Anyone ever had the feeling that a long, heavy climb has finally come to an end? That you can stand at the top and look around?
We have exactly that feeling in the development of TGC Heroes at this moment. Just to update everyone, the latest internal build was 0.35, and we're currently working on 0.40. In 0.40, we want several levels available ánd some animated characters.
At one point, we decided to no longer say "animations" again and treat it like a swear word, so we abbreviated it as "A's", animating was "A'ing" and animator was an "A'er". But, with some help from Jerok and Chris learning to animate for himself (go Chris!), we've finally gotten some working, animated characters! So, we're at the point where we can write out 'animation' again and rolling towards 0.40 - so expect screenshot heaven... soon.
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