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Work in Progress / SoulHunter

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Posted: 14th Jan 2007 14:07
Thanks guys!
Here´s a video to show the blur in motion(video of pic 6 & 7).

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Posted: 14th Jan 2007 14:24
That blur looks good for a Ghost Mode or something!

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Posted: 14th Jan 2007 14:43
awesome could you give source ?

I have no soul.. I nobody.. I have no heart.. I have felt in the darkness.. Im the darkness.. Whatever..
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Posted: 14th Jan 2007 19:35
Dude.. Awesome game.. I have watched your videos on youtube.. Wow.. Can't wait to try a demo!

Svensk Najst spel hörrö! Jag har skickat ett meddelande till dig på youtube

Aja myckte bra spel!.. super bra!..

Tischkman Productions
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Posted: 14th Jan 2007 20:58
[Immaturity]Hee hee! You said 'super bra'! Lol![/Immaturity]

Hmm...I think I know how you have done it now. I'll mess around in DBC till I get it. Haven't used DBC in ages! I forgot how cool the editor was in a retro kind of way!

Aaron Miller
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Posted: 14th Jan 2007 23:35
That's amazing! How do you do that?

Still, this needs a sticky! If I were a MOD, I would sticky it.


GameDeveloper, make your own games with a drag-and-drop interface. Basically t3dgm+fpsc editor combined.
Bizar Guy
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Posted: 16th Jan 2007 02:23
Nice. I can see why it's so taxing on the framerate though. I bet it looks best when used on a heavily animated object, Like SH in battle.

Quote: "I believe that games are mentioned in the newsletter, only if they author sends an email asking for it to be."

Not true! I've had two mentions in the newsletter, neither of which I asked for. However, asking goes a long way if what you've got is good enough.

Pillsbury Dobok
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Posted: 17th Jan 2007 02:47
I just stumbled across this a couple days ago. This project oozes awesomeness!

However, I'm so fricken mad at my computer right now. All I have is the Intel POS card that came with it. I run the game, and I get adequate frame rate at 640x480 but I have huge blotches of backdrop blue that mess up the screen something aweful and I have no idea why. I want to blame my graphics card, but I've run high-grade DBC games before without this problem.

I HATE the fact that this Dell piece of crap doesn't have an AGP slot.

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Pillsbury Dobok
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Posted: 20th Jan 2007 04:38
This is wierd. I ran the game with all the blue screen-background pixels going nuts. I died because I could barely see a thing. When I loaded the game from level 1 cave, the glitched pixels appeared in the same color as the debugging text: white. Then level 2 loaded, and guess what!? The game ran perfectly after level 2 loaded. I haven't been able to duplicate this result yet, but I really do not know what my silly computer is up to. I'm sure my idiot graphics card must have something to do with it. Forunately for me, I just bought a new card that is currently being delivered.

OTherwise, I really should compliment you on how well this game looks. The atmosphere is definately there and that can make alot of a 3D platformer. It also reminds me just a tad of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, but more nightmarish. Beautiful.

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Posted: 21st Jan 2007 22:11
Thank you Pillsbury Dobok! I hope that those weird bugs disappears when you get your new graphics card. SoulHunter requires a pretty decent graphics card, because dbc ain´t that fast at calculating long z-distances and med-poly characters/landscapes.
Note, With the latest demo there can be some glitches with ATI-cards, just so you know. This will hopefully be fixed in the next demo.


Bizar Guy
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Posted: 24th Jan 2007 05:14
Quote: "This will hopefully be fixed in the next demo."

Do you have any idea of when the next demo will be released? I don't need a specific date. An estimated month would do.

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Posted: 25th Jan 2007 15:51
I planned to release the demo When I´ve finished the next level and how long that´ll take depends on how many ideas I come up with.

Pillsbury Dobok
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Posted: 26th Jan 2007 14:31

Yesterday evening I installed my GeForce Card your demo was the first thing I ran... literally. I ran it at the highest settings (except for bit depth -- which I had at about 16). Even witht he high resolution and all it ran just about perfectly.

(My system:
card - GeForce 5200 NVida powered PCI card 256DDR
RAM - 1 Gig
CPU - 2.4 Ghertz)

However, a few things I don't understand:

1. Now the game runs ALOT more smoothly even if the framerate SAYS it is only 20-25fps. The sword combo actually looks like a sword combo (which is mighty impressive), and the jumping looks like jumping instead of swimming. However, the fps says that it's only 20 fps.
On my older card, when I ran the game on lower settings, the fps was at most 35-40 fps and it ran SLOWER than it does now.

2. There are a few textures that have undesireably transparency. This is especially true on some trail or wall textures. There are see-through pixels that are rather ugly. Frankly, I have NO idea why this is -- especially since my graphics card is more than capable. The walls going up to the enchanted oak are just about ALL transparent in a few pixels. Also, the trail leading up to the tree-stump-hole had alot of pixel holes. Is there some black-pixel glitch?

3. I couldn't figure out the puzzel (I lit the cauldron on fire, but the fuse didn't start. This may NOT be a bug at all, but I really couldn't find any other place to use the candle.

Otherwise, this game is wonderful. It's a tad ineffecient on the system resourced, but that's DBC for ya. Now that the game runs smoother, I really do love souhunter's sword combo -- in running fast, it actually looks like a really cool melee staple.

The enemies, don't seem incredibly smart, there's gotta be a way to mix up their attacks a wee bit to keep the player guessing at where to turn. Every time I meet a smiley, it's just BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM as he approaches me and he falls like a drooling-down-syndrome guy. The rock-monster is pretty cool though -- alot tougher, but I'm not sure that my shield is working against his club because the sound effect doesn't change.

Otherwise, I had the grass on, and was truly enjoying the atmosphere in this game. I love the ethereal, dark, spooky forrest. Cheers!

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Posted: 26th Jan 2007 18:24
Thanks for testing my game(and signing up on my newsletter) Pillsbury Dobok! I´m glad the game runs so good for you now!

1. The reason why the game runs so smooth at low framerates is because I´ve made all variables fps-dependent. Why I didn´t just use timers is because when I began coding this game I knew nothing about them and at the time I had learned how they worked it would have been too much job to implement it.
Also, theres a little bug in the current demo which makes the game run too fast at lower framerates, lol.

2. The answer to that is because you run the game in 16bit depth, which compresses the textures and replaces almost-black with black. Try to run the game in 32bit depth instead.

3. Not a bug.

4. I suck at AI programming and now the AI-code is so cluttered and old, and I really don´t want to recode it. Instead I´ll give you ALOT of badguys in the forthcoming levels. The annoying sound is not going to exist at all in the next versions, it´s GONE!
You can also change the monsters attack-area in the options menu. Just note that you could make them invincible(not invisible).

I thank you again that you took your time to test the demo.

Pillsbury Dobok
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Posted: 27th Jan 2007 07:38 Edited at: 27th Jan 2007 07:39
BOOYA... I figured out that their are three pots to ignite. Fun puzzels!

At 30fps... the sword combo feels like that's the way it should be (and it takes only about 3-4 seconds to pump out). How many seconds should it take for the combo to run ideally?

BOOYA! I also put the depth to 32... that ugly transparency is GONE!

I am the keeper of the invisible flame. You shall not pass gas...
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Posted: 27th Jan 2007 14:53
I played the demo and I have to say it is one of the best Dark Basic game I have ever seen. It has a lot of potential and the quality of it is equal to commercial games.

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Posted: 31st Jan 2007 19:33

Who wants a Lemon?

I love lemons... and cats
Master Xilo
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Posted: 31st Jan 2007 19:51
amazing screenshots!!! wow
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Posted: 1st Feb 2007 10:18
So when the new demo is coming?

Private Maple Story Coder
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Posted: 4th Feb 2007 12:59 Edited at: 4th Feb 2007 13:01
I think it´s time I give you a small update on what I´m doing.

This is the first boss, the moonwarrior. He/she/it is the first guardian of the forest maps. Soulhunter has to collect all the forest maps to make his way to the center of the forest, where the wish-granting spirit dwells, who will restore soulhunter´s lost soul.
I hope you get it now, here´s the main "plot" of the game:

Soulhunter has been living as a slave for an evil circus since he was born. All these years of slavery has made him lost his soul.
One night when the circus caravan is travelling past a dark and mysterious forest, a bright flash strikes the caravan and breaks soulhunter´s cage.

The evil circus director becomes unconscious and soulhunter starts to run. Then he looks at the flash´s impact point and there´s a sword and a shield. He picks up the sword and suddenly someone whispers through the wind, that he has to find the maps that will lead him to the spirit and that the sword will help him to temporary stay alive by absorbing monster souls.

It´s a turnpoint in soulhunter´s life, but does he realize how many other creatures that has to sacrifice their souls so that soulhunter will survive?

I hope that this wasn´t too hard to read, I wrote this pretty fast so my english was not the very best.

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 4th Feb 2007 14:28
I really like the story, and the new screen. But if there's a moral issue behind absorbing the souls, then shouldn't there be creatures you need to take the souls of that you don't want to? I for one haven't felt any regret killing all the baddies in the demos...

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Posted: 13th Feb 2007 18:23 Edited at: 13th Feb 2007 18:30
Bizar Guy, maybe I just have been debugging/playing this game too much so that I´ve started to feel bad about hurting those monsters?

Anyway, I´ve decided not to go with the current model of boss number one. I just think that it looks too cuddly. If I don´t find any other use for it, I can release it to the community if anyone is interested.

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Posted: 13th Feb 2007 21:13
Doesn't look all that cuddly to me! Looks really rather good but if you are going to make something better then don't let me stop you!

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 15th Feb 2007 19:01 Edited at: 15th Feb 2007 19:01
I think there should be like one soul every few levels that is really pure that Soul Hunter needs to take, to help enphasize that he's stealing living creatures souls.

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Posted: 15th Feb 2007 22:56
Looks like it was inspired by Zant from Twilight Princess.

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Posted: 15th Feb 2007 23:32
I'm sure this was started way before the trailors for Twighlight Princess were even out

-Mansoor S.

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Posted: 16th Feb 2007 02:41
No I meant that model... because Zant is a character... and the model was uploaded recently... after twilight princess..............

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Posted: 17th Feb 2007 11:16
Actually I began making the model before I saw the picture of zant(don´t tell me anymore about him, I haven´t played the game yet), only those things coming out of his arms is inspired by zant, who I really thinks is a cool guy. Anyway as I wrote before, I will probably not use this model in the game.

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Posted: 17th Feb 2007 16:32
I really meant the arms seemed inspired by Zant. And you're right, he is a cool guy. BTW nice avatar I just noticed what it was .

Ninja Of Gaming
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Posted: 18th Feb 2007 04:22
Hey, I'm new to this and I don't even have any software yet, but I created an account early haha and I watched all the videos and I am impressed. I am also in cahoots with my cousin making a game called Urban Wars, a MMOFPS that has over 300 upgradeable weapons and he will be postin info in awhile. Now, back to the subject. Your game is simply amazing. No way this is gunna be beat by any of these guys! Move over Link... A NEW swordsman is here and his name is SoulHunter!
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Posted: 20th Feb 2007 10:22
Hey zzz,

Do you need any music for this game? Ifso i'd love to help out, played the demo and was very impressed.

Samples here

Email me at


eXus -
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Posted: 20th Feb 2007 17:55
I´ve sent you an email Junkrock.

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Posted: 20th Feb 2007 20:50
Quote: "I am also in cahoots with my cousin making a game called Urban Wars, a MMOFPS that has over 300 upgradeable weapons and he will be postin info in awhile."

I look forward to that... [/sarcasm]

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Posted: 20th Feb 2007 22:11
lol Antidote dont be mean.

Ninja of Gaming, what Antidote is trying to say is; we all, and I mean all, doubt you can make this MMO if you just joined. I have over 2 years of a experience and I'm still struggling with my mmo. I'm not saying you shouldn't try it, but I suggest that you should give up when you get stuck.

I tried making eve a simple first player FPS when I first started. I gave up within days.

It's just that even the simplest of games you have in mind take LOTS of learning and LOTS of practice and LOTS of experience. You can't just go and make an MMO, or dont you think you would have seen thousands of them pouring down this WIP section?

-Mansoor S.

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Posted: 20th Feb 2007 22:37
I wasn't being mean! I just thought than an MMOFPS with over 300 upgradeable weapons sounded like a cool idea and I guess some random script inserted that [/sarcasm] tag.

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Posted: 21st Feb 2007 04:35
Hey zzz,

I was working on this track for you. Let me know what you think NOTE its not completed and the arrangment will most likely change in the finaly version.


eXus -


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Posted: 21st Feb 2007 08:47
Woah ignore that last version! it has a crappy key change in it that wasnt ment to be exported. Here is what i ment to upload!


eXus -


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Posted: 25th Feb 2007 14:13

That´s the new boss for lv3. The things that are hanging from his arms won´t look like that when I´m done.

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 25th Feb 2007 14:57
Nice. You really are a great modeler.

How many bosses will there be? I can't remember if you've said or not.

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Posted: 25th Feb 2007 15:01 Edited at: 25th Feb 2007 15:02
I think I will make 2 more bosses plus the final boss. The number of levels between the bosses may vary.
I wonder how much longer this project will take, I´ve been working on it for more than a year now.
How long have you been working with the blockdude/verse games bizarguy?

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Posted: 25th Feb 2007 20:57
Don't you think its about time for a new SoulHunter thread?

-Mansoor S.

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Posted: 25th Feb 2007 23:41
Looks good, as always, zzz!
Bizar Guy
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Posted: 26th Feb 2007 04:58
Quote: "How long have you been working with the blockdude/verse games bizarguy?"

The engine? Oh man...

Well, I began my first version of the engine at the beginning of may 2005, so... about a year and 3/4... I think. My head's gone all fuzzy, so I'm having trouble thinking clearly. When I started though, I barely understood what a variable was, so I've been constantly upgrading the engine. I think I've nearly rebuilt it 4 or 5 times, with all I've learned. It also took a long time because I'm a lax coder. I feel no need to rush, and code when I want to.

Surprisingly, Dream is going to be a pretty small game after the massive amount of time spent on it's engine.

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Posted: 1st Mar 2007 09:38
I succeeded to make a cloth effect in dbc and it´s my birthday!

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Posted: 1st Mar 2007 16:53
Congrats and happy birthday!!!
Can't wait to see it.

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 1st Mar 2007 17:55
You continue to amaze. Happy B-day!

Aaron Miller
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Posted: 7th Mar 2007 07:52
Happy 5 days ago birthday.

I'd love to see that clothe effect.

*** Seriously, someone sticky this thread all ready

Keep up the good work.



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Crazy Ninja
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Posted: 7th Mar 2007 13:22
Woah cloth effect in DBC! That's amazing! Keep up that coding. (Happy Birthday too!)

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Posted: 7th Mar 2007 21:16 Edited at: 7th Mar 2007 21:17
Here´s a video with the cloth effect.
It´s not very advanced at all, I didn´t use any collision plugins or something like that.

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Posted: 7th Mar 2007 23:07
Nice job!

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