@ Bizar Guy
Well, I didn't understand that last comment, but to clarify to people, I am English, and live in England.
I will see what I can do about the mouse movement and laser; I do feel it needs work as it
is hard to use. I like the idea of having it strafing when with the laser out, but I don't know how easy that will be to implement into my character... you see, the character isn't animated. - I have no animation software and I can't personally animate, nor do I have anyone to animate for me. So the character is build up of 5 different objects: the torso, the bit that actually moves and collides and the limbs, which simply rotate, to present the illusion of animation. So, if I want to make it strafe, I don't really know how to rotate them so they still move correctly and still look like they are attatched.
Any thoughts anyone?
Also, so that people don't get any ideas,
all interaction with objects will be done by the character. There will be no interaction from the
camera drone because that is just issued by the Visionary training centre so you, the
operator, are able to control the radio-controled robot through the game.
Interaction from the player should be similar to that of the Quake and Half Life engines, where there are very visible and obvious buttons to press or
I hope this all clarifies some more information. (It also reveals some of the story. - In that
you aren't the robot, you are an operator, controling the robot throughout the game. Also to add more depth to the story, there will be people in the game that will talk to the robot as if it were you, the operator.)