Quote: "I now have a basic game engine working for a game I'm currently calling "Ham and Eggs got Beef!""
Sounds like a really fun game, baxslash! I like the look of those farm animals. Will keep an eye on this.
@ Van B
Looking really nice, man! 'Fizzy and Dizzy', huh? Heheheh. Cool title aswell. I'll keep my other eye on this.
@ Batvink
Loox like a nice and fun game too, dude! Haven't tested it out yet (too busy deving and looking for a job), but I'll definatly have a go at this later.
All these cool games make me jaleous, cuz Brixoid still isn't published on AppUp. Wéééééé!
I really should finish this once and for all. I've been putting it off for too long. Three other projects of mine require a lot of work, like the adventure/puzzle game for AppUp, a Super Mario clone and a horizontal space shooter. And, I restarted another project (space game like Wing Commander).
I'll start a WIP thread one of these days (or weeks), but for now, here's a little video (wmv format). It's a part of the intro cutscene where Sara (the mother) is in front of the lift which will send her to the world her lost daughter is.