@The crazy, by input, do you mean giving me your e-mail and saying you hope I didn't take offence to your opinions? Because if you're taking about anything else you're being kinda a dumb@**. You must live in some sort of weird universe where everything I post is in offence to your opinions, which ABSOLUTELY NONE OF IT HAS. This is so simple. I strongly disagree with your opinion, so stated my own. I made no make to indicate I was offended, I just said I disagreed and said my own. I flipped out at this:
Quote: "Bizar guy, I hope you're not taking offense to my opinions. Thats what they are dude, opinions.
crydrk@crydrk.com is my email. feel free to use it."
And not because I'm offered, but because it is so stupid and ridiculous that all I could think was WTF? WHY would you think I would flip out over someones opinion, and how on EARTH did you read my post as an attack??? Seriously, just stop.
Anyways, you cannot make this situation better by responding to this post. Arguing more will heat it up, acting like you read my post but then responding to something I didn't post is the worst, and apologizing would be dumb, because there's nothing to apologise for. Now, however you respond to this (which I hope you wont), I will not answer. This is a dead issue, and I'd like to move on. I'm going to assume that you're actually the smart person you've portrayed up until the quoted post, and not the type you're acting like now (which I can't even think of a classification for).
Superman wears Chuck Norris PJ's