The shaders shown in the video require a bit of setting up for each weapon, but IIRC the stock weapons normally come with their own Illumination maps already (But no shader to support them before I wrote one.. strange)
Not sure if the shader was included with V1.7 or not, but there should be a very LONG shader name like "bumpcubereflectilluminatespec" or something. That is the shader to give to your weapon that supports everything in the title. You should then be able to supply the weapon with the appropriate texture maps for each effect. (_I is illumination map, which is all black with white spots on the areas that should be illuminated. _S is specular map, which is normally a black and white version of the normal diffuse map. _R is the reflect map, which looks the same as the _I map, except the white areas on this one specify which spots receive the _cube reflection.) Hope that helped and sorta made sense.
As for the gun camera... last I checked, it was buggy, which was why documentation was never made. Though, I do recall putting the gunspec options for it up somewhere in a code snippet. Here they are for the scifi assault rifle:
;Ply's Mod Camera
usercamera = 0
cameratex = gun_D.dds
cameratexx = 666
cameratexy = 33
cameratexxsize = 35
cameratexysize = 103
cameratexrotation = -1
cameratexquality = 5
cameratexuseshader = 1
cameratexshaderstage = 6
The only things to really note about it are the quality and useshader options. Quality is inverted, so 1 is max quality and any higher will reduce the gun camera's framerate (not the game's framerate, just the framerate for rendering the camera on the weapon) and reduce overall performance drop in the game. The useshader option, when set to 1, will attempt to render the gun camera utilizing the shader given to the weapon. The shader MUST be set up for this, though. The shader that supported this was called "bumpcubereflectilluminatespecover" or something like that, it had "Over" in the name. The shaderstage option was the texture layer stage that the camera would attempt to use within the shader... stage 6 was the stage that the aforementioned shader used for this.
And that's about all there is to the video. Everything else in it was weapon scripting.
"Water" is not in PB. There are ways to make it appear as though there is Water, but as for a hard-coded feature, there is none.
Payment is discusssed with hockeykid through email. Just email him saying that you want to purchase and he'll hook you up with the details. As for payment, that is done through PayPal.
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