Quote: "WITH volume levelling"
Muuuuuuch better
The Un-subscriber and subscriber was probably me, happened by way of YouTube casual fizziness
but only happened once I think...
Did you like the game? I watched half and skipped bits the rest... did not seam like you commented parts of the gameplay if I missed it... perhaps get more of that in the first half of the videos ^^
Been a bit busy today, otherwise would have had it playing in full... maybe later when I have more sit down time lol...
On another note... Steam Streaming to local machines is a great way to play Full Quality on a minimal device via a headless rig! [Monitor detached system] [Doing this also frees up the GPU oh the host to play at any resolution and not be limited by the host attached monitor spec... meaning even on a 720p client screen you can still play a game running at a higher resolution lol, I might try this with 4K tomorrow
Even AGKV2 works on Steam that way!
Been playing super intensive games through my HP Stream 7 with an xbox 360 pad... [waiting on the new revised xbox One pads to come out!!!] but mainly leaving my Surface Pro 2 to be free to record in the background in HD or even stream live!
There are a few kinks on some games like 3DMark and GRID AutoSport... etc... but mostly it all works...