of combat and horses:

Here's after you create two cells, it lists them to the right in the name that you give them, and you can switch in between them and go to the exterior.

Here you can see the current (incomplete) list of types of events that you add with it's parameters being displayed and editable at the bottom.

Here is a screenshot of some foilage made with PlantLife

Estimated Progress

World Editor-75%


While we’ve had a few members come and go over the past couple years, three have remained and endured despite my lack of experience in leading a team, and I thank them for that. The current team:
Gil Galvanti-Producer
Heckno-Lead 3D Modeler
Cian Rice-2D Artist

Hope you like the game, please sign up on the forums to show support, I'll approve ASAP. Any feedback (positive or negative) appreciated. Thanks.
-Gil Galvanti

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Posted: 13th Feb 2007 03:10
sure I'll try to help

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Bizar Guy
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Posted: 13th Feb 2007 04:28
Has it really been over a year? Well I'm really glad to see it back. It sounds a bit more ambitious than I remember, but seeing as after all this time work is still being done, I think you might actualy complete it!

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Posted: 13th Feb 2007 06:21
There gonna be any monsters or anything? I'll pitch in some models if needed...

Cian Rice
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Posted: 13th Feb 2007 20:29
Well, the main quest-line won't have monsters...

Big Man
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Posted: 13th Feb 2007 21:10
ooh yay I loved this project glad to see its still alive!!


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Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 13th Feb 2007 23:34
Quote: "sure I'll try to help"

Thanks for the offer, don't know if we need any immediate help, but if anything comes up I'll contact you .

Quote: "Has it really been over a year? "

Yup, December 19th 2005 was the last post of the other thread .

Quote: "There gonna be any monsters or anything?"

No monsters, it's like taking the realistic parts of the setting of Pirates of the Caribbean and using them .

@Big Man: Thanks, glad to see someone remembers it .

Pirates of Port Royale
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Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 14th Feb 2007 05:29
/bump I don't know if anyone will care, but I added a development diary up in the first post under the screenshots, that just has info about work for the day, it's in code snippets, so it doesn't take up a lot of space but can be read if you want to .

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Posted: 15th Feb 2007 05:28
I don't think I really remember the first post but I remember I reading about his game on it's website! I loved this game at first sight. It reminds me so much of game I played called Pirates of the Carribbean (Nothing to do with the movie) but It had so many bugs and you sort of had to follow the story, and it didn't have many professions (and the ones they did have weren't really developed)! So I am looking forward to this game greatly!

When do you think I demo will be available?

Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 15th Feb 2007 06:00 Edited at: 15th Feb 2007 06:03
Quote: "It reminds me so much of game I played called Pirates of the Carribbean (Nothing to do with the movie) but It had so many bugs and you sort of had to follow the story, and it didn't have many professions (and the ones they did have weren't really developed)!"

Yeah, I've played that too, not a terrible game but got boring after a while, like you said, it wasn't developed .

Quote: "So I am looking forward to this game greatly!"

Glad to hear that. Thanks .

Quote: "When do you think I demo will be available?"

Sorry, no way to even make a guess right now. While a lot of progress has been made, there's still a lot to be made. One of the reason's I reposted here was to inspire me to work hard on it .

I was getting worried no one was posting, glad you did. Everyone else, I'd like feedback (even if it's "your game sucks", as long as you tell me why and what you don't like ), I take it to heart and often use others advice to improve upon what I have. I also like to know what people think of my ideas, good or bad.

EDIT: Oh, and if anyone cares I added a new entry to the Dev Diary, I'll try to add one each day, even if it's just for me, but I figured I'd post it here so people can keep up with the progress easier than me posting a new screen every once and a while, because often times what is progressed on isn't something visual .

Pirates of Port Royale
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Posted: 15th Feb 2007 09:08
history of different pirates

sadly i couldnt find any pirate rules

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Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 15th Feb 2007 15:09
Cool, thanks I'll bookmark it .

Pirates of Port Royale
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Cian Rice
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Posted: 16th Feb 2007 02:55
Quote: "sadly i couldnt find any pirate rules"

There aren't really any rules. Just guidelines. =P

Anyways I've been working on the story more, when it's a bit further along maybe I'll clue you guys in.

Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 16th Feb 2007 03:14
Quote: "There aren't really any rules. Just guidelines. =P"

Lol, I actually was about to say that in my last post but I figured noone would get it .

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Posted: 16th Feb 2007 05:37
This sounds as if your making a game sort of like 2nd life. Maybe a little smaller! I can't wait to see all of the Professions you could be! One I was dying to see in the Pirates of the Caribbean game was Govenor, so you get to rule a town! I don't know how that would work but it would be cool!
Oh I can't wait!
Do you have mailing list were you can keep people informed?
If you do PUT ME ON IT!!!

Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 16th Feb 2007 05:43
Quote: "One I was dying to see in the Pirates of the Caribbean game was Govenor, so you get to rule a town!"

Well fortunately for you, that's one of the planned professions .

Quote: "Do you have mailing list were you can keep people informed?
If you do PUT ME ON IT!!!"

No, but that's a good idea, maybe when we get some more done I'll do something like that . In the mean time you can sign up on our forums and check this thread for progress (and the development diary). Thanks for the support . If you sign up for the PoPR forums please use your name from here or a well known host (hotmail, aol, yahoo, etc.), because a recent wave of bots has made it hard to distinguish the difference between real members and bots to accept .

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Posted: 16th Feb 2007 17:17
I'm really looking foward to this game. It's one of the most interesting games I have seen in a long time including proffesional games.
Darth Vader
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Posted: 19th Feb 2007 03:51
Any possible chance of you telling me how you get to rule a town? Cause I was wondering what you would do? How would you be able to come and go (As pirates often do)? Just how would it work?

You can email me if you like!

PS Great Progress! Are you working on a game editor?

Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 19th Feb 2007 04:15
Sure, I can try to give you an idea, although it's not all set in stone, but I can give you a general idea .

Quote: "Cause I was wondering what you would do?"

Everything a governor does. Well every fun thing a governor does. While being realistic, your obviously not going to be forced to do things like sign papers all day . You would do things like hearing the highest court cases, observing/controlling much of the army, negotiate treaties, make building plans for the city, and just control pretty much anything you want (you are the governor after all ).

A bit more on professions...While they are realistic, they will also be fun (well, some players won't like some professions naturally, but hopefully there will be something for everyone ). The jobs will be organized into "quests", but not in the sense that you get a specific reward and everything for it, it's your job, your reward is getting payed .

Quote: "How would you be able to come and go (As pirates often do)?"

Sorry, I'm confused, are you still talking about governor? If so, and your asking if you'd be able to do the job whenever, the answer is most likely. While still not positive, I think that you will be able to do your profession whenever, and not be forced to be at a specific place at a specific time .

Quote: "PS Great Progress! Are you working on a game editor?"

Thanks . Yeah, working on a world editor mainly right now. I'm getting close to a breakthrough on saving the world, and then I'll actually have something that could be considered usable, because you can edit matrices, move objects, edit basic object properties, import objects, and nearly save and load.

By the way, although I don't post in this every day (I will when I get something enough to post new screens, probably when I get this saving world thing worked out ), I do update the top post development diary every day with the day's progress. If you look, yesterday you'll see that I worked on it 7 hours (no, I don't have a life ), so I just want to make sure people know that just because I don't make a new post in here, work is still getting done .

Pirates of Port Royale
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Posted: 19th Feb 2007 04:31
Quote: "but hopefully there will be something for everyone"


looks good and glad to see you're still working on this.

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Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 19th Feb 2007 04:44
Quote: "PIRATE!!!! "

Yes, I don't doubt that will be the most popular choice .

Pirates of Port Royale
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Posted: 19th Feb 2007 04:54
So being a govenor will make the game sort of have an Strategy (Like an RTS) feel to it?

Sounds GREAT!!!!!!!!
Can't wait to play this. And even of this game isn't free you can bet your life I am paying for this!

Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 19th Feb 2007 04:58 Edited at: 19th Feb 2007 04:59
Quote: "So being a govenor will make the game sort of have an Strategy (Like an RTS) feel to it?"

Somewhat, but still a first person view and everything .

Quote: "And even of this game isn't free you can bet your life I am paying for this!"

Thanks, there will certainly be a free demo released first and then a possible cheap version with many added features that have been planned for a long time but would take time and be more difficult (establishing "territory", 15+ professions, custom houses, more islands, etc. ), probably selling for no more than $10-$20 . That's a while off though, I'm not in it for the money .

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Posted: 19th Feb 2007 23:09 Edited at: 19th Feb 2007 23:10
Hey Gil,

Looks good, and I love pirates. If you want to jazz up the graphics, I can convert those you already have into static bump mapped (lightmapped) in most any format. But I suppose you'll use the shaders once you get to that point, and I am also able to create the bump mapping for real-time. Anyway, if want the help in this area, I'm happy to assist.

Either way, I recommend adding this feature, since it won't slow things down if they are static, but will add incredible depth and visual appeal.

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Posted: 20th Feb 2007 00:53
Thanks for the offer, sounds great. I'll definetly take you up on it soon, probably once I get to the point of being able to save worlds.

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Posted: 20th Feb 2007 04:56 Edited at: 20th Feb 2007 05:10
The HUD by Cian Rice, our 2D Artist is implemented. You can see it at the bottom left here, as well as in the background the so far semi-successful attempt at exporting worlds made with the world editor . Also a view of the awesome animated models by Heckno, our 3D modeler.

Forgot to update the development diary yesterday, but I'll add today and yesterday now.

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Posted: 21st Feb 2007 03:54
Looks Fantastic!
Are you going to add more detail to the 'floor'?
The HUD looks really good!

Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 21st Feb 2007 04:07
Thanks . Oh, don't pay attention to the floor in that, it's just temporary . All it is a matrix textured green to have something better than a wireframe matrix to look at for now. You will be able to paint landscape in the World Editor (if you like modding), and the final textures will be in much more detail and much more realistic . And you can thank Cian for the HUD, he's our talented 2D artist .

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Posted: 21st Feb 2007 12:52
Cian your a great artist! Can you do 3D?

Cian Rice
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2007 00:04
3D... Grr... Only good piece of 3D work I've done was the character model for Tauru. =/

I hope to take a course sometime to improve my skills though since it really pisses me off making these various sketches of characters,etc. for games and not being able to give them 3D incarnations. Plus, that way I could contribute to PoPR.

But thanks for the compliment!

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Posted: 22nd Feb 2007 05:52 Edited at: 22nd Feb 2007 05:55
Okay, I guess it's time for a new round of screenshots with some progress . Not a ton done that you can see, but enough to show.

First is the slightly more advanced object movement and the leveling of terrain (although quite ineffective right now, it's a start ). Oh, and you may notice that only the surrounding matrices show to decrease polygon count.

The import object menu, works great so far.

And here is something I started on, interior cells. To keep the poly count down, there will be separate "interior" cells for the interiors of buildings which will load when you go into the interior of a building/cave/whatever else. This one is of the shipyard.

And here's a quick little scene I put together using the few objects I've exported into the editor, and positioned in the interior scene.

Hope you enjoy the progress .

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Posted: 22nd Feb 2007 16:15
Im in a giving mood, so if you want to use this image, go ahead=P

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Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2007 23:33
That looks awesome, thanks .

Pirates of Port Royale
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2007 07:09
Great more screenies!

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2007 19:59
yeah more screenies !!!!
Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2007 23:41
Thanks, I'll try to post some every once in a while . Good to see you Heckno, thought you disappeared . As you can see your awesome model is being used .

Cian Rice
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Posted: 24th Feb 2007 00:03

The official signature that fans of the game can use. >.>

Darth Vader
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Posted: 24th Feb 2007 06:13
Alright you rock Cian!
Let me get that one and I will do a little something special!

Your signature has been erased by a mod because it's larger than 600x120
Darth Vader
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Posted: 24th Feb 2007 07:06 Edited at: 24th Feb 2007 07:07
As you can see my previous post had it's sig removed due to size! Now look at it!

PS. I will fix it up a bit, later!

Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 24th Feb 2007 07:12
Lol, awesome, thanks for the support .

Darth Vader
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Posted: 24th Feb 2007 07:29
According to your site your only 28% away from a demo! is that true?
Please say yes, Please say yes, Please say yes, Please say yes, Please say yes!

Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 24th Feb 2007 07:41 Edited at: 24th Feb 2007 07:42
Unfortunately, no, I need to get Lukas to change that, those are old and unrealistic estimates . While it may be fairly accurate in time overall spent on the project (so far I think it's almost exactly 3 years), it's not true in the amount that is left. And things that should have been factored into that weren't, such as quests, the world, collision, and a bunch of other important engines. Still no way to predict how long it will be until a demo, sorry . As you can see though, I'm working on it every day (some days I don't get a lot of time), and since tomorrows Saturday I'll probably put in another 7-8 hours, and hopefully get saving/loading/cells done .

Darth Vader
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Posted: 24th Feb 2007 07:55
Quote: "and since tomorrows Saturday I'll probably put in another 7-8 hours, and hopefully get saving/loading/cells done"

Already Saturday here! lol!

Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 26th Feb 2007 00:08
New screenshots of the saving and exporting for the world editor, which works with objects now .
Here I set up a simple scene in the world editor, and saved it.

And then went to the PoPR Engine, where it loads the saved world.

Any comments besides Darth Vader? Lol, not that I don't want you to comment, but your the only one who does . Is there not enough to comment on? Do you like it but just don't take the time to comment? Is it not good enough to comment on? Trying to figure out why nobody's replying .

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Posted: 26th Feb 2007 00:23
It looks really good, but not to be harsh, but we want to see more

We love the level editor, and it looks grand, but we wanna see more of the game. We like action

-Mansoor S.

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Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 26th Feb 2007 01:24
Quote: "We love the level editor, and it looks grand, but we wanna see more of the game. We like action "

Alright I'll try to get some more done on the game engine . The reason I'm just doing mostly the world editor right now is because it controls most everything editable that the player will see and do, so in order to test the engine most effectively it's best if I have the world built for it . Thanks for the feedback, and now that I'm on a stopping point with the world editor I'll shift over and see what I can do with the other engines for y'all .

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Posted: 26th Feb 2007 01:54
Looks great Gil. I suppose you'll add lights and ambience later, (it seems a little bright to me). I like the world creator you've made. that's a healthy piece of programming to have acomplished. I wish I were that accomplished with DBP.

Keep up the good work!!!

Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 26th Feb 2007 01:57
Thanks . Yeah, I'll up the graphics later, for now I'm mainly focused on the game itself . Thanks for the feedback .

Darth Vader
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Posted: 26th Feb 2007 06:32 Edited at: 26th Feb 2007 06:33
Now wait it was my computer!

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Posted: 26th Feb 2007 08:38 Edited at: 13th Mar 2007 06:24
looks wiked gil i wish i had a world editor like that it would make a world of difference. lol!...ok that was lame

anyway enough about me. The game looks awesome, the editor looks awesome, and im looking foward to the final product.

EDIT: we have an editor in progress now

RPG Engine Work in progress!

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