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FPSC Classic Models and Media / [LOCKED] EAI Task Force 341 character set WIP (56k warning)

Errant AI
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Posted: 8th Oct 2009 09:56 Edited at: 8th Oct 2009 09:58
Development has been on hold this week pending some initial beta testing to verify the rigging and construction methods are working as intended.

I have the results I need now. So, I will begin animation revisions this weekend; starting with death anims and working my way down the timeline. I've learned some valuable lessons from the first go-around and will be doing much more incremental in-game testing to check animation speed and blending.

I'm happy to say that the characters will work in Horror Mod and also in X10. They look sort of crap in X10 but I think it's partly because of the assigned .fx shader. Their feet also seem to be blowing through the ground but I think X10 users should be able to adjust the height offset via FPE.

Here's a pic I got back (Thanks to Toasty Fresh):

edit: I've also upgraded to v1.15 and can confirm the characters looking good in Project Blue UM 1.7
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Posted: 8th Oct 2009 18:42 Edited at: 8th Oct 2009 19:49
looks awesome! top-quality stuff EAI!

EDIT: it really wasn't meant to be stiff, REALLY.

Can you solve the mystery of bunker 413?
Errant AI
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Posted: 8th Oct 2009 19:43
Quote: "looks awesome! top-quality stiff EAI!"

Thanks but don't get too excited!
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Posted: 8th Oct 2009 19:48
...whoops... ok. i'm definately editing that.

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Posted: 8th Oct 2009 22:56 Edited at: 8th Oct 2009 23:03
im overexited :woot:

EDIT: btw errant, when i use your swat shield, and i block some bullets, i see some white blocks, how can i delete that

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Posted: 9th Oct 2009 00:33
Quote: "I'm happy to say that the characters will work in Horror Mod and also in X10. They look sort of crap in X10 but I think it's partly because of the assigned .fx shader. Their feet also seem to be blowing through the ground but I think X10 users should be able to adjust the height offset via FPE."

It probably is just the shader, once I get these I'm definitely making relief maps for them in x10.

WWIV Studios
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Posted: 9th Oct 2009 16:47
Will you need ply's mod, Project Blue or Airmod?
Errant AI
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Posted: 9th Oct 2009 19:24
Quote: "EDIT: btw errant, when i use your swat shield, and i block some bullets, i see some white blocks, how can i delete that"

In gunspec you will see:
sparkflash = 4

What you need to do is set up a sparkflash directory in FPSC so that value has something to correspond to.

from the PBUM manual:

Requires Files/gamecore/sparkflash folder. Easy way to set up is to copy the muzzleflash folder and rename
the copy to “sparkflash”)

Do that and you should be all set. the default you'll see like a little muzzleflash when blocking as in my video. If you want, you can make whatever single-frame image to be shown when you deflect a bullet.

Quote: "Will you need ply's mod, Project Blue or Airmod? "

For the most part; No.

I plan to include (or otherwise make-available) a couple cool scripts which use Ply's Mod and AirMod conditions/actions but use of a mod is not a prerequisite for the characters to function in a conventional manner.
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Posted: 9th Oct 2009 21:43
would plysmod or airmod be necessarry for the flinching anims and special anims?
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Posted: 11th Oct 2009 23:55
The characters look great, nice job!

The Storyteller 01
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Posted: 13th Oct 2009 15:18
The textures look superb.

Finally some models that match the quality of your guns

In case you find my grammar and spelling weird ---> native German speaker ^^
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Posted: 13th Oct 2009 21:08
they sure do- they'd make good russian spies for WWC. those flinches are my fave animations.
Errant AI
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Posted: 13th Oct 2009 21:25 Edited at: 13th Oct 2009 21:44
Quote: "would plysmod or airmod be necessarry for the flinching anims and special anims? "


In the video (its hard to make out because the anims were too fast), part of the melee attacking is that they can disarm the player and it incorporates some screen shaking. Stuff like that would need a mod, otherwise they only would play the anim and damage the player a bit. There may also be some mod-only, weapon-specific scripting effects such as when shocked by stun gun. It won't be a huge difference between mod/no-mod usage.

I do have to say that with things like the flinching, the way I have it set up is with a fair amount of scripting which has to be added to each AI script state. Long scripts are known to lag FPSC. So, it's in your better interest to use a performance enhancing mod like PBUM though it is not mandatory.

Here's an example of one of my (nooby) scripts:

edit: oh! I'm glad I posted it because I just saw a bug I've been looking for LOL.

Anyhow, this is actually the slimmed down script. The original had a couple weapon speciffic things and more variation based on quantity of damage. This one isn't so bad. Still, when concidering the length, keep in mind theres nothing meaningful like waypoint following or anything advanced going on.

edit2: Yes, I know setanimspeed doesn't work with incframe. I haven't cleaned them out yet because I need them as reminders of how much I need to slow down certian anims.
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Posted: 13th Oct 2009 23:10
thats not nooby. perhaps make him run backwards when the player gets close and he doesnt decide to melee. like- a rotate 180 command while playing the sprinting anim and moving backwards. could be used if the melee doesnt kill the player
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Posted: 14th Oct 2009 13:32
Hey EAI, i sent you a e-mail the other day and was wanting to know if you got it (i forgot to give it a subject tho).

On Topic, These are looking nice..i Love the talking and sitting animations. they look soo proffesional (CoD 4.5, Fear style)

keep up the epic work and i hope to get these soon
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Posted: 16th Oct 2009 03:04
will the STRAFE animation be edited?
also- will the walk with gun down animation be put into a waypoint script for us?
Errant AI
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Posted: 16th Oct 2009 15:08
Afrokid: resend me the mail... with a subject title.


Good suggestion. Breaking contact was something I've been wanting to add to the script but aven't messed wth it yet.

1. Yes, hopefully for the better. I don't like the normal crab/marionette strafe either.

2. More than likely, yes.
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Posted: 16th Oct 2009 17:34
The idle animations are odd. In real life, you don't see people walking around like they can't close their arms - I think you should rethink that too. Perhaps have their arms more closer to their hips, instead of in their rigging pose.

Its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemies
Errant AI
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Posted: 16th Oct 2009 18:43 Edited at: 16th Oct 2009 18:46
You're referring to the stock idle and not what I've shown, right?
The render pics are all the unarmed standing posture (though technically in one of the talking anims for the head tilt). I think my idle poses look more natural than stock. They do have enough bulky gear on that the arms can't go straight down.

You can see it in the last ingame pics too with the two non-black wearing guys. The one hand is hanging down and the other is on the hip/sidearm.

In the current (interim) animation set, pretty much only the leg positions when walking and the throwbacks were unchanged.
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Posted: 16th Oct 2009 20:11
I like the flinches. one of the things that makes people notice how many bullets that you can pump into one guy is the fact that the bulets do NOTHING to their posture. with these flinching anims, you can give a guy more health, making for longer battles.
michael x
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Posted: 19th Oct 2009 08:04
hey Errant AI i just want to say thank you sooo much, your work on weapons are just wonderful. without weapon in fpsc would not be this great. i bought and appreciate everything you have done. I also have a idea for you. it would be cool if for the first time in fpsc that the characters was rig to point there guns up and down. so when they are above a player in a room they can point down to shoot you or if you are above them they can point up and shoot you. instead of them just facing forward when the player is above or blow them. plus to add as a bonus to have them when they shoot at you can see the fire of the bullet travel at the player. just a ideal would be very cool. one more thing how are these characters going to be sold meaning by tgc store some type of paypal. thank you.

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Posted: 19th Oct 2009 08:06
I actually suggested in a feature creep thread not too long ago that enemies should be able to aim on the y axis. it should all be dynamic and not animation-driven
Errant AI
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Posted: 19th Oct 2009 18:53
I agree with both you guys. It would be cool- but it should be handled dynamically. I don't think it's going to ever happen though. I'm thinking about having aiming poses for roughly 45 degrees up or down so that it isn't quite so bad if you have things like an enemy/ally on a rooftop or on the ground and looking up. If plrcanbeseen was more robust (ie: plrcanbeseen=315,45 vs. plrcanbeseen=45 to represent a 90 degree up/dn wedge) it could be script-able to adapt but I think it's a simple vertical angle checking condition and unable to be told to switch AI state if player is above or below a certian angle. Someone correct me if I am mistaken or there's an alternative condition which I have overlooked.

Anyhow. Just getting ready to verify my new right-handed conversions are working. yay!
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Posted: 19th Oct 2009 19:29
yey! this is awesome, i can't wait... you could make a zombie version of it (just thinking out loud) and make a cod-4 style thing with the normal enemies from cod-4 turning into cod-4 zombies!!...

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Posted: 19th Oct 2009 21:02
right handed conversions for the characters I will buy for X9? or are they going to be released lefty? I never really minded- I'm lefty.

It's a shame there are no perfect ally scripts yet- these guys seem like perfect allies for a game.
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Posted: 25th Oct 2009 20:10
Now I have only one issue with these characters.

Let me first start by saying these are some top-notch models. I am extremely happy to see some amazing military entities available. The quality is nothing less than I expected of you EAI, even more than I ever could have asked for.

But thats just it. These characters are amazing, but I'm afraid they're going to be over used, much like any amazing FPSC media. Every new, modern warfare game that will ever be made with FPSC will be made with these characters.

Think about it, tell me one modern warfare game made by FPSC that doesn't have EAI's guns in it?

Just something to ponder,

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Posted: 25th Oct 2009 21:46
I use MP6 all the time, actually.
General Jackson
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Posted: 26th Oct 2009 00:12
Aiming on the y axis?
I know how to do that,
when I get a little bit better in DB I'm gonna mod FPSC and as I already thought of this will be in the mod.

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Posted: 26th Oct 2009 00:18
oh, well yeah, but I meant already in FPSC. that would be good for multiplayer
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Posted: 26th Oct 2009 20:25
Pride: I dont use EAI hands cause gloves and normal life = werid.

"Im British you muppet!"-Psycho
Errant AI
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Posted: 28th Oct 2009 11:19
Quote: "also- will the walk with gun down animation be put into a waypoint script for us? "

Sorry. I need to backtrack a bit to readdress this one

It appears that the animations and movement speed when traversing waypoints are hardcoded in FPSC. That means it won't be possible with "general use" characters. By general use, I mean a character you can drop into the editor and assign whatever script to or use as a multiplayer character.

The only option it seems would be to cheat the FPE to specify the gun-down walk as the normal walk. That has the potential to mess up all kinds of things.

Anyhow. Progress is slow going but indeed taking place. I've gotten rid of all the snow angel deaths and accidentally fixed some bugs like when you shoot a guy from the side and he tumbles at you instead of away from you. I'm getting the new flinches laid in with speed tweaks and also have tweaked speed on some other things so they don't reload or get up from the ground quite so fast.

I've done quite a bit of reorganizing the animation timeline as well so that it makes more logical sense to me. Pretty much deleted everything and started over as far as that goes :S

One thing I'm tweaking now is the dead against wall positioning. It's made me realize one reason why the default characters are so tiny (80% scale). It's so they don't clip through the walls.

Speaking of walls, sometimes I want to throw my notebook through a wall.
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Posted: 28th Oct 2009 11:39 Edited at: 28th Oct 2009 11:40
Nice to hear some progress Errant as i'm really looking forward to these cant wait for the release I plan to use your animation template and customize it with some of my own animations if you choose to include the biped file during release
anyway cool work im a big supporter
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Posted: 28th Oct 2009 12:15
The gun down, sitting down, prone and all those animations could be implemented in to Torn, so not all is lost!

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Posted: 28th Oct 2009 15:53 Edited at: 28th Oct 2009 16:04
ok, well you could fix the waypoint thing with the gundown walk by simply setting a guy walk foreward and use the using the frames from the gun down walk animation. and he will stop and shoot if he sees the player or gets shot?

edit- like movefore=3 animate=(whatever) or setframe=(whatever)

add me on skype- isaacpreston. WWC percentage complete: 22%
Errant AI
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Posted: 28th Oct 2009 19:11 Edited at: 28th Oct 2009 19:28
Quote: "ok, well you could fix the waypoint thing with the gundown walk by simply setting a guy walk foreward and use the using the frames from the gun down walk animation. and he will stop and shoot if he sees the player or gets shot?"

Eh.. but if they have the gun down they are probably patrolling and that's where you'd expect waypoint functionality.

So, I've figured out what I'll do...

I'll simply have two .FPEs with different anim info. The overhead is minimum since it only would only require a duplicate thumbnail, a near duplicate .FPE and generate an additional .bin. per character.

There would be one .FPE which you'd use for multiplayer or running scripts you already have. The second .FPE would have patrol behavior and default to scripts which I will include. They could both use the same main script for patrolling but would need different shoot scripts for once he's engaged in combat. There would be only very minor changes needed to to be made to scripts to make sure the gun is up before it shoots.

Anyhow, I've got things totally sorted with death poses now and the different animations sync up properly with each other so there's no crazy popping if you knock a guy down and he gets back up. Ran into a minor issue with the flinching and that has to do with weapons which have a knockdown effect (damagetype=3), like a shotgun. The flinching works best with damagetype=1/2 weapons. With DT=3 weapons, the character will get knocked down then get back up and then flinch. It looks pretty dumb. There's a workaround with PBUM or any mod which can detect which weapon the character has been shot with. It only requires that an exception list be added to the flinch selection routine.

Found a couple other odd things with the way FPSC is set up (big surprise, right?). It seems the point in the recover animations where it starts the anim if the character is against a wall is hardcoded to an offset number of frames from the end of the animation. That strikes me as sort of a hack way to do it because there are also get up anims which default to the same frame ranges (anim13/42 and anim 16/43).

Another thing I'm trying to remember but cant (I'll search forums in a bit) is where to adjust the headshot height. I seem to remember it being setup.ini or something but can't recall.

edit: jbfreeze- I'm hoping to include biped and .fbx for these. The anims might look pretty wierd if put onto a character without a lot of gear or girth but hopefully a good starting point for modifications. I can say already that many anims shown in earlier preview will be lost in order to make room for improvement of the ones being kept.
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Posted: 28th Oct 2009 22:44
yeah, I understand, I just meant only using the gundown anim with movefore=whatever. waypointing would stay the same, and any other time he moves, give him regular animate=2. let me explain

MAIN. tells him to walk a certain direction, animate=gundownwalk. if player is seen, or he is shot: shootplr

SHOOT. uses regular walks and runs.

he wont be doing any shooting in his main script where the gun is down, therefore he will aim at the player when firing.

add me on skype- isaacpreston. WWC percentage complete: 22%
General Jackson
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Posted: 28th Oct 2009 22:52
Any gun recoil anims?

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Posted: 28th Oct 2009 23:11
wow sweet job EAI!!

Are you going to make Female Models??? Not that i care but they are in the military too...
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Posted: 29th Oct 2009 00:08
His first characters were female, were they not?

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Posted: 29th Oct 2009 01:33
errants angels on game artist group.


add me on skype- isaacpreston. WWC percentage complete: 22%
General Jackson
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Posted: 29th Oct 2009 04:58
Are you gonna do terrorists?
I wanna make a modern warfare game.

A r e n a s
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Posted: 29th Oct 2009 10:10
Ye, terrorists would be cool

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Posted: 29th Oct 2009 12:43
Civilians. (People wearing a variety of clothing, to help fill those city brawls)

Jeku always gets drunk and tries to Moderate the ocean. Tirelessly slapping the waves as they roll in.
Errant AI
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Posted: 29th Oct 2009 13:01 Edited at: 29th Oct 2009 13:02
Quote: "yeah, I understand, I just meant only using the gundown anim with movefore=whatever. waypointing would stay the same, and any other time he moves, give him regular animate=2. "

That's do-able but the point is that I don't want the waypointing to remain the same because keeping things the same would mean that it is defaulting to walking with gun up (anim2) when patrolling waypoints. If AI is patrolling it means he hasn't made contact with an enemy. So, why should he be patrolling with his gun raised?

Quote: "let me explain

MAIN. tells him to walk a certain direction, animate=gundownwalk. if player is seen, or he is shot: shootplr

SHOOT. uses regular walks and runs.

he wont be doing any shooting in his main script where the gun is down, therefore he will aim at the player when firing."

Any time waypoints are NOT being used, you will have full control over which anims to play, as you normally would. There may only be a light difference in the anim numbers you will need to use compared to characters you already have.

Quote: "Any gun recoil anims?"

I'm going to try that tonight. I'm only going to be attempting to add recoil when shooting from the idle positions. If the char is running or walking while shooting it really isn't noticeable that there is a lack of recoil. The prime challenge will be timing because I don't know if I'll be able to sync the anim to the activity. I'm already experiencing some oddities with rateoffire acting as it logically should. I'll post back (after the weekend) to say if it was a success or not.

Quote: "Are you going to make Female Models??? Not that i care but they are in the military too... "

Later on but not in this batch. It would require different walk animations and a tweaked biped. My goal is to keep that all uniform for initial release. They likely won't be uber tactical either. I think it would be cool to have like a female embedded reporter style character or something.

Quote: "His first characters were female, were they not?"

Yeah. All these characters evolved form my female base-mesh.

Quote: "Are you gonna do terrorists?"

There are like 100s of different kinds of "terrorists" depending on who you ask and who's in charge. It's sort of a touchy subject I'm not sure I want to get into... I plan to later make some generic "gunmen" which can be used as "terrorists", mercenaries, etc. but I've got to do some tip-toe-ing.

Quote: "Civilians."

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Posted: 29th Oct 2009 15:58
alright, but I've moved off waypointing, will you at least release a gun down walk script for these guys?

add me on skype- isaacpreston. WWC percentage complete: 22%
Errant AI
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Posted: 29th Oct 2009 16:34
Walk to where? Into a wall?
It shouldn't be any problem to have them with gun down if they aren't actively shooting. Be that moving into shooting range or retreating to stand-off distance. As long as I don't run into any related hardcoded surprises with move actions.

Do you have a stock script you like to use? I can use one as a starting point for testing new animations.

What sort of scripts would people like to see?

I'm still learning fpi but am willing to give whatever a shot and not shy to ask a guru if I get stuck.
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Posted: 29th Oct 2009 19:51
I just mean a little script like :state=0,movefore=3,animate=you know what

and thats all. the gun down walk is one of the main reasons I want these guys

add me on skype- isaacpreston. WWC percentage complete: 22%
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Posted: 31st Oct 2009 06:15
Hey Errant, how big are those psd files for the textures of those bad boys? I figured at about 2048x a tex, those things must be massive.
Do you know of anyway to keep file sizes down for big ones like that?

Errant AI
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Posted: 1st Nov 2009 13:50
Quote: "Hey Errant, how big are those psd files for the textures of those bad boys?"

Huge. They soak up about 2.5GB in memory when open and I have 2GB total LOL. It takes me about 20min to save or open... really sucks when I open the wrong one lol

To help though, I keep layer groups well ordered and duplicate to new file destination to backup stuff I might use later and keep the collapsed version in my main file.

Not back online yet, BTW.. Just dropped by net cafe.
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Posted: 1st Nov 2009 14:21
Nice work!

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