Quote: "all the gamers I know just use the keys from 1 to 0"
wow, really? must be a sub-conscious difference in culture or something because everybody i know uses the wheel... well i use the keyboard sometimes in UT but only for the sniper rifle and the translocator.
the best system for switching weapons, in my opinion, was implemented in Red Faction. you were able to select an item by pressing the associated key or by using the mouse wheel. using the wheel would bring up a display of your weapons and you could scroll through them to select your weapon. by doing this, your current weapon was fully functional right up until the point when you made the change. so while you're scrolling through and deciding which weapon to chose, you current weapon can still fire.
well, i guess what i just wrote doesn't really make sense unless you've played red faction, but it was a great system nonetheless
Quote: "Mouse wheel I thought was usually used for scope zoom? What are everyone elses opinions about this?"
I have seen the wheel used for zoom before but this is rather rare. usually scope zoom is done by holding down RMB and shooting with LMB
here is a partial list of keys and what they commonly do in FPS games (or at least what i like them to do
LMB => fire
RMB => alternate fire (or zoom)
W => frontstep
S => backstep
A => strafe left (sometimes turn left, i.e. Quake)
D => strafe right (sometimes turn right)
R => reload
1-0 => select associated item
tilde(~)/tab => command console/chat
ENTER => select/use
CTRL => select/use, crouch, fire
C => crouch
SPACE => jump
HOME => reset camera to default view (usually isn't used anymore)
ALT/SHIFT => tilt ("ALT + A" would tilt your character left for looking around walls and such, but isn't used much)
T,Y,U,I,O,P => commands/orders/taunts
mouse wheel => scroll through inventory
Quote: "If you wanted to do some coding then suggest what kind of thing you'd like to do. Media would be cool .
I'm not sure what kind of thing you'd like to do though."
well...i'm not really sure what kinda thing i'd like to do either. and i'm not sure how much i could help with coding right now. i have to play catch-up on DB. so many new things to mess with since the last time i was here.
anyway, for starters, i have some media you can use (
http://www.lucidintegration.com/dbpro/media.zip). i've created these all so you don't have to worry about copyright or anything like that. all the sound files were created using SoundForge, Fruity Loops, and a mic (well, on one of the files i used 2 mics and a half-stack). the models still need a lot of work though. they are still kinda high poly (about 350) and a lot of that can be reduced by welding vertices together. and none of them are textured because i'm not good at that.
most of them are still in MAX format but i no longer have 3DStudio... i had to give that back when i quit my last job
and if anybody else wants to use this stuff they can. i don't really care about credits or anything so it's basically royalty free, non right-managed, FREE rubbish for the taking.
ha, and i just won an unreal tournament competition... 963 kills and 18 deaths... ich bin dein Schöpfer
(well, maybe just a little)
i guess it's about time for me to stop my prolonged babbling...
If you want fresh underwear in the morning, take it off the night before.