Pre Demo Update
Okay, in light of the upcoming demo (4 days to go) I thought I'd post a whole load of progress from the game.
The concept version of the game, November 2004. It was originally going to be alot more similar to Dumbo's Adventure, which I know Megaton hated
The elusive train level, which
does exist. I know alot of people were curious.
Lecture - the game's villain. He is a giant Stude, with a cool crown and cape (The 3D cloth & Particles pack finally came in useful). He owns, despite some dodgy animation.
Oh yeah, and Dumbo and Cool actually do meet Lecture at the end of the game, with some seriously big explosions as a result... I wish I could tell everybody more, but I guess you'll have to buy the game to see what I mean.
How's it all coming along, Drew?
4 of the game's 5 levels are done, the intro film is almost done and 6 of the game's 12 puzzle levels are done. Thankfully I have another 30 days to complete the game, so here's hoping I won't miss another deadline...
Katie Holmes does not endorse D&C or Drew Cameron.