It's open source.... go make your own features.
How many times does it need to be said? Seriously?
If you want to call yourself a game developer, don't stick yourself to using FPSC for what is given to you by TGC. If you want MP features, then go make them. If you want better media, then go make it. If you want better scripts, then go make them. Or should I put it this way? Go
DEVELOP the things you want.
There's nothing I can't stand more than whiney children who can't make something for themselves. "I don't like the stock media, can someone make us some better ones?" "I don't like the stock AI, can someone make us better ones?" "I don't like how MP sucks, can someone make a better MP?" "I don't like how there aren't any vehicles, can someone make one? OH! And it has to be like in Halo!" Are you
SERIOUS?! Get off your rump and do it yourself!
What's that you say? You can model but can't program, yet you want new features? That's good! At least you're capable of making something for yourself. At least you
developed something yourself. And at least you have something you can offer in return for someone making what you need.
I have no qualms with the specialists around here. I'm only really fed up with the people who seemingly only have the ability to use FPSC.... and beg for features. If you're going to call yourself a game maker, you should start acting like one. Look at Bond1, ErrantAI, rolfy, etc. They aren't coders (to my knowledge... it's kinda scary how they randomly pop up with a new skill), they make media for the most part. But they took the initiative to learn how to make things OTHER than what their specialty is. bond1 learned HLSL (quite a feat in itself and could alone be a specialization), Errant took the initiative to learn FPI inside and out so that he could help modders (and now hockeykid on the official version) with testing out new commands by making his own scripts to use them in, rolfy is a great level designer and modeller but he's still able to put his own scripts together in new and imaginative ways to make things people didn't think were possible.
Step off your soap box and show us that you're a game maker, don't sit there and tell (for lack of a better word that won't violate the AUP) us that you CAN'T make your game because of X, Y, and Z. If you CAN'T make your FPS game with FPSC right now... then I doubt you could make it anywhere else.
On top of all that... think about what's going on here! TGC (mainly Lee and hockeykid) is giving you updates for FREE on a product that they never promised updates for. They have no obligation to YOU or ANYONE to provide these updates, let alone free of charge. So I suggest to you complainers out there to shut it and be thankful that you even got V1.07
On a side note, why does it feel like my anger levels only seem to rise when reading this thread?
The one and only,