Okay, here is another Bug: i have no idea why, but if i want to use the variable $EH it shows no effect at all, if i try my script with the variable $PH it works fine, i already have workarounds for this problem, but it is a little annoying if these basic scripting commands which partially have found their way into v118 don't work.
@ply: the Timeflow script uses the R CTRL but nothing happens. Tried the same thing with plrusingaction=1 and still nothing.
Other than that, is there some special trick to weapon scripts that is not mentioned in the tutorial? Because all it does is crashing fpsc as soon as i pick up my weapon. I'm using the GCS Glock, the script in the tutorial as fpi and V117 with PB 1.8 C
Well, thanks for your hard work and have one of these
Edit: i have to correct myself, $EH works in one application: setvar=EHE $EH, but if i try to directly change or ask the value via scripting it does not respond.
Israeli self defense? Isn't that Jew-do?
Ein Metaller friert nicht,
er zittert vor Wut weil es nicht kälter ist!