And here's a little present for anyone using the Mod who wants to play with the new blocking feature but doesn't have a model to use.
This is the lightsabre that I made for testing purposes... It's fully animated and even includes a special "Custom Animation" (Which you can read about in the ReadMe).
Download the lightsabre, get it into your level, and then apply the following script to a dynamic light (Or box, whichever you prefer) which is set as "Always Active". Now, whenever you press "T" during the game, your lightsabre will do a taunting animation.
; Taunt Animation - by Plystire
; Requires Ply's Mod V1.07 Alpha 2 or higher
desc = Taunt Animation (Press T)
:state=0,keypressed=20 1:custanimgun=1,etimerstart,state=1
Also, to show off some of the AirMod effects with some Ply's Mod style (paired with the lightsabre to make it even cooler) use THIS script in the same way as the above script.
; Force Run - by Plystire
; Requires Ply's Mod V1.07 Alpha 2 or higher
desc = Force Run
:state=0:dimvar=PlrForce,setvar=PlrForce 500
:state=2,varequal=PlrForce 0:plrspeed=100
:state=2,vargreater=PlrForce 0:plrspeed=500,subvar=PlrForce 1,camfov=30
:activated=1,etimergreater=500:addvar=PlrForce 5,etimerstart
:vargreater=PlrForce 500:setvar=PlrForce 500
Now, that script will add a numeric HUD to the screen to keep track of your "Force", and whenever you run it will consume some of that force to make you run REALLY fast.
The one and only,
Those who live in the past, are destined to insanity. Those who live only for the future, will be slaves to their ambitions.
Those who live in the moment... only they, are truly happy.