mgarand : Is this a problem with V109 only? I take it you ran V108 okay? V109 uses DirectX 10.1 so it is vital you go to the MS site and download the VERY LATEST DirectX, not one you might have on a CD or on your drive as it might be an older installer. Failing that try a complete uninstall of FPSC X10, then reinstall after a reset.
All : Here is the list of 'ideal' todo's for V109, have I missed anything:
1. Model Packs & Store
2. Aspect Ratio
3. Score Bug
4. Scaling to revert to X9 method (will change existing X10 games)
5. Lock player above water when surface
I am going to be away for one week starting Saturday so there will be a delay in getting to new items, but hopefully the present fixes will give you something to chew on and ensure the current update has not broken anything from V108.
And lo, after much toil, he placed his keyboard on the ground and lo, he saw that it was good. Then his PC crashed, and lo, he saw that is wasn't good enough!