Hmm, that's possibly the kind of thing we're wanting, although less chunky, more slick. We're not specifically looking for a complicated gadget type HUD, just some slick lines and stuff.
A slightly longer video with improved masses and character physics. Though I get a weird juddering of all the objects when the frame rate gets too low. It may be due to the highly stacked objects, but I still don't see any reason my they should all judder (including the character object). Unfortunately the physics don't work perfectly when you do bullet time stuff, but I'll try and fix it. (5mb, 1 min long)
List o' Things To do (In rough order of importantness)
- Generally neaten up physics code (done)
- Limit time based movement to a certain frame rate (to stop player jumping 5 miles off the map if the game freezes for a few seconds)
- Get musak module working
- Get decals sticking to objects
- Add little yellow bullet thingys to make shooting look nicer
- Get energy weapons working again
- Add bouncing projectiles (eg. grenades)
- Fix up player movement at any speed (kinda done)
- Get a better, full level
- Get HUD up
- Add joints support for Newton
- Add secondary fire
Isn't it? Wasn't it? Marvellous!