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Geek Culture / [LOCKED] My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Posted: 11th Jul 2011 19:24
Left 4 Dead: Friendship is Magic

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Posted: 11th Jul 2011 22:24
Adding Friendship is Magic doesn't make it a pun. >:l

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Posted: 11th Jul 2011 22:42

I dunno, I kinda liked her in a weird way.


Call of Cutie: Modern Warmare

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Posted: 11th Jul 2011 22:44
Not original. :l.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2011 22:52
Originality is a facade my friend.

Also...depending on price I'm half-tempted to get a plushie made of Pinkie...because some of them look so good.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2011 23:04
Quote: "Adding Friendship is Magic doesn't make it a pun. >:l"

... Not supposed to be! They're polar oppisites. And it's also a joke because it lacked the dedication of actually being clever

Quote: "Call of Cutie: Modern Warmare."

Quote: "Not original. :l."

Really? Suit yourself...

Quote: "Also...depending on price I'm half-tempted to get a plushie made of Pinkie...because some of them look so good. "

I know... I've thought about the same thing myself. Invisible forces push both directions I don't know why I want to or why not... yet how could I not

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Posted: 11th Jul 2011 23:07
Quote: " Really? Suit yourself..."

No as in I've heard that else where.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2011 23:17
Ahhh. Gotcha. That makes sense.

Oh and CG, I've almost read the rest of the ballad of twilight sparkle. I guess I meant the writing is a bit hard to understand, unclear, but it's pretty funny. They sure do "infer" a lot about ponies

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Posted: 11th Jul 2011 23:24
Good job.

Another good one is Progress/Luna Versus X.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2011 23:28
Quote: "Good job. "

XD Didn't give you much to respond off there. I'll probably look into those other ones. So, is there a difference between male and female ponies? The story's got me confused

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Posted: 11th Jul 2011 23:40 Edited at: 11th Jul 2011 23:41
In The Ballad...yeh, it's sort've a moot point. Alot of fanfics use lesbianism to compensate for all the fleshed-out characters being female. I dunno, it just appears to be the way it is, because that's how it is.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2011 23:47
Ah okay. Guess that's all I could figuire. I just read when Apple Jack said, “Mah Granny always done told me to treat a Lady right!” and someone suggested Fluttershy was the FATHER of... um. Interesting World they got there. Maybe that's why guys like it

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Posted: 12th Jul 2011 00:04
I dunno, but a fanfic I just read that blew my mind is "The Elements of Awesomery." It's a fanfic satirisation. It essentially sets out to take the absolute mick out of fanfics, and succeeds gloriously.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2011 00:13
I'll just settle on MLP:FiM likes to teach tolerance. and sounds interesting, does it trump the rest? (in worth reading-ness)

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Posted: 12th Jul 2011 13:38
Quote: "and sounds interesting, does it trump the rest? (in worth reading-ness)"

Well, I haven't laughed so hard at a fic like that for while.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2011 23:05 Edited at: 12th Jul 2011 23:20
Quote: "Well, I haven't laughed so hard at a fic like that for while."

I had better not read too many fanfics before getting started, because they're all being entered into my MLP:FiM reality... and I can't resist drafting off them at least a little! "Suggested pre-reading" Well I've been leting my ideas cook themselves in my brain a bit, and I'll give them a bit more time as everyone knows it's better to cook longer at a lower temperature, but everything is begining to toss itself together. Don't worry CG, T(/w/)ixie will be in there. Er... sorry again [Q]uik, but she's a main character to me now... I'm going to try to make her less annoying though , without changing her character of course. So yup.

and I must say Shinedown's Second Chance (song) goes quite well with MLP. I don't know why, it's not the meaning of the song, it's just the epic happiness tone! Reminds me of Fluttershy because I heard the song first after one of her episodes...

Edit: I forgot to say the the "Winter Wrap Up" technique actually worked really well. I finished FAST.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2011 23:18
By the way, "Twixie" means a coupling of Twilight and Trixie, so I'd make sure you're using the right words. There's alot of Twixie fans who'd have your head.

Also I've veered off my current project to write an Equilibrium based fanfic. It's pretty challenging and fun to write about an emotionless character, if you haven't seen the movie, look it up, it's simply amazing.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2011 23:21
Quote: "There's alot of Twixie fans who'd have your head. "

That doesn't seem likely, they like ponies.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2011 23:22 Edited at: 12th Jul 2011 23:25
Quote: " "Twixie" means a coupling of Twilight and Trixie"


But Equilibrium? (I just used the "look up" function for the first time, it didn' help XD) I think I've heard of that, but I'm not quite sure More things to look up!

Edit: @ Indicium *checks avatar* **GULP!** O wait... they can have their twixie **shhh**

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Posted: 12th Jul 2011 23:37
Quote: "That doesn't seem likely, they like ponies."

Well...they'll love and tolerate the s*** out of him.

Also wasn't aware you were still lurking here Indi.

Quote: "But Equilibrium? (I just used the "look up" function for the first time, it didn' help XD) I think I've heard of that, but I'm not quite sure More things to look up!"

Honestly if you get the chance, give it a watch. It's got stylish action and a surprisingly good story for what it is. Panned by critics, but that just made the fanbase antoher "cult."

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Posted: 13th Jul 2011 00:48
Quote: "Well...they'll love and tolerate the s*** out of him."

I love that picture...

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Posted: 13th Jul 2011 00:53
As do I.

My Halo fic is now in progress! I can alternate between that, my original fic, and the Equilibrium one so that once I get writer's block I can just work on one until it goes away on the others!


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Posted: 13th Jul 2011 01:30
Quote: "Also wasn't aware you were still lurking here Indi."

I like to get the odd insult in there when the opportunity arises.

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Posted: 13th Jul 2011 03:40
It's good to know I'm tolerated

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Posted: 13th Jul 2011 11:39
Quote: "I like to get the odd insult in there when the opportunity arises."

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Posted: 13th Jul 2011 19:44
I'm afraid I can't do that, you know you love it when I visit.

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Posted: 13th Jul 2011 20:16
You even ressed the thread from the halfway mark. You must really care about it.

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Posted: 13th Jul 2011 20:19
Quote: "That doesn't seem likely, they like ponies."

you have no idea what pony loving peoples are capable of!!!

and for the record, I am a man.

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Posted: 13th Jul 2011 20:21 Edited at: 13th Jul 2011 20:22
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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 00:43

and hey Indicium, it seems MLP does promote stalking, FanFic and not, it shows you care.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 01:23
I'm slightly tempted to see what the fuss is about, but it'd be a huge risk.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 01:28 Edited at: 14th Jul 2011 02:09
Yeah! Do it like I did! Secretly track the board every moment you can and secretly be actually quite fond of the whole idea.... then jump on it!

But really what's life without a little risk?

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 01:37
Quote: "I'm slightly tempted to see what the fuss is about, but it'd be a huge risk"

Honestly I haven't met someone who watched the show and didn't like it. Sure, alot of my friends don't like it on the level I do, but they can see why I like it so much and agree it's a good show.

90% of people that hate bronies have the same response:
"Oh this is a pretty good show here."
"Gayyy, u r gayz lol."
"Have you actually watched this show?"
"No I hate it, it r gay."

The irony being they open themselves up to inscure masculinity jibes, which are fun to execute.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 18:00 Edited at: 18th Jul 2011 16:32
I don't want to overpost about it, but, beginning writing. I'll probably put a link up at somepoint here so you can kind of check in on progress. (Yes, google docs like the rest.)

Edit: k, set to anyone with a link can view. This is only the early sprouting of the story, so it's uneditted, but if you want you can drop in comments about something if it's unclear or could be improved, as it's a bit easier to repair when it's fresh off the mind. But you know? doesn't matter. Feel free to read what's there though, it's not much, I'll still be working on it most of today. I don't quite know completely how this FanFic stuff goes, which is why I'm posting it so early, and maybe involving the community a bit more can improve it. It's only a community of 3/4 others, so ,er, yep. I really want to make sure the character are portrayed correctly thought! I think that's all I had to say Well I can edit more in later if I need to Do what you like with it! but I still find it creepy people can track what I'm doing

Welp here ya go!

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 20:09
Only thing I'd say is that you can't just drop Trixie into the situation. Remember, AppleJack, Dash and Rarity will hate her after what she did to them. (Public humiliation.)

You need a build-up to her getting introduced, she ran away out of Ponyville so it needs alot of work to bring her back in, in a believable manner.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 20:16 Edited at: 14th Jul 2011 20:24
Yeah, I'd thought about pitching in some information about how she sort of came to end up invited while I went, maybe a reader will question it and read on to figuire out what's going on, or it could just be confusing I had thought about that, maybe not enough, but nopony is very excited to have her there at all. And I was only going to ride on the fact that throwing in shadow ponies would push the group to accept her more, or possiblly just stop not accepting her as much due to the other, more important factors.

Edit: Actually, how about I just start pitching information out right where I stopped. It seems like a good point anyways. Thanks for reading and helping out even though there isn't much there. I was rewatching some of the trixie episode, and the episodes portray her a bit differently than most stories, so I'll have to find a mid-point, but I saw somepony was reading it and... *Gulp* somepony stopped reading it *Gulp again* and somepony posted, I would have swalowed again but my mouth was too dry by then. Then I'm frantically reading over the post and my brain triggers "it's horrible" stupid brain I jumped a bit. But I'm all fine now though. XD So thanks!

Well is there any hope?

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 20:33
Okay I'm confused, what is your plot exactly? It'd help to have that backdrop.

Trixie's a volatile character. Remember you have to set up your own fanon for her, starting from the canon in Boast Busters. She can be incredibly useful if fleshed out and tied in right, but story breaking if she isn't.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 20:52 Edited at: 14th Jul 2011 20:53
Quote: "Okay I'm confused, what is your plot exactly? It'd help to have that backdrop."

Well right now I'm leading into sort of characterising what is going on. During the party, ponies, probably pinkie because no one will beleive her, and she'll be rediculous, will start seeing glimpses of monotone ponies in darkened shadowed areas (these are the moon minions or whatever) A bit later Twi will write to Princess Celestia telling her of the events and asking for any insight, as it's not in any of her books (a second reason for the party being at her house) but the responce will be from luna saying what I posted before, I'll need a cool name for them, but they're tring to fullfill what luna failed at. I need an excuse for why the elements don't work , but that's later.

Trixie will simply be stuck in with them from a friendly gesture gone wrong, untilt the end where she's special. I have some(poorly written) backstory coming along for why she's involved, mostly from hitting an absolute low... but erm I don't know if I've been clear enough with my explainations yet. Does all /\that help?

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 21:20
They're creatures of pure shadow, not ponies, and as a result can't even recognise the Harmony Elements?

I'd really work on Trixie more though. Trust me, it's something that readers get very picky on when characters aren't introduced quite right.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 21:32 Edited at: 14th Jul 2011 23:16
Quote: "I'd really work on Trixie more though. Trust me, it's something that readers get very picky on when characters aren't introduced quite right."

I'm working on that right now. I know it's not qute right so I'll bee going throught it a lot. Anyways right now I've got Trixie down right pathetic. Think it's an okay path?

Quote: "They're creatures of pure shadow, not ponies, and as a result can't even recognise the Harmony Elements?"

hey that's pretty good I suppose I could say, as it drafts off of the rest of the story, that the shadow ponies were really meant to be a counter to the elements, as Luna knew they were a threat to her, but her goal had to be completed, and if she failed the not-ponies could claim equistria and place her back on the throne. Unfortunately, she went all good, but feared to mention the ponies, that part's a little iffy. But hey! At least I THINK I have a cool ending

Edit: Maybe the story will be a little more understandable now as I fixed like 40 typos in the first section The second part is still all over the place though needs lots of work.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 23:39
Would I be hated if I began crossover fan fics? Some of these are too awesome not to be made a reality. It's just on Equestria Daily some of those crossovers get a lot of nasty comments...

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 23:43
iam sorry but: whats crossover fanfics?

and for the record, I am a man.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 23:47
Quote: "iam sorry but: whats crossover fanfics?"

I dunno either My best guess is stories that derive from other stories but uhh. ???

Quote: "It's just on Equestria Daily some of those crossovers get a lot of nasty comments..."

You could not post it there, but, what fun what that be?

So to answer Cormorant5's question. I have no idea.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 23:48
Depends on the medium. I'm writing a Halo crossover as there hasn't been one yet, and it's a canon I bloody love.

Inevitably haters of the crossover's canon will hate it being added to their ponies.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 23:53
Oh. So it's cross-overs with other stories as in, completely non-pony stories. Like, I don't know, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy + Ponies ?

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 23:54
or maybe, batman *hint hint* ponies

and for the record, I am a man.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 23:55 Edited at: 14th Jul 2011 23:56
Quote: "Inevitably haters of the crossover's canon will hate it being added to their ponies"

I understood none of that.

Quote: "iam sorry but: whats crossover fanfics?"

Quote: "I dunno either"

A fan fiction that takes place in another universe, like a story about Batman that has My Little Pony locations, events, and all the characters are ponies. I've started a Batman one in the past, the lead character was 'Bruce Mane' and although I may finish it some day, it's not very good. I don't feel it's worth seeing through.

Would you guys enjoy reading those kind of stories? You can choose what I write about, because although you guys can write em yourselves it seems your plenty busy.

EDIT: While I typed Quik said it would be Batman ponies. Have I become this predictable?

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 23:56
Quote: "or maybe, batman *hint hint* ponies"

Nah it couldn't be!

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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 23:58
Quote: "EDIT: While I typed Quik said it would be Batman ponies. Have I become this predictable?"

naaah, just random guess...

and for the record, I am a man.

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Posted: 15th Jul 2011 00:00 Edited at: 15th Jul 2011 00:01
Quote: "EDIT: While I typed Quik said it would be Batman ponies. Have I become this predictable?"

I find you as mysterious as batman, so, possibly, but it's also just an easy joke due to your sig. And yeah, somehow I'm really busy and I'm going to have trouble finding time to work on my story, I'll keep going, but it sure is a mess right now

never mind that last part (the part that was here not /\ there), Quik saved me

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