No idea I'm afraid I have tried it myself before with no luck. I have to get one of these new Netbuke's
Looks interesting, watched the os install bit, which is standard stuff, not sure about how DB works with this though? Is it for another dev system? Sounds like linux from what I have seen.
I have another demo I wouldn't mind testing as my spacetrader game looks like a PC only title for now
. Not done too much just like to know if it runs well, and how many objects you can plonk down before it becomes unplayable.
Arrowkeys move around the map.
+/- keys zoom in out.
[ ] keys change view angle.
1,2,3 changes current object.
Z,x moves enemy object left right.
Shift, control moves enemy object up down.
Left click mouse to place current object.
The test enemy is just a block sitting on the map atm. You can move it around to test turret movement.
I can get 1000 objects before it begins to slow slightly on my system. Not a lot, but it falls below 60 fps at that point. I have made it as low poly as possible for now to see what I am working with (Netbook wise).