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Program Announcements / Newton Physics SDK running in DBPro!

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Posted: 19th Sep 2004 01:58

I'm trying to make a body to follow a player. I've began with a simple box, and i force the matrix with the position of my player. But the collision don't works correctly. There's a offset with collsion when my player is moving or not...

How can i fix that?

Another question, is it possible to disable the rotation due to collision for a body and simply get the translation ?

Thx in advance.
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Posted: 19th Sep 2004 10:40
setting the matrix manually defeats the entire purpose of using Newton. you have to move your object with the physics system for them to have realistic/accurate reactions. what are you trying to accomplish exactly?

Go Go Gadget DBPRO!

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Posted: 19th Sep 2004 19:50
My problem is that my player follow a spline ( hermite interpolation ), so I can't move it like any object ( but with 0.0 - 1.0 ).

I'm simply trying to have a collision box for my player and this box can react with other physic's object (like a box).
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Posted: 19th Sep 2004 20:31
if you want physics, you have to obey the laws of physics. manually setting a location for an object is like instantaneously teleporting something in space - it's not possible.

if you want to use Newton, you need to re-think your character controller. if you just want to detect collision, give another solution a try...

Go Go Gadget DBPRO!

Athlon XP 2400+ || DDR-SDRAM 1GB || Nvidia GeForce 4 Ti4200 AGP 8x 128MB
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Posted: 19th Sep 2004 20:35
Ok thx walaber
Il Buzzo
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2004 17:13
Hi Walaber,
I'm developing a little game with Newton and advanced terrain pack, is there a better way than box collision to use with the main character?
To reduce collisions checkings is there a way?
I'm thinking that if there is a way to identify object contained in a sphere a little big than character you than can check only object in this sphere so reducing collision checkings, in example if you have 1000 objects but only 10 near you it's quite obvious that you'll have better results checking just 10 and not 1000.
I've not read all newton help so excuse me if this question is solved by help file.

Salvatore "Il Buzzo"
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2004 18:26
Newton basically handles this for you, by removing objects that are "at rest" from the simulation list.

so the background objects are automatically "forgotten" once they come to a state of equilibirum (at rest), and are only remembered once another object comes in contact with them.

you can also force objects out of the current simulation queue by calling the NDB_NewtonFreezeBody command. this will remove the body from simulation calculations... so when the character leaves an area, you can call this command for all bodies in the area, and they will be ignored until an active object comes in contact with them, or you UnFreexe them.

as for the character, you can make complex shaped by combining multiple boxes and spheres, by using the:


some of the docs are incomplete on these commands, please look at demo06 for an example of how to use them. I'll get the docs updated for the next release.

also if you're using a human character, I would recommend looking at the UpVector joint as well...

Go Go Gadget DBPRO!

Athlon XP 2400+ || DDR-SDRAM 1GB || Nvidia GeForce 4 Ti4200 AGP 8x 128MB
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2004 02:44
Hey Walaber.. everything is looking great.. I have not been here in a while and it looks like everyone is making great stuff.

I do have one question, what ever became of Newton's Vehicle Dynamics.
Like I said I have been out of it for a couple of months, so I may have missed a post along the way.

Thanks, Fred

Fred Anderson ::
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2004 07:11

Walaber questions :

How can i get the acceleration of a body ? And i've seen that you post a table in a forum but i don't remember the page, you know with different statics and kinetics values to mimic wood, ice ....

Thanks in advance.
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2004 12:08
w1nterl0ng - the next version of the Newton SDK (which I will wrap once it comes out) will feature the long-awaited vehicle system!

Tartopom - you can't get the acceleration of a body, as that is something that depends on the forces acting on the body, which change every frame. you can get the velocity though... NDB_NewtonBodyGetVelocity. or the rotational velocity with NDB_NewtonBodyGetOmega.

I posted that table on this thread, probably back on page 2 or 3...

Go Go Gadget DBPRO!

Athlon XP 2400+ || DDR-SDRAM 1GB || Nvidia GeForce 4 Ti4200 AGP 8x 128MB
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2004 18:44
Ah Ah

Thx for all walaber
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Posted: 7th Nov 2004 21:03
Can i use this DLL in DBC Enhanced ?
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Posted: 7th Nov 2004 23:59
dont thinkj you can. dont think there are any vector maths commands in DBC enhanced are there? cos Newton uses vectors alot.

BTW Walaber, d'you know anything about the future 'vehicle' feature in development? When'll it be done, and will you wrap it?

coincidence? how about pure cosmic convergence!
Chris K
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Posted: 8th Nov 2004 00:29
I think you can used it in DBC E.

All the calculations are done .dll side. In DBPro The linked objects are just rotated and positioned.
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Posted: 8th Nov 2004 05:42
I think the plugin rotates and positions the objects in dbpro by calling a dbpro dll so it won't work in DBC E.

Quote: "this is not a quote"
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Posted: 9th Nov 2004 00:54
you could probably use it without the cool auto-features, like positioning and rotating the objects... the wrapper can be used manually if you really want to, by positioning and rotating the objects with the NDB_BodyGetPosition / NDB_BodyGetRotation commands.

as for the vehicle, the SDK itself is nearing release, and I will hopefully have the new wrapper ready within a week or so of the SDK release. I'm writing all new demos, updating the docs, and basically cleaning up the wrapper for the next release.

Go Go Gadget DBPRO!

Athlon XP 2400+ || DDR-SDRAM 1GB || Nvidia GeForce 4 Ti4200 AGP 8x 128MB

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