Regarding the file collection routine... Why is this in the source?
if file exist("videobank\storyvideo.avi")=1
Why would you reference a useless video to be copied into a build? Why is it that custom videos used in a script calling the "makevideotexture" command never copy, on some systems the above mentioned video copies while other systems do not copy it at all?
Just like the skybox issue, is there no way to get the source to copy what is *called upon* for a build? If I assign a script for a dynamic console that has player interaction and it resides in the "scriptbank\NFM\GAME" folder, it copies the exact folder and script(s). Same is said when entities and segments are used- the folder(s) and file(s) copy to the built in the exact structure.
Yet when using the "makevideotexture", none of the videos required are copied over to the build, except the top-most video in my videobank folder. Again, we have to manually copy missing media. The same is said of the "video" command.
For example, in my "titlepage.fpi", I have the following videos defined on buttons:
;AIScript from Wizard
desc = Title Page Wizard V103
When I do a build, only the video "00-at1-intro.wmv" copies to the build (videobank\ancient_tombs1\00-at1-intro.wmv" is the exact structure in the build). If I point to any other folder containing videos, only the above copies since it is the top-most folder and video. Manually copy them in the structure they should be and no problem. I've tested this in both my source (v1.17) and in v1.20 (r760).
If this is going to be completed and pushed out as a finished release, then I can rewrite the collection routine to suit our needs. It would be nice if this can be looked at before hand as it seems that some media copies while other media does not, which becomes time consuming when prepping for a final release.
There's no problem that can't be solved without applying a little scripting.