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FPSC Classic Models and Media / [LOCKED] EAI Task Force 341 character set WIP (56k warning)

Errant AI
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Posted: 8th Jun 2009 20:32

I'm finally far enough along to make a proper post about this.

TF341 will be a small set of military themed characters for X9 and X10 (hopefully). The introductory set will be in pack form with a few different variation-on-a-theme meshes and include multiple texture variations and possibly also some weapons to go with them

It is my intent to include .FBX format as well as biped animation files fore ease of use outside of FPSC and for developers who wish to customize things.

The three planned texture sets are: US Army(ACU), SWAT (black), PMC/Merc (likely desert-ish colors) as well as a plain grey template which will be easy for users to lay-in cammo patterns of their choice without too much headache.

Most mesh variation for this set will come in the form of different pouch/gear configurations and different heads.

With much kind assistance from the scripting board, there has been an exhausting amount of animations added but I may have to end up trimming that down a bit because it swells the memory footprint a bit. As-is, I will be making additional exports for multiplayer use which has the extra anims clipped off and I will also be exporting limited-anim/no-head/no-arm versions for use as player bodies with FPSC Mods.

The new animations are primarily geared towards giving scripr-orientated developers more flexibility in creating worlds which feel a little bit more real. Some anims turned out well and others not-so well, as I continue development I will need to weigh the time needed to fix certian anims vs. their usefulness and decide if things will be getting cut.

Here is the current animation list (subject to change!):
EAI character animation reference list:

Anyhow, here's a couple in-game shots from a shader test I just completed:

It's currently running CoZ's fixed bumpbone v2 shader. I need to add more wrinkles to the shirt tail and make the boots look like smooth leather. Right now the normal map was made from the sued-ed boots. It also has details for kneepads which will need to be omitted for this variation. I also need to increase the normal map relief in the area where the vest closure overlaps in the front. I didn't make a high res mesh to bake the normal map, I used a bumpmap then baked that into a normalmap. The black also needs to be lightened up a bit.

The 2nd pic is in a wildly innapropriate idle stance (forgot to switch the script from when I was testing female animations haha!) but it shows off the front of the model/normal mapping better. The pose in the first pic is a guard idle which I have added for these characters for developers to use if they don't always want to have the guns pointing.

Right now I am finalizing the meshes. Making optimizations here and there and converting things to single-mesh so it will work with stenciled shadows, etc.

If this ends up being a positive experience, I will continue to add characters to my media catalogue because I think to a certian extent, once the groundwork is laid in, they might be quicker to produce than weapons and enjoy higher demand. We'll see though.

C&C appreciated!
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Posted: 8th Jun 2009 20:36 Edited at: 8th Jun 2009 20:38
Sweet! Great work

First comment =p

Lol @ the female stance..I bet you could think of some funny txt to put under it. Nice

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Posted: 8th Jun 2009 20:39
Top-notch, quality work from you yet again EAI. It's nice to see you're capable of more than epic weapons!

Opposing force
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Posted: 8th Jun 2009 20:39
Looks sweet Errant. Really great. Just one thing that stands out is the bag thing on the character's left leg. It just looks a bit awkward as though it would get in the way. Apart from that, the quality of the model and texture is fantastic.

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Posted: 8th Jun 2009 20:44
Awesome models Errant. I'm definitely buying these.

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Posted: 8th Jun 2009 20:49
Wow, I just read your post properly.

The .fbx and biped files should really help me!

Errant AI
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Posted: 8th Jun 2009 21:11
Thanks guys

@Opposing force- Agreed. It's a gas mask pouch and they are bulky and get in the way (actually I think anything on the thighs gets in the way). Making matters worse, most I've seen have some kind of rigid insert inside which is good for easy access to NBC mask and sandwiches but probably not very practical for an extended period. Not all mesh variants will have it though. Only this body and another where I will move it to the back of the vest.

@Aaagreen- Yep. That's the idea. People will also be able to use the anims on their own characters if they want.

Oh one thing I must point about the animation culling... The key problem with some of these extra animations is with hitbox detection. FPSC has it hardcoded to use only 2 hitboxes; standing or crouched. There are only about 10 animation slots which use the crouching hitbox. Everything else uses the standing one. So although it's cool to see these new anims the gameplay sucks a little because when he's prone you can still shoot at crouch level and score a hit. It's even worse with the sitting on ground animations because I have no choice other than to use the standing sized hitbox
Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 8th Jun 2009 21:20 Edited at: 8th Jun 2009 21:23
Very nice indeed, but all your stuff is very nice so no surprise there.

I am looking forward to this and everything else you make for us.

Thanks EAI

Quote: "With much kind assistance from the scripting board, there has been an exhausting amount of animations added but I may have to end up trimming that down a bit because it swells the memory footprint a bit. As-is, I will be making additional exports for multiplayer use which has the extra anims clipped off and I will also be exporting limited-anim/no-head/no-arm versions for use as player bodies with FPSC Mods."

That is a very nice animation list you have there, but I thought we were limited to 100 (0-99) animations.
Was I imagining that, or did Lee change it on one of the updates?

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Posted: 8th Jun 2009 22:10
Also, thanks for letting me test your .fbx truncheon. Although I would like to say it worked perfectly, I have my doubts as to whether it made any difference to the .x file, because those are all I have.

Should the fingers honestly do this when bent?

And the bones dont work as well as they should, because to select the base finger bones (blue) you have to root through that large clump (circled in red), which is a pain in the @$$ if you want to do it properly. Clicking the blue part doesnt select the wanted bone, but the bone at the end of it, which is a different part of the finger entirely.

Although it is a nice thought, I dont think .fbx is good enough for what you, and others, want to do.

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Posted: 8th Jun 2009 22:11
This will be great,just one thing that I might have overseen,free or buyable (in the work put into it you will probably sell it which sucks for me as I cant buy it).

A.K.A. chargerbandit
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Posted: 8th Jun 2009 22:19
He's obviously gonna sell 'em, like his other excellent works...

I like the look of these, they remind me alot of the CoD4 SAS, do these have those custom animations that you talked about on the script board, if so, it'd be awesome if you released the skeleton so others could benefit from the improved animations by rigging other character models with them...

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Posted: 8th Jun 2009 22:37
from the pics it looks like he's a midget. his head looks very big and his body very small.
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Posted: 8th Jun 2009 23:05
It's outta' this world, also outta' porpotion too!
(wrist & Head are the first things that strike me). D:

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Cheese Cake
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Posted: 8th Jun 2009 23:17
I have to agree with Matuka.
The head looks to big. Right now it looks like a mix of cartoon and a realistic character.

But the texture and the rest of the mesh is looking fantastic!

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Posted: 9th Jun 2009 00:19
Absolutely awesome. Just... Amazing. How much will this be?

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Posted: 9th Jun 2009 00:57
The large head was the first thing I noticed, but it looks great anyway.

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Posted: 9th Jun 2009 01:28
yes i was going to mention what Darmic said, the head is to big in ratio to the rest of the body, still looks amazing but i think that needs fixed

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Posted: 9th Jun 2009 02:17
Quote: "The large head was the first thing I noticed, but it looks great anyway."

I did notice that, but I think soldiers always look like that, because their helments are quite thick.

That's a lot of animations! Should make it a very usable character.

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Posted: 9th Jun 2009 07:30
I want it! Seriously though those animations and the character would be awesome to have! Don't remove any of them! (The animations)

Errant AI
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Posted: 9th Jun 2009 08:13
Quote: "That is a very nice animation list you have there, but I thought we were limited to 100 (0-99) animations.
Was I imagining that, or did Lee change it on one of the updates?"

As far as I know, there is no upper limit but the max number needs to be increased in the .FPE for the anims to be read.

Increase by adjusting animmax=X. Default is 100. I have increased it to 150 with no problems calling the animations via script.

Quote: "Should the fingers honestly do this when bent?"

Probably not
Truncheon was one of the first weapons to use the rig with upperarm, so the vertex weighting was reset. I generally only tweak weights as I go based on what can see in-game. Too bad aout the bone selection being awkward. You can set the bones as selection sets which should help to some degree.

Quote: "He's obviously gonna sell 'em, like his other excellent works..."

Yep. Though there chould be some chances to win the media via compo(s). I'm thinking of having some sort of scripting challenge which will have a few copies as givaways.

Quote: "do these have those custom animations that you talked about on the script board, if so, it'd be awesome if you released the skeleton so others could benefit from the improved animations by rigging other character models with them..."

Yes they do- at least for now. It was my original plan to release the skeleton and anims (they will be included in the pack regardless) but I don't know how useful they will be to people because there are some problems I've discovered when trying to use the anims on other characters. You can really tell that the animation set works better with characters who are bulked out with gear. There are also many issues around the shoulders because the character I animated on had shoulder armor which concealed a lot of squirrely-ness with bad mesh deformation. That actually has me pretty pissed off because it means I will need to re-animate quite a lot for characters with normal upper-arms. To a lesser degree, because the mil. character had groin armor, the pelvis was tweaked here and there for the armor to hang in the right direction but looks awkward on normal characters as-is. Luckily that's much easier to fix due to how the pelvic animation is fairly isolated with biped.

Quote: "his head looks very big and his body very small"

I used the biped dummy to size the head, etc. Here's an orthographic front pic which chould clear up head porportion concerns:

Let me know if you guys still think it's too big.
I do agree about the hands being on the small size and will scale/push them a bit to look more manly (model was converted from my female base mesh). Still, I'm supprized you guys aren't used to FPSC's whacked FOV by now. Next time I will try to remember to take captures through a zoomscope to remove some of the fisheye distortion.
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Posted: 9th Jun 2009 13:26
that looks much better but the legs are now a tad big, the hands should reach the middle of the thighs, his are only reaching his waist

gamer for life
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Posted: 9th Jun 2009 14:06
The legs are big because of the large SWAT suit,same for the head as they need large helmets for protection and all the radio equipment.

A.K.A. chargerbandit
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Posted: 9th Jun 2009 14:14
no i dont mean to thick i understand that i mean their to long

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Posted: 9th Jun 2009 14:50
Quote: "no i dont mean to thick i understand that i mean their to long"

Picky much ?

Looks great Errant. Will be a day one purchase from me.

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Cyborg ART
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Posted: 9th Jun 2009 15:14
Just awesome! Its amazing!

But as Fred told, the legs look a bit of scale.

Take a look at this pic (attached)

Otherwise, great job!


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Errant AI
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Posted: 9th Jun 2009 16:16
The default FPSC pose has the shoulders squared and the arms slightly bent and foreward. If the shoulders are relaxed and the arms straightened, the fingertips extend to just below crotch level (a little higher than the bottom of the groin armor). I do think the hands are a little short and petite-in general. That I can change without messing up animation alignment- I think. The femur/upper leg looks long to me too but they're sized based on the Max biped like everything else. The only thing I changed is that I made the neck a little bit longer. The FPSC Biped only has one finger joint. I made a new biped with 3 joints and it's quite a bit longer. So, if I think if I fix that it should balance things out a bit better.

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Cosmic Prophet
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Posted: 9th Jun 2009 16:28
Top shelf, as always Jake. I'd love to see a lot more diversity in the FPSC line of characters. I'm certain they would be popular. With your skills, I'm sure we all have some really awesome stuff to look forward to.

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Posted: 9th Jun 2009 18:01
just make the head slightly bigger and youve got it.
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Posted: 9th Jun 2009 19:50

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Posted: 9th Jun 2009 19:52
Great work Errant! Nice to see my shaders being used on some commercial, high quality work. In my opinion, the balance of creases and specular from the shader fits in quite nicely, although as stated, there is still work to be done on the boots etc.

Contact me if your in need of anymore shaders etc

Good luck...I shall be keeping my eye on this


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Posted: 13th Jun 2009 13:23

Your list of additional animations amazes me!

I also wish to add that the idea of adding raw template textures is great! I wish more Modelartists would do that.

Well, looking forward to this


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Posted: 13th Jun 2009 13:58
Atleast we will finally get new walking animations,hopefully your animations will be put into the migration

A.K.A. chargerbandit
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Posted: 13th Jun 2009 16:05
awesome! definately buyning this when it comes out!
i've always been annoyed by the fact that some of the guns (mainly errants) are really high quality but there doesn't seem to be any high quality modern day characters out there, now there is.
keep up the good work!

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Cyborg ART
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Posted: 13th Jun 2009 21:16
Sent you an email.

Errant AI
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Posted: 13th Jun 2009 21:52
Thanks for fresh comments.

Sorry for lack of update info... Progress has been made but I've been distracted with personal drama-rama.

Quote: "Sent you an email."

Don't see it....
Cyborg ART
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Posted: 14th Jun 2009 11:24
Quote: "Sorry for lack of update info... Progress has been made but I've been distracted with personal drama-rama.

I hope its nothing to bad

Quote: "Quote: "Sent you an email."

Don't see it.... "

Check again

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Posted: 15th Jun 2009 20:01
Nice work EAI! Can't wait to see it finished!



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Posted: 18th Jun 2009 20:04

The Aaron
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Posted: 21st Jun 2009 16:15
I personally think that you should distribute the characters without the skeleton template and then sell the template to other modelers other than giving it away. I mean, i am all for free stuff, but you want to have that supremacy that you already own.
Ahh, what ever, do whatever you want.
looks good.

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Errant AI
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Posted: 21st Jun 2009 22:06 Edited at: 21st Jun 2009 22:08
I don't mind giving it away and it still contains some TGC animations so it's not like I could sell it on it's own anyhow.

Semi-final mesh configurations with base textures only. Will be embelished to look less same-y and to fit into SWAT, PMC or Army genres...

I might still change a couple still or remove one or two. We'll see. Now I have to tweak a bunch of anims because I made the arms longer
General Jackson
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Posted: 21st Jun 2009 22:48
I'm almost sure you can sell characters with the default skeleton

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Posted: 21st Jun 2009 23:01
Looks lovely Errant


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Posted: 21st Jun 2009 23:05
Wicked work, Keep it up.

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Posted: 21st Jun 2009 23:10
awesome... just... awesome.
really errant, you have outdone yourself this time, i really can't think of a better looking modern-day model out there, i really can't.

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Posted: 21st Jun 2009 23:18
They look nice errant.

Are you going for a cartoon type look for these characters? They are looking good
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Posted: 21st Jun 2009 23:41
always wondered jake? why dont you post in 3d chat of what your working on, were missing you

you mind if i see a wireframe?

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Posted: 22nd Jun 2009 02:27
I love the gas masks, and all of the balaclava models.
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2009 02:30


Some people say that I'm crazy... And I agree.
Errant AI
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2009 08:49
Thanks Guys

Quote: "I'm almost sure you can sell characters with the default skeleton"

Yes. The characters won't be free. We were talking about the skeleton and biped animations only.

Quote: "Are you going for a cartoon type look for these characters? They are looking good "

Not really but it's somewhat unavoidable when painting textures vs. using photos. Keep in mind these are the base textures only and look less cartoony once cammo, grung, lighting/normal maps have been added. The end result should be somewhere between Bond1's freaks and Jon's civil soldiers, in terms of stylization. The end result should work well in the wonderful FPSC universe of all-over-the-place levels of realism :y

To give an idea, here's a pic from an early quick-and-dirty test with ACU digital cammo applied...

Quote: "always wondered jake? why dont you post in 3d chat of what your working on, were missing you

you mind if i see a wireframe?"

Eh... because I'm pragmatic, I guess. The bulk of my customers are here and I can't be bothered catching flak for using triangles here and there. It's sort of like all of the comments on porportions at the beginning of this thread. It's all well meant but in the end I just have to rely on my own senses when I have the same people seeing screens with the in-game camera telling me the head is too big and the legs too short then show the same model in orthographic view and they want the head bigger and the legs shorter which would just make it even more wonky in-game.


I realized that I never set up a guy to be a granadier. I'll need to do that.
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2009 09:44
Wow. The render with the ACU is amazing. The detail is very crisp. Great job on that texture! You have enough character variants here to make an entire army!

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