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Work in Progress / SoulHunter

Aaron Miller
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Posted: 16th May 2007 06:37 Edited at: 16th May 2007 06:38
You can use memblocks to create, and alter graphical effects, images, models, etc. Thats the basic explanation.

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Posted: 18th May 2007 06:42
zzz, I looking good! can't wait when it finished.

Wondering if you will get the game to be able to play using joypad? As i like playing games with controller pad

Aaron Miller
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Posted: 18th May 2007 07:23
I agree with Anto. I like playing games with joypads as well. Hopefully there is an option?



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Posted: 18th May 2007 13:32
It would be cool to play this with a joypad. Does DBC have support for joypads or do you know of a dll that can accomplish this? And yeah, I have to buy a joypad too...

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Bizar Guy
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Posted: 21st May 2007 13:20
DBC does support joypads, it's the same commands you use for joysticks. Look in the help menu under input in the commands section.

Shadow heart
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Posted: 22nd May 2007 02:30
ok looks good.

to the ones thats trapped inside of you, this is it!!
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Posted: 13th Jul 2007 17:40 Edited at: 13th Jul 2007 18:15
Oh my god?!
An update? Already?!
I´ve been in lurk-mode for a while, but now I´m back(does anyone remember me?).
Here´s a new soulhunter video and it´s more than 3 minutes long(So logically it should take more than three minutes to beat this game in it´s current state).

No demo yet, sorry. I want to finish lv4 and maybe, *sigh*, rewrite the enemy AI.


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Posted: 13th Jul 2007 17:43
hurray you've returned! Was wondering where this thing went. Can't wait till you put the vid up on youtube.

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Posted: 13th Jul 2007 18:16
Youtube version uploaded! Old post edited.

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Posted: 13th Jul 2007 19:05


Great job as always ZZZ, ad I think that was the Boss in the video? Looks amazing!

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Posted: 13th Jul 2007 22:27
Wow, incredible graphics.
Looks fun to play

I got a question, why does the main character run so slow? will there be a running option? Oh and last question is this game being published?

Sixty Squares
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Posted: 14th Jul 2007 00:41
I'm speechless . Seriously, this game is just getting better and better. I love the large creatures, especially that boss guy. Nice eyes! This has probably been asked before, but what program do you use to make the worlds again?

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Posted: 14th Jul 2007 00:52
It seems the best looking DB products are still DBC, which is quite amazing. This must be one of the most commercial looking games in DB overall - it really reminded me of the Zelda games.

Zzz, thumbs up, a big thumbs up, for your progress in this game. If the entire game if of such quality, and it is fun and controllable, this easily goes up in the list Geisha House and PoPR. It might even go in the direction of Star Wraith III and IV and RiftSpace.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2007 02:07
Wow, it just looks so phucking awesome !
It really has a great atmosphere in the vids and the graphical style somehow reminded me of Rayman

the music is great and fits very good to the game!

If this gets finished one day it'll be one of the best DarkBasic games ever made

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Posted: 14th Jul 2007 03:58
And you can finally move on DBPRO lol.. Seriously this is most beatiful games i've seen and if u move on dbpro u make more amazing stuff!

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Posted: 14th Jul 2007 04:18
Amazing. Very impressive. Will you move on to another language after you finished this?

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Posted: 14th Jul 2007 13:17 Edited at: 14th Jul 2007 13:20
Wow, so many posts...
Quote: "I think that was the Boss in the video? Looks amazing!"

Yes, that was the first boss which will appear at the end of lv3.

Quote: "I got a question, why does the main character run so slow? Oh and last question is this game being published?"

Well, his legs are really short.
By published you mean sold, right? No, it´ll be free.
I may release a cd version(like some kind of donation option), but the free downloadable version will be exactly the same.

Quote: "what program do you use to make the worlds again?"

I put my models into magic world, and I wrote a converter to remove all the stuff that I don´t need in the exported .mwdb files.
Collision is made with sparky´s dbc version of his collision dll.

Quote: "Zzz, thumbs up, a big thumbs up, for your progress in this game."

Thank you!

Quote: "It really has a great atmosphere in the vids"

Thank you too!

Quote: "on dbpro u make more amazing stuff"

I do own dbpro and I have started some projects.
One of them, which I´ll never finish, is "The viking from outer space". I made a video-post on the wip board a while ago.
Another one is a project I started not so long ago. It´s a tps/fps multiplayer game with "super mario galaxy"-like gravity. I have a vid on youtube.

Quote: "Will you move on to another language after you finished this?"

I´ll buy darkbasic x10 as soon as it´s released and when the summer is over, I´m going to learn c++ in school.

Thank you guys for all your nice comments!

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Posted: 14th Jul 2007 13:32
I've never seen this thread before but the game looks amazing, I can't believe you are giving it away for free

Dr Manette
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Posted: 14th Jul 2007 21:29
Woot, he's alive. Honestly, this game looks 100 times better than it did a year ago. Especially love the LoZ OoT graphics.

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Posted: 15th Jul 2007 00:42
Hope everyone is enjoying the music (I composed about 60% of music in the trailer)


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Posted: 15th Jul 2007 05:02
Quote: "Hope everyone is enjoying the music (I composed about 60% of music in the trailer)"

That I forgot that! The music sounds great too - really, I wanted to say something about it but it slipped my mind. Thumbs up!

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Posted: 16th Jul 2007 15:03
So glad to see this update! Looks incredible. I especially like the effort you must have went to with the chains. I'm assuming they are hard-coded? They are something that you wouldn't notice if they weren't there but the fact that they are adds a lot to the game.

Mr Tank
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Posted: 16th Jul 2007 16:09
Wow! This looks really amazing. So many little touches and special effects. A lot of effort must have gone into this and the result is really atmospheric. Things like when the big boss thing walks around, the sound goes with the screen shaking just right. The "stick to the surface of objects" style shooter is impressive too.
The music guys are doing a great job also.

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Posted: 16th Jul 2007 17:45 Edited at: 16th Jul 2007 17:47
More comments to answer...

Quote: "I've never seen this thread before but the game looks amazing, I can't believe you are giving it away for free"

It´s kinda hard to sell a game with such "outdated" graphics and by giving it away for free, more people will have the chance to play it.

@Dr Manette
Quote: "Woot, he's alive. "

I sure am, doc.

Quote: "I especially like the effort you must have went to with the chains. I'm assuming they are hard-coded? They are something that you wouldn't notice if they weren't there but the fact that they are adds a lot to the game."

I just save the xyz history of the boss´ hands into an array and then I add a little "curvevalue()" to that, done!

The chains are there for a reason.

@Mr Tank
Quote: "The music guys are doing a great job also."

Junkrock offered to make music for the game, which is great because good music is hard to find and I feel honoured that Junkrock is making music for me. The other loops are downloaded from various free music sites, mostly sounddogs and incompetech(freeplaymusic isn´t free, so all those loops are deleted).

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Posted: 16th Jul 2007 21:13
Quote: "It´s kinda hard to sell a game with such "outdated" graphics and by giving it away for free, more people will have the chance to play it."

I reckon the graphics are quite good, but I guess a lot more people will play it if it's free.

Since you are giving it away for free, could you give me some info on the code you used for the camera? It's exactly the look I'm trying to go for.

Thanks and good work

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 17th Jul 2007 07:05 Edited at: 17th Jul 2007 08:03

Honestly, outdated graphics are no reason to not sell this. If you release it online, you'll have graphics 10 times better than the average indi game with 100 time more style than most. If this were sold, and if it plays as good as the last vid looked, I would probably pay $30 for it. I don't know how many levels you're planning, but if it's the length of a commercial game I'd easily pay that much.

I wont tell you not to make it free if that's what you want, but I will say you'd have no trouble selling it... well, I want to praise you more, but I want to play the demo even more and find out what it's really like. I'm very patient though.

Edit: Soul Hunter is the reason I try so hard on Dream.

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Posted: 17th Jul 2007 07:09
Sell it zzz, this definitely has the potential to make lots of money. The graphics are great! I don't know what your talking about!

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Posted: 17th Jul 2007 12:15

Extremely beautiful project I love it and I can't wait to play it May I sugest setting up a paypal or something so people can make donations to you for your hard work since you are releasing it for free.

Either way its your choice, personally idc much for graphics I pefer gameplay...I would pay like $50 for SoulHunter from what I have seen so I don't see why you can't put like a $10 price tag or a donations box or something

Shadow heart
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Posted: 17th Jul 2007 12:32
wow it looks great, and the game looks like it's been coming along very nicely.

haha lets rock this world.
Bizar Guy
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Posted: 17th Jul 2007 16:24
I like the idea of donations. That way you can still release it for free like you want, and people who really appreciate what you're doing can give you money.

I would.

Oh! And I just watched the vid again, and do have a suggestion. When you switch from the level music to the fight music, you should do it by having them fade into each other. You could do that by having the level music go from 100 volume to 0 in that many frames, and the fight music go from 0 volume to 100 at the same time. You can't adjust music volume in dbc though, so you'd have to load the musics in question as sounds. This isn't a problem, unless you have the same issue as me where everything loaded as sound sounds like crap for a minute right after you start up the program. What I can't understand is why it disappears after a minute.
Anyways, I hope you aren't having that problem.

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Posted: 17th Jul 2007 22:17 Edited at: 17th Jul 2007 22:28
I´m glad that you like the graphics, but I will release this for free! I´ve had a small paypal donate button on the soulhunter website for a while, but the site hasn´t been updated for a long time and I´ve suspended my paypal account until next time I need it for ebay.
The the fight music has always been faded from the level music, maybe I managed to mess something up, I´ll check that.
And please, no "hype" because of the vid, then you´ll just get disappointed.

[Edit]Bug fixed, I had managed to delete a "set sound volume 90,1".

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Posted: 17th Jul 2007 23:08
The donations sound like a good idea. Just wondering if you saw my post above about the camera code? Sorry, I'm just quite inexperienced at the moment so can't create brilliant code like everyone else

Sixty Squares
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Posted: 18th Jul 2007 01:06
Quote: "freeplaymusic isn´t free"

What do you mean by free? Do you mean Royalty Free or free in general?

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Posted: 18th Jul 2007 17:11 Edited at: 18th Jul 2007 17:11
Quote: "Sorry, I'm just quite inexperienced at the moment so can't create brilliant code like everyone else"

For a third-person camera just use the newxvalue and newzvalue commands to position the camera a specified amount of units behind the character. What exactly is it that you want to accomplish?

@Sixty Squares
Quote: "What do you mean by free? Do you mean Royalty Free or free in general?"

The kind of free when you don´t have to spend any money at all.
Freeplaymusic´s royalties were quite high for my liking.

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Posted: 18th Jul 2007 21:09
Quote: "For a third-person camera just use the newxvalue and newzvalue commands to position the camera a specified amount of units behind the character. What exactly is it that you want to accomplish?"

I would like a camera like Fable or your game for instance, at the moment my camera is constantly behind the player and rotates to the player's direction. I need it so that you can rotate the player but only rotate the camera if the player is moving out of view. Sorry if this is hard to understand.

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Posted: 19th Jul 2007 21:09
I´ve never played fable, but rotating the camera when the player is out of view sounds strange. You could try using a combination of the "object in screen"-command and the "object screen x/y"-commands to detect when your character is outside the screen.

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Bizar Guy
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Posted: 19th Jul 2007 23:08
Yeah... that's not how Fable's camera works... at least for to computer, can't say about the xbox. But ok.

zzz, you should look up fable (for the pc). It's amazing. It's got amazing art and is a really awesome action rpg. It's the one where you can become good or evil and your body changes baced on how you play the game.

Here's some pics.

...I Fable.

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Posted: 20th Jul 2007 13:08
Thanks bizar guy, i can't really explain the camera that well, I guess it's just a general RPG camera. I still haven't managed to work it out though.


Just look at the fable videos and you'll know what I mean


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Posted: 20th Jul 2007 20:30
Not been on these forums for a while now, not had much time for coding of late. I just viewed the video of this game and am very impressed indeed. I notice it is in DB Classic (as people call it these days), it's amazing how most the good looking stuff is still produced on the original DB and not much has been done on pro yet.

Good luck with it. I know how hard it is to finish a project, my Desert Strike game is still uncomplete, and it was started a long time ago, with no chance of completion any time soon, or ever. Two years in and still going, nice one!

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Posted: 29th Jul 2007 13:48 Edited at: 29th Jul 2007 13:51
Ok, here are some screenshots of lv 4.
If you look close on image 2, you can see soulhunter´s reflection.

Oh yeah, the water itself is impossible to see while it´s not in motion. It looks pretty cool actually.

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Posted: 29th Jul 2007 17:00
Wicked as ever zzz! It looks awesome, can't wait for the finished product.

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Posted: 29th Jul 2007 21:52
Love the new screenshots zzz! keep it up.

Tecnuro Entertainment LTD
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Posted: 9th Aug 2007 04:03
WOW. Easily the most epic thing I've seen in DBP.

Your style is wicked. What are the mechanics behind that slice effect?

Kez: Legacy of the Flame
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Posted: 9th Aug 2007 20:12
Quote: "WOW. Easily the most epic thing I've seen in DBP."

*cough* DBC *cough*
Anyway, thanks!

Quote: "What are the mechanics behind that slice effect?"

I use memblocks to manipulate vertex data on a simple plain.

Still working on lv4, the water reflection works better than expected, but you´ll be able to turn it off if you have a crappy pc. You´ll also find a new sword on lv4.

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Posted: 9th Aug 2007 21:06 Edited at: 9th Aug 2007 21:06
one word. Godly.
rival or even better than equilibrum. Few games that i actually cant wait to try. godly. XD


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Posted: 9th Aug 2007 22:18
Verrry nice. Looks great (much better than any grahpics I've ever been able to make), I can't wait to see it finished. I've just jumped into this thread without reading it much, but am I right in saying it's inspired by Zelda?

*turns mailback on* (never remembered to use this until now)

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Posted: 10th Aug 2007 02:56
7 words!! A.W.E.S.O.M.E.

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Posted: 10th Aug 2007 07:16
Very pro looking, may i ask whats the line count?
Learning C++ thanks DGDK
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Posted: 16th Aug 2007 22:27
ZZZ-Hahaha I'm glad to hear you are considering a paypal account for donations, you and cash are gonna be after my play money this year. But I have to be true and conserve for college but every day I go into these threads it becomes harder and harder to not just thow out some money and say here you did it good job!!! Honestly, not to take down anyone else's work here in the forum but this is my list of superstars.



Geisha House

Those are just the projects I have seen and really put time into watching develop, but great work mate, I wish you the very best on this project and I know it will be a great success.

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Posted: 31st Aug 2007 22:05 Edited at: 31st Aug 2007 22:06
Wow, I´m getting better and better at posting here.
Anyway, I´m actually working on soulhunter, sometimes.
I´m about to upgrade to a new juicy pc too, equipped with one
of those beautiful 8800 ultra´s, It´ll be interesting to see what fps I´ll get in soulhunter then.

Ok, screenies from lv4:

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