This obviously isnt the official list but these are most if not all of the New FPI related to Dark AI.
Dark AI FPI:
addaiteam=X (action) x= the team number (1-20 range cap). Team 1 is defaulted to the player. Can be called at any time to change teams.
aiteam=X (condition) x= team number defined by addaiteam=x
aicallteam=x (action) x= range of call broadcast from entity
aicalled=x (condition) x=1/0
airespondtocall (action) AI moves to location where aicallteam last heard
aiplrcallteam=x (action) x= range of call broadcast from player
aicalledbyplr=x (condition) x=1/0
airespondtoplrcall (action) AI moves to location where aiplrcallteam last heard
aiaddally=X Y|Y|Y|Y|Y (action - faction control); Y= DAI Team(s) to add as allies to the DAI team X is equal to. Allied teams share ai calls.
aiaddenemy=X Y|Y|Y|Y|Y (action - faction control); Y= DAI Team(s) to add as enemies to the DAI team X is equal to. Enemy teams are targetable.
aiaddneutral=X Y|Y|Y|Y|Y (action - faction control); Y= DAI Team(s) to add as neutral to the DAI team X is equal to. Neutral teams are ignored.
aiautofactionoff=x (action); if x=1 automatic faction disposition reciprocity is disabled for the above actions allowing asymetric disposition.
example of basic team assignments:
Team 1: Player controllable ally (Team 1 is always the player team)
Team 2: Enemy
Team 3: Neutral
Team 4: Non-controlable Player ally
Team 5: Indescriminate Enemy
ducking=x (condition); x=1 is true if DAI is ducking, x=0 is true if DAI is not ducking.
strafingleft=x (condition); x=1 is true if DAI is strafing left, x=0 is true if DAI is not strafing left.
strafingright=x (condition); x=1 is true if DAI is strafing right, x=0 is true if DAI is not strafing right.
movingforwards=x (condition); x=1 is true if DAI is moving forewards, x=0 is true if DAI is not moving forewards (used mainly for setting animations).
movingbackwards=x (condition); x=1 is true if DAI is moving backwards, x=0 is true if DAI is not moving backwards (used mainly for setting animations).
idle=x (condition); x=1 is true if DAI is not moving, x=0 is true if DAI is moving (used mainly for setting animations).
aicanshoot=x (condition); x=1 is true if DAI can see an enemy, x=0 is true if DAI can not see an enemy.
aisettarget (action); instruct the AI to target an enemy team member.
AIONPOINT=X (condition) x=is the points id number - this will check if the entity is on the point (named by x)
AIGOTOPOINT=X (action) this will make the entity go from its current position to the point specified by x (to create a point use aiaddpoint=x) this path will avoid any obstacles
AIADDPOINT=X (action) x=is the points id number - this will create a point to be used with other ai point commands
ISDARKAI=X (condition) which is true if the entity has been loaded into the Dark AI system via ADDAITEAM FPI
setaiactive=x (action); if x=1 DAI is activated, if x-0 DAI is deactivated. Use mostly for pausing DAI animation override when reloading, etc.
AIACTION=X (condition) x=0 if idle; x=1 if attacking; x=2 if in cover; x=3 if retreating
AIFOLLOWPLR=X (action) if set to 1 this will allow AI ally entities to follow the player if set to 0 the AI ally will stop following
AIMOVERANDOM (action) to allow AI entities to move about randomly (must be looped or entity will stop moving after a while)
AICONDSOUNDFINISHED to allow sequence of WAV sounds to be played inside FPI scripts
aiheardsound=x (condition); x=unit range for DAI to listen for sounds (default 700 if no =x given)
aimovetosound (action);
aiatcover=x (condition); x=1 if in cover, x=0 if exposed
aimovetotarget (action)
aimovetocover=x (action)
aistop (action)
aiusemelee=x (action) if x=1 is given, blood shows
aisetmeleedamage=x (action)
aitargetdistwithin=x (condition)
aitargetdistfurther=x (condition)
aisetspeed=x (action) sets the move speed for the entity to the value of x
airotatetotarget (action) AI rotates to face target
airotatetosound (action) AI rotates to face sound
healthgreater=x (condition); x=entity health
And also the supported airmod gunspec commands (sorry, i have the explanations memorized so never wrote them down):
shotgun = x
burst = x
firerate = x
disablemovespeedmod = X
altflak = x
chamberedround = x
noautoreload = x
nofullreload = x
runx = x
runy = x
runacc = x
noscorch = x
simplezoom = x
simplezoommod = x
simplezoomacc = x
simplezoomx = x
simplezoomy = x
simplezoomspeed = x
simplezoomanim = x
simplezoomflash = x
gunlagspeed = x
gunlagxmax = x
gunlagymax = x
zoomgunlagspeed = x
zoomgunlagxmax = x
zoomgunlagymax = x
zoomwalkspeed = x
zoomturnspeed = x
alternateisflak = x
alternateisray = x
altreloadqty = x
altrange = x
altaccuracy = x
altdamage = x
altmuzzleflash = x
recoily = x
recoilx = x
recoilyreturn = x
recoilxreturn = x
zoomrecoily = x
zoomrecoilx = x
zoomrecoilyreturn = x
zoomrecoilxreturn = x
altrecoily = x
altrecoilx = x
altrecoilyreturn = x
altrecoilxreturn = x
forcezoomout = x
zoomalignx = x
zoomaligny = x
zoomalignz = x
altalignx = x
altaligny = x
altalignz = x
block = x,x
start / end fire 2 = x,x
start / end fire 3 = x,x
zoomto = x,x
zoomfrom = x,x
zoom start fire = x.x
zoom automatic fire = x.x
zoom end fire = x.x
zoom idle = x.x
zoom move = x.x
altto = x,x
altfrom = x,x
alt start fire = x.x
alt automatic fire = x.x
alt end fire = x.x
alt idle = x.x
alt move = x.x
alt reload = x.x
alt select = x.x
alt putaway = x.x
altsound1/3/4 =x
altfireloop =x