Yes yes, we're already past that, you really should read all of the posts.
@Scene Commander:
Well, thanks for choosing Ply's Mod to start your Modding experience off with a bang!
As has been mentioned, graphical implementations are at the bottom of my list, but water is not AS far down the list as other graphical implementation since it inherently has gameplay aspects quite crucial to many games!
The reason I placed it so far down the ladder on things to do is because as of right now there are already ways to implement pseudo water using the Mod. A few people have already done it and with some serious scripting I'm willing to bet that you could make a pretty darn believable water physics system. No doubt a hard-coded water physics system would be much cleaner and faster and getting the water to look realistic would be great, but there are just so much more additions I want to jump into before that.
Remember, I *DO* have the code for Water, but until I'm feeling up to optimising it all and providing people with a way to "dumb down" to graphical detail for lower end machines, it just isn't going to happen.
Hmmmm, you could always grab a better CPU! Lol
I haven't quite gotten into optimizing FPSC itself. Perhaps sometime soon I'll go talk with S4 and see if he's willing to share some of his optimising work with a fellow modder.
Not sure why it takes 5 minutes for your built game to load.... on my old computer (pre-upgrade disaster) it BUILT larger levels than that in about 4 minutes and loaded them in under 1 minute.
Unless a script requires later versions of FPSC to use (specifically, scripts that require the official variable system), you should be able to run the scripts people post up in the Scripts board here.
I highly recommend that you grab the community guide and start learning how to script. It will make your FPSC creations so much better and have more potential behind them (even without the Mod).
I'm back!
Check out what I got in VEGAS!! (Pic)
The one and only,
Those who live in the past, are destined to insanity. Those who live only for the future, will be slaves to their ambitions.
Those who live in the moment... only they, are truly happy.