After around 2 months of waiting, Vision is finally back on schedule! (I've been waiting to say that for a long time now.)
To prove that Vision is back on schedule and to showcase the current improvements, I am releasing version 0.13.
Version 0.13 (17/06 build)
This update includes the following:
1. An intro.
2. Changed basic storyline.
3. Actually mapped out where the game is going.
4. Remodelled first 2 levels. (So the game went from being 4 levels long in 0.12 to 2 levels long in 0.13.)
5. Redone tasks (because the "Mark 2 personal task reminder", was a bit cheesey. xD)
6. Added GPS for tasks and future objectives.
7. Improved geometry in the facility in the respect that this one looks like a research facility, whereas before it looked like a long winding tunnel with a few doors and a bridge.
As usual, Vision can be downloaded from here:
Extra information regarding the update:
1. The update still includes the old levels, that may or may not work. :S They can be accessed by pressing either 1, 2, 3 or 4 on the main menu but they are being totally scrapped.
2. This version of the game allows you to see the "operator". - He is the closest sitting NPC on the observation area in the room you start in (the guy with brown hair).
3. This version includes new objects that make it look a bit more interesting. E.G. Microscopes and OHPs (Over-Head Projectors)
4. This version shows the map of the Vision complex. - The map was originally drawn in Paint by me just so I could plan what I was doing with the game, then I thought, I might as well put it in the game and give the player something to help understand it all.
5. The intro shows the rough location of the Vision complex. (
The intro is also not complete.)
6. The game has been redesigned to look like it is underground in some places. The clear first example of this is the B access route, where there is a large chasm and a walkway through it.
7. Along with the redesigned geometry, I took the liberty to redesign the lifts because in the old version they looked very basic and kind of tacky. (There was also only ever 1 lift... - now there are several at a time which is much more likely in a facility of this scale.)
8. The redesigning of the game features the shift from B. Labs to A1. Labs. This was done because rather than going through all the levels with no gun, getting one in sector G (from the low-level security personel) and getting to use it about once, I made it so you would have to go straight to sector G, get the gun and play up through the levels to get out in A2. Labs.
This was sector D before I redesigned all the levels, so you can ignore this screenshot.
Showing off the holomap and the ever-stupid NPCs.
Before the plasma ignition.
After the plasma ignition.
During the intro, on the way up to the Vision complex.