When was the video texture included into the code? 1.19 or 1.20?
I have a problem with build game with more than one level with video textures. I tried the old trick of building one level at a time and bringing it all back together, but that no longer works. The same thing with changing the sky per level in the code.
I built a four level game this morning and through the night and it will not work properly. My problem is, I can play the build game just fine, but when I get to the last level it crashes. I thought I would just switch level 1 with level 4 and see what happens and it loaded level 4 as 1 just fine, but then crashed on level4 as 1. I did a complete re install to see if that would work. No dice. Then out of the blue it builds all four levels. Before it would get hung up at level 2. At the part where is says moving all files to a excutable folder. Then it would crash. It would be one level just fine with the exception of the long pause at building portals.
I don't remember these problems. 1.20 seems to be getting worst as it continues forward. I have tested my problem in both windows xp and windows 8. Fpsc works just fine when I am in the editor and test game, but the build game seems off.
I am not fine with building one level at a time. I think that if this update is all about stability then it should be on all parts. Just my thoughts.
Do I have a fpm to test? No. I cannot find one good answer on my side for the problem. Can you replicate it? I don't know. each level I made was about 400 to 600mb with videotextures.
However I have some new bugs for you. When using new videotextures it is not getting built in the the final build. The videobank and story.avi are getting there no problem, but nothing custom.
Thek's grass pack has textures in the same folder that are not getting sent along either. The fpe tells fpsc where it is, yet you have to manually move it. This is a read problem I think.
The next thing is when starting a level with videotextures the screen goes blank or white and then shows either the level before or the new level without ambience before it cuts in to show the player a new level.
The next thing I saw is files that are not being used at all by the current levels of a built game are now included in the built game. For example, why do we need all the sound files for materials that are not in the final game? Or whay do we need the throwragdollright.fpi if ragdoll is not used?
Why do we need say all the basic backdrops, flak, etc, if we use another backdrop, not using any flak, etc?
These are just a few things I have noticed and before I go to bed I wanted you to be aware of them. Thanks and good luck.